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Holly Jan 2015
If i scrapped my  knee,
Falling for you.
Would you give me a  band-aid?
#Stupid Love
Holly Jan 2015
Holly Feb 2015
Eyes as  deep as the ocean,
Nobody ever new,
What just could be inside of you.
Holly Apr 2016
In the sea of desk there's talk of
bags & games
and long pipes that leak dreams
with strike of a match
and there's a loudness to the
whispers i hear
whispers shouldn't be that
loud, should they?
There's a girl over there who
everyone knows
and men without ears who will
stand by the door for a price
In long hallways, there are angry
mobs of dwarves and rats
and one single angel.
Holly Feb 2015
I want to
Bury my face
In her chest
Right now until
I  fall asleep,
And then wake
Up and still
Be in their arms.
Holly Mar 2016
My heart cold and you the one
To blame for that ****,
My next relationship i
Promise ill be trained for that ****,
Cause now i'm thinking
Like a ***** so i don't get
Played like a *****.
Holly Jan 2015
When you look at  me what do you see?
You see a girl that likes to make jokes,
You see a girl that likes fun,
You see a girl that likes other girls,
You see a girl that hates to see people cry,
You see a girl that has bad grades,
You see a girl  that has not many friends,

Lets Tell You How I Really Feel,

What you dont see is a girl who is dying,
What you dont see is a girl who cuts,
What you dont see is a girl who is bullied,
What  you dont see is a girl who takes pills,
What you dont see is a girl who trys to hard,
What you dont see is a girl who soon cant take it no more.
Holly Jan 2015
My eyes blurred,
Make-up smeared,
Nose red,
Brain aching,
And bout to break a 1 & a half month.
Of being clean
But this time. its going to be done right.
Because soon, i wont be able to do this life style anymore,
becasue everything i love is leaving,
And soon me.
Holly Feb 2015
Just once,

                                   I want someone to be afraid of losing me.
Holly Jan 2015
2 months.
And now
0 days clean
Holly Mar 2016
They say you dont know
What you got til its gone,
They say that your
Darkest hour comes
Before ya dawn.
Holly Sep 2015
Did you ever love someone and know,
They didn't care?
Did you ever feel like crying knowing
It would get you no where?
Did you ever look into someones eyes
And say a lil prayer?
Did you ever look into someones heart
And wish you were there?
Did you ever watch someone walk away,
Not wanting them to go?
Did you whisper, "God i love you."
But never letting them know?
You cry at night in misery and almost
Go insane.
Hell, you don't even know one ounce
Of my pain..
All this **** you put me through,
This is something i don't want to do.
One little slit upon my wrist..
God even knows i wont be missed
Holly Oct 2015
And one night I feel asleep waking up to see
A girl like me in the paper's headline
"Another teen dies" because her life was full of lies,
Her heart was tied.
And her brain had died.
A life that depression and sadness bought.
Now she's in the sky up high.
Shes now happy, as you see
The sky is where she wanted to be...
Holly Jun 2015
Just because
My eyes don't tear,
Doesn't mean
My heart doesn't cry.

And just because
I come off strong,
Doesn't mean
Theres nothing wrong.
Holly Apr 2016
~Are you in love?
~Of love?
The one i love doesn't love me.
Holly Feb 2015
Holly Jan 2015
Why does my life ****.?
Holly Mar 2016
Holly Apr 2016
Before you **** yourself,
Just remember
That there are
Places you have not been,
And things you have not seen.
And poems to awe,
Art to draw,
Fields to walk through,
People to talk to,
Music to take in,
Games to win,
And books to be read.
So why?
Oh why,
Do you wish
To be dead...
Holly Apr 2016
How could i not be,
Be utterly intoxicated by you?
I have always
Lacked self-control
And i have never cared
To sip you *slowly
Holly Jan 2015
As i take out,
Take out the silver monster.
Beginning to hurt the soft  skin.
The  droplets of blood rise.
Making a red river.
Leaving a blood red stain.
One of those scars
Again and again.
Trails and trails.
Holly Feb 2016
I am not angry,
I am in pain.
And you put me here!
The person who's
Suppose to love me more
Than Anything...
Holly Mar 2015
I dont know how to tell you im broken,
Without feeling needy.

