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And we did.
     I swear we did.
          I showered in your scent this morning while you
              read to me my own work telling me I was foolish to
                 write such dark poetry. That you would love only me
                                                                ­                                                                 ­        forever

And we did.
   We made love and had long dialogues
       like grown-ups. Talking about politics and
           global warming and my left big toe and your
              fantastic way of explaining what our romance
                                                         ­                                                                    means

God, we did. I could  
    ******* swear we did.
        My body is naked from the knees upwards
            and my imagination runs wild, even faster than
               your thrusting hips and your spanking hand and
                      ugly words. My soul is drunk tonight and I wish it
                                                                ­                                         sobered up        
                                                      ­                                                                 ­                                       *never
When you don't use tissues, not even your shirt
and the floor gets most of it
you talk with ghosts
and whisper and sob and scream
his name
when your lungs forget how to breathe
and your hands are eager to hurt and cut
but. the phone still rings, ignored.
 Oct 2010 Pink Taylor
Stop with the daydreams
Of wet ******* unicorns.
Stop with the dam spillway
Of "undeserved tears."
Stop looking in the rear view mirror
And start looking at your **** rear.
Stop the inverted visions,
Need help?
Walk the streets of Calcutta,
Better yet,
Pitch a tent with the homeless.
Stop the mindlog.
Stop the driveling outlog,  
Just stop.
All rights reserved by the author
Yes, I will eat you:
but you don’t meat my requirements
like you would a person

No, I’m not that scary
once you get to know me, somewhat
the point is, you look delicious

And I’m going to have to consume you
every last little scrap of you
and I’ll put your face in a frame

I hope you don’t mind,
I chopped off your hands
they hold the silverware now

Your eyes would make lovely pendants
and your teeth would make great bracelets
your tears would glaze

Don’t worry, I’d be flattered
if someone ate me
like I will you
 Oct 2010 Pink Taylor
Emily Fay D
It was as if the earth could breathe
But it couldn’t, I remembered, even after the
Sky yawned wide and ate us both.
        (of course, we weren’t the only ones,
        but you’ll suffer for poetry?)
You held my hand tight because you
were afraid
        (maybe it was I who held you?)
But we had nothing to fear
So says you, but we never did
get anything right.
        (not intentionally, anyways)
“Forever isn’t black,” you suppose, “there’s land still”
I nod and agree but do not speak
You open up and can’t but say “It’s as if the earth can
Written November 9, 2007
 Oct 2010 Pink Taylor
Emily Fay D
This room smells of cigarettes and ******* (“My daily cologne,”)
Before it was bought, this place was a home—
But now it’s just storage—
A place to get horizontal.

You don’t have a religion (“This isn’t adultery,”)
You proudly show your body
You’re not afraid of sin
You’re not afraid of this intense heat (“I’ll let you **** me thin.”).

I can reach you at *69
Being away makes everything hard.
It’s a 1-800 number—
Payable by cash or card.

Even when we were teens (“When you were sixteen,”)
You could always pleasure me (“And I was fourteen,”).
Even though I’m married (“It was the best time for me.”),
You’re the one I need.

You’re the angel in these bed sheets (“The devil with my chains.”),
The local roaming God—
We down whole bottles of sweet Champagne (“You didn’t even have this at your wedding,”)
And stand up on the balcony (“Having *** in the rain.”).

Sweat glints on your body in this smoke-filled light
And shimmers on your neck.
(“My eyes are open so I can remember,”) My eyes are closed so I can
Forget, forget, forget.

You won’t change yourself (“Come away with me,”),
And I know that you won’t cry (“I can make you happy,”),
But even though my eyes are closed (“The tract marks will disappear-”),
I like to pretend you try (“We can live forever if we make it past thirty.”).

This room smells of alcohol and ******* (“The scent my wife just knows.”),
Know that I remember and love you (“I don’t want a wife, I want”),
But you’re not just mine to have (“you to be with me.”),
Just try to save some time for me.

This romance of ours is deep (“We’re not going to make it.”),
Even if it’s two hundred and hour—
You were always worth the money
Saying the one is me (“Even if we try,”).

We’re going to die here together,
Just you and I (“The tracts are way too deep.”),
We’ll be in each other’s arms
In life we couldn’t do that (“But in death we’ll **** well try”).
Written November 8, 2007
I am the poison that you drink to stay alive
I am the death that walks across your step,
And creeps your room at night.
Till the day comes and there is only light.

But once the day ends
Another chapter of my crazy life begins
And nothing  can get out or in
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