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  Dec 2017 Alive
In the small hours of the morning,
Over the putter patter of rain,
There is a girl who hears them speak ,
And gladly does refrain.

She could not see what the world saw,
She sees not in black and white,
But in a vibrant vivid shade,
Radiating with light.

Music was her therapist,
The baseline was her friend,
And the chorus was a fantastic day,
You didn't want to end.

Because even on the coldest nights,
Music was always there,
And even in this mad mad world,
Music was always fair.

It was there from start to finish,
To when the day was done,
Through sleet, snow and wind,
Or on a dazzling island in the sun.

And as this girl continues,
But does not know what to say,
She can just sigh and know,
It is time to press play.
Alive Dec 2017
In a perfect world
Time would be tangible
I could relive the sweet moments a million times,
Feeling the same fire of emotion as I felt before

I could use the hindsight of what I’ve learned to see and do things differently
To return to a place in the past with the wisdom I have now
To alter the course of timelines and erase the wrongs

All to conjure a future just as I dreamt it,
With all the beautiful fantasies I had of us
And every blissful moment in between

A race from past to future,
trying to create what the present could be,
If only in my own imagination.
If only time could work differently.
Alive Dec 2017
So effortless it came, hurling its way through each barrier I had fought so hard to keep up.
It held me tight in a familiar but long forgotten wave of emotion.
The sweet embrace of his touch, the most secure feeling of being wrapped in his arms, the way his lips felt when they were pressed against mine...
Amidst all of my emotions for a new love, it all came rushing back to you, just for a moment that seemed to last forever. Perhaps it was because I hadn’t felt these things since I was so in love with you..
The way he would gaze into my eyes and light up at my smile,
his gentle touch and soft spoken demeanor,
his infectious smile that would make me nervous every time..
It had been years since I had felt these very same things with you, the same traits and characteristics I would always admire and continue to fall for in a person.

Swiftly as it came, the big beautiful wave of emotion was gone even faster. In hindsight, were my feelings so strong because they reminded me of you? Or because I missed the feeling of being happy and in love and all of the beautiful waves of emotion that came with it?

So it wasn’t love, it was just a wave of emotion and nostalgia that came crashing,
beautiful and devastating just the same.
can you be more in love with the feeling of love?
Alive Nov 2017
the words you’ve written are forever etched onto the walls of my mind.
frozen in time — the person I always wanted you to be, the love I always wanted to see, is trapped inside your own poetry.
but even still, I occasionally find myself tracing my fingers over the etchings you’ve left.
is there a future where friendship could ever be feasible?
Alive Sep 2017
the best and the worst part about missing you
is that I only think of the good times that we had together
the good almost always outweighed the ugly. almost.

— The End —