I dont know how to open up,
Without feeling judged.

I dont know how to cry,
When my scars feel like acid.

I just need you to see im hurting,
Without me telling you
Because my words are bleeding out
Of my mouth, waiting for you
To stitch me up and make me fine
Although i know thats not your job.
And your better off without me.

I just need you to see me
One last time.
Holly Mar 2016
If you get a chance, Take it.
If it changes your life, Let it.
Nobody said it'd be easy,
They just promised that it'd be worth it.
Holly Mar 2015
My wrist is bleeding nobody here.
Wishing if just one person would care.
As the red marks keep bleeding,
I wonder if someone knows im in needing
Of love.
Holly Feb 2015
Its                                              Not
Holly Mar 2015
I hate how we've
D r i f t e d   A p a r t.
But then again,
If you wont make an effort
To keep me in your life.
Why should i?
Holly Jan 2015
My mind runs away to you,
So sick of this lonely earth,
When i cant escape to  any other place in my mind.
I think of all the good times.
Even those bad times,
Especially the funny times.
But the worst out  of it all.
Is falling in love with your beautiful face.
Holly Jan 2015
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
My wrist are red,
And i'm black and blue
Holly Mar 2015
Why am i always chasing after
Stars out of reach in the sky?
When my  wings are broken and useless,
And i dont even know how to fly?

Why do i stare at the heavens
And wish for angels in the clouds?
When im trpped on the cold earth
And rooted  firm in the desolate ground?

What would the galaxys want
With a wandering soul in the dark?
When there are comets amongst the planets,
That leave sparkling trails in their hearts?

Ill cut out of sail from my dreams,
And crash my cracked ship in the sea.
I doubt there will be any stars in heaven
That shine in remeberance of me.
Holly Jan 2015
I seem like such a happy person.
But deep down,
Im truly not.
I know people have it worse than me,
But i still have troubles of my own.
Holly Jan 2015
To be honest I just want my fingertips to be familiar with your bare skin. I want to see you naked 3 AM and remember that I have you forever. I want my eyes to be on a first name basis with every inch of your body. I want the taste of your body to be imbedded in my memory

Every time that I see you forced to take a deep breath. I have to try and regulate my heartbeat. When I see you you an inaudible wow always escapes my lips. That’s how amazing you are to me. So amazing that every time that I’m graced with your presence I accidentally let my awe of you escape me
Holly Mar 2015
And i bet you didnt know
That she cries herself to sleep every
Night thinking of you.
Replaying everything you ever said
Everything you ever did
And wondering where she went wrong.
Holly Jan 2015
Why should i care?
You  sat there and let me hurt.
You didnt do anything.
You treat me like ****.
You have never cared.
And still.
You act like your a friend?
Well your not loyal.
Even though i still have some of feelings for you.
I don't want anything to  do with you...
Holly Jan 2015
Realized I
Lost My Heart
To Someone
Who Doesn't Care...

And I Found
It Crying  In The
Holly Jan 2015
No need to fear the beast
That comes alone to your door,
For loneliness will be  its undoing
No need to fear those beast
That hunt in packs.
They will die when undivided from their  clan,
Fear only the one
That does not come at all
It  is already here, standing in your shoes.
Holly Feb 2015
I was your Cure,
You were my Disease,

I was saving  you,
You were killing  **me.
Holly Nov 2015
Walking through the cloud and rain,
A fake smile upon her face to hide away the pain.
A silent tear escapes her eye,
She wishes she could just lay down and die.

She runs to her room and locks the door,
She looks into the mirror and doesn't recognize the girl looking back anymore.
She grabs a razor and cuts in deep,
With the warm read liquid running down her arm, she falls into a deep, deep sleep.

