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We ******* up
We messed up
We tear apart
We break a heart.

This will end soon
Night replacing the noon
Day goes on and on
And for all the chances left
All I hope to bless this mess.
No one will ever know,
what we have done today.
No one will ever see,
that I let you treat me that way.
I won't show anyone
the bruises, the scars, the blood or pain.
Time will heal and the scars shall fade
The imprint on my soul, however,
will always be the same.
The burning of the flesh,
the blood oozing from my thighs or wrists,
and how you healed me with a simple kiss.
The marks you left on my neck, back, and ***
healed the ugly inside;
the monster I could not bare to face.
It came and went and as I left you
I realized what I knew already to be true...
The monster inside of me was you.
In the bitter beginning of our love,
I wet your lips with a sponge.
I laid you down to rest,
for you were so sick, baby.
I let you sleep.

And now,
Beneath your southern sky,
I hope you dream of me.
For you were nothing but
my absolute everything.
Mother am I beautiful?  No, you are pretty, just pretty....

Little girl behind the old rocker, in the corner of the living room.
So very quiet, so very sad.
So often forgotten and never listened to.
"Oh, she is just shy and a real momma's baby".
What a shame, she has no voice. Are you sure she's okay? You know....

The prison of silence they put her in.
Each cutting word stole more of her voice each day.
One day she just gave up and her voice was silenced to all.
Words were never  uttered in her prison of silence.

Each day she stayed a little longer in her own little world.
She tried to make it perfect but sadness would creep in
and her unheard tears would flow again.
Somehow she made it through her young years,
and grew up into a woman or so they thought.

Little girl still hurt, silent tears still flow.
And a smile that hides more pain
that you could ever know.
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