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 Oct 2013 Qadriah
Lara M
It's funny how memories play out in your mind
like you could almost see them in 10 second clips
Usually of your favorite bits and pieces of them
Wishing you could slink them out of your head and put them to play on a projector
Blissfully watching what was your happiest moments.

I think my head is overflowing with cassette tapes and miles and miles of film full of you
You and your face and us,
all of the things we did that were so memorable to me
Which was a lot when i think about it
they rewind in my brain so many times during the days and no matter what i can never get them
or press stop
And sometimes i think that maybe in some way i don't want them to go astray
They make me who i am and who we were.

All together i think it's almost two years worth of memories
And all together i think it's three years worth of feelings
I've had for you
and i've been submissive to all the memories no matter how much pain they cause me
Of course i remember the bad ones to,
the ones we spent arguing and feeling inadequate for it afterwards
Even the bad ones had passion in them
no matter the fact we were so young and didn't
Fully understand how much a relationship like the one we had required understanding and common
Sense and maturity.

You cannot have that amount of passion for someone if you did not feel the upmost of love and Care that we felt
at least what i felt for you
Rooting from within the core of my brain where the memories are stashed is such a potent and concentrated mix of love
That no quantity of hate that i could try and spur up could water it down
Even now, with the countless reasons i have to forget you and yank out those memories and bash them into the ground and light a fire
I can't
because when i look at you i feel the most powerful emotions any human possesses;
Love and hate.

I didn't know they could be mixed in such equal amounts
And i pray to a god that i don't believe in that i someday feel one more than the other
To push the scales off the balance they stay
So i can walk away from you
your memory
Every last trace of you in my system
because i know for now at least,
that loving you is a one way street now
And the only thing it'll be of use to me
is to hold together every last tape, film, cassette, picture,
and written word that embodies you.

They're funny things, human memories.
 Oct 2013 Qadriah
 Oct 2013 Qadriah
What, tell me,
is this lead in my brain?
When was it placed there?
Why have I abstained
from those nonsensical stories
I wrote as a kid?
Little mind unscathed,
silly thoughts untampered with.
I was such a quick thinker,
the reel never quit
What happened to the cheeky me
full of bravery and wit?
Now this heart's always pounding,
mind full of wanton dread
I suppose I'll start by peeling
Let's say off with my head!
Layer by layer
hold fast in its stead
One thought at a time now,
'til I'm back from the dead
 Oct 2013 Qadriah
 Oct 2013 Qadriah
When you've reached the point
Where you can't even cry
And you don't feel anything anymore

It's more frightening
Than the most sorrowful of sorrows
Because it means you've given up
 Oct 2013 Qadriah
One day when you're lost
And you do not want to live
Just remember me
 Oct 2013 Qadriah
"listen to me!" his mother said
"If I see one more tear, you'll never see her again!"

the five year old boy's cheeks
still flushed
his eyes swelling like
a pop-knot
they are ****** red
his chest will surely
explode from the tension
any moment now

he clenches the tube of
ointment in his front pocket
of the new pair of jeans
his grandma bought him
on the way back from
North Carolina

the young boy wipes his eyes,
rubs the bald spots on his head,
noticing his last eyelash has fallen on
the last tear running down his

his grandma holds him tight, she says:
"I love you. I'll be back soon."

he can feel his mother's
needle-worn arms pulling him away.
he can smell her morphine sweat.
he can taste her oxycontin breath.

despite watching his grandmother
close the door of her 1990
green Beretta and drive
off Walnut Street and
down Oakford Ave--
the little boy
never cried
(C) Shang
 Oct 2013 Qadriah
What if we never met?
what would then life beget
Would the suffering of you parting ease
Would not your existence please
like it does always to me
though countless time i went heartbroke
But now I am more, as off you go
and i am broke
Across the sea shall you be
would i never be there, letting you know
How beautiful you really are so

What if the pond we met at was never a part
of our lives which we cherish equally although apart
and the half moon on top of the football field
was like another regular moon, hidden with stealth
What if the colors on our faces never changed that day
and there was no water to wash them away?
What if i never told you how beautiful you really are
but i guess a million would tell you far,
a lot far from where i lay
where with you my heart stays
but would it not go so beyond
would there be no bond,
if we never met?

Isnt it beautiful to think though
you bring me sunshine on every morning
and i remind you of things you ignore
perhaps i would never bother you with them
if we never had met before
but i guess we had to, synchronize with the harmony
as dancing to the rhythm of life's own irony
fate called and would call but i guess
to have met you made me myself
 Oct 2013 Qadriah
Lyra Brown
twenty one and burned out
like a cup over a candle.
"you're so young, you're too young,
you're too young to even realize how young you are."
he said to me before i went home the other night.
i laughed and tried to believe him, while trying to laugh in a way
that would display the many lives that lay within me.
i wish the world would start noticing
how looks are deceiving and hearts are receding and bodies are forgiving.
i've spent too much time living the lives of the ghosts that haunt me.
i'm exhausted from moving out and moving in,
trying different lives on like clothes that don't fit -
peering into the lives of other girls who tell me
that they are addicted to feeling accomplished and not
defeated, while i nod in silence,
then spend the entire night awake, wondering
what they mean.
i've dreamt up a million ways you could have said goodbye.
i've spent two years in the waiting room of hope,
only to be called into the office of indifference,
which happens every time i show up
to my appointments with forgiveness.
i'm still waiting to meet him.
but it's alright, my name will come up on the list
of names soon.
it's all over now and i've grown into being glad.
i learned patience the way i learned to walk.
sometimes i miss it, the way the sadness was a lifestyle,
but novelties become exhausting and boring and
so overly dramatic and annoying.
i'm still frustrated, you know.
even though i make it look easy.
being pretty is like putting on a movie you have no
intention of paying attention to.
it's easy and i don't care.
by saying that, i mean i don't need you,
the way you think i look like i do.
what i'm trying to say is, i still love you
even though admitting mistakes is not
something humans brag about very often.
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