Awaking in a white bed,
She thinks her dream has come true and that she is finally dead.
Until a nurse walks in to check upon her dressing,
Her dream is crushed, and this has caused her stressing.

Her doctors have put her on medication,
Form her family and herself, this will consist of dedication.
And for the rest of her life, she must live mentally and physically scarred,
Never wanting to leave her own backyard.
Holly Apr 2016
Mad. Mad thoughts.
Crazy. Twisted. Sinewy.
Mad obsession, you sicken me.
You're so beautiful, love.
I grind you into a fine, soft powder,
And inhale you,
And then lick you off my fingers.
Now love, answer me.
Your face brings me death everyday.
And everyday i can't wait to die.
Bury me now, love.
Bury me now.
Holly Feb 2016
I loved you..
An i guess i thought you
Loved me back.
But i saw those messages,
The messages between you
& her..
And it made me think just maybe..
Maybe im not the only one.
Holly Sep 2015
I really miss you...
Are you aware.
Of the closeness
We once had.
The laughter we shared.
Sensual nights of passion
Our love so strong
Us against the world
Where did you go.
Yes i can see you...
Sitting in your chair.
Nodding and smiling
Pretending to listen
Where are your thoughts
They are not with me..
Please come back.
Your breaking my heart.
Im lost without you.
All i have left
Are my tears.
Holly Jun 2015
One day, whether you
Are 14,
Or 65.

You will stumble upon
Someone that will start
A fire in you that cannot die.

However the saddest,
Most awful truth...
You will never come to find

Is they are not always
With whom we spend our lives.
Holly Mar 2015
Did you ever love someone and know
They didnt care?
Did you ever feel like crying knowing
It wont get you nowhere?
Did you ever look into someones eyes,
And say a lil prayer?
Did you  ever look into someones heart
Wishing you were there?
Did you ever watch someone walk
Away, not wanting them to go?
Did you ever whisper "God i love you"
With not letting them know?
You cry at night  in misery and almost
Go insane.
Hell, you dont even know one ounce
Of my pain.
All this **** that you put me  through,
This is something i dont wanna do.
One little slit upon my wrist.
God even knows i wont be missed.
Holly Jan 2015
One day you'll look back,
And realize how you treated  me,
And maybe, If you finally grew up.
You might actually feel bad about it.
Holly Apr 2015
Where did forever go?
You said you would be there.
Through ice and snow.
The pain.
You would never know...
Your still lauging.
As im here collapsing.
You dont care.
You never had.
You never will!
Never will you truly be mine...
Holly Mar 2016
They tell you to be yourself,
And they judge you...
Holly Sep 2015
my friends
aren't you supposed to comfort me?

my friends
aren't you supposed to stick with me?

my friends
aren't you supposed to back me up?

my friends
why do you tell lies about me to your friends and family

my friends
why do you spread rumors about me?

my friends
why do you ignore me?

my friends
why do you never call me back?

my friends
why do you ditch me for the next best thing?

aren't friends supposed to be buds?
to stick together?

to laugh at each others' jokes?

but no

my friends
all you do is mock me

my friends
the only thing you do is put me down

I had only two friends

my friends?

I have no friends
Holly Jan 2015
God Took 7 Angels In 2011-2013
He Took Clarence, and Betty Holley,
Tracey O'Donnell,
Angel Cooper,
Edward Johnson,
Wayne Houseweart S.R
Nellie Wilcox.
He Took These Angels To
A Machine Where They Will Live
These People Were All Loved Dearly, And Will Be Missed.
Rest In Peace Little Angels.
Holly Feb 2015
I used to know a girl
With a smile on her face
A rose in her cheeks
And a symphony in her lips.

Now i know a girl
With slices on her wrist
Snow in her cheeks
And a secret that persists.
Holly Jan 2015
Little boy: Are you an angel?

Me: No why?

Little boy: Because my mommy said if someone has red marks they are  angels that fell from heaven and hurt themselves so they can go  back because they don't like life on earth.

Me: Your mommy must be a very smart person.

Little boy: Shes a angel too, But shes already back in heaven.
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