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51 · Dec 2020
max Dec 2020
Would you
Love me?
47 · Apr 2021
max Apr 2021
I gave her the moon
And every single star
As a token of my adoration
And she gave me
In return
The one freckle
On her nose
That I always stated at
And admired

As a thank you for the blazing center of the sun
And my charred skin
She gave me the eyelash
I swept off of her cheek

In reply
To my manny sonnets and songs
Commending her on her beauty
She gave me the single
Glistening year
Soft and dewy as it cascading down the curvature of her porcelain skin
And settled on her lips

The ones I will kiss one last time
Before they are kept six feet away from
Underneath my toes

The toes that still twitch in pain at the memory of the hot coals I walked on when she was busy kissing him.
45 · Dec 2020
max Dec 2020
I wonder if I’ll feel it
When you die
After I’ve already passed
The second death
After you’re gone
No one will remember me anymore
I hope it doesn’t hurt
38 · Dec 2020
max Dec 2020
i am entangled in you
your skin mingles with mine
legs intertwined and knotted like weeds
poisonous tastes linger forever,
you whisper that you love me

and i die slowly as i intended

the blood drips off our wrists, tainted with sweat
the smell of it stings
you tasted me
ate me
consumed me and i felt whole as i was being ripped apart
limb to limb i satiated you
you whisper that i'm being such a good boy
you touch me
numbness takes me over
you kiss my lips, dead as they are
and bury me in a place no one has ever seen
nor will they ever

i die slowly as i intended
i have no idea what happened, will probably delete soon
34 · Dec 2020
max Dec 2020
The red flag
Was painted in blood
Across your face

The warning signs
Disguised as butterflies
Fluttering in empty space

The people who told me
To step away
Never understood

While most of you was bad
You were still the only thing remaining
That felt good
30 · Dec 2020
max Dec 2020
The terrible black hole of space
In your heart, it lies there
Dormant, caught forever, not to be set free
You loose your venom, deep and tumultuous upon me
The horrible, poisonous skies of a time after humans looms in your pained eyes
Yet it is in them, dark and formidable, that I see my future
28 · Nov 2020
max Nov 2020
In spite of everything
The earth still spins
Baby I need room to breathe
It hurts to think
But the world keeps falling down
It's like
The world doesn't revolve around me
Or something
Maybe I've always been nothing

— The End —