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 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
snowflake on my heart
melting in this storm of beats
has drowned my last breath
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
Bare it all
Take it all

My pride
My greed
My apathy
Deliver me of
My spite
My rage
My gluttony
Strip me not of my lust
I will strip naked for you

Bare it all
I crave your body
Take it all
Urgently, touch me

 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
You keep me waiting

I wait, I wait, I wait...

Just a little longer now
I know it
I do

You'll be here

I just have to wait

Wait for love
Wait for bliss
Wait for you

Be patient

Wait it out
Just wait it out

Just wait



I'm still waiting for you

I wait and wait and wait...

Any moment now
I think you'll show
I count on you

Maybe someday
You might appear

I keep wasting time

Waiting on a presence
Waiting on a touch
Waiting on you

Be strong

Wait for my turn
Wait for it to come
I wait



I waited for so long

Waited, waited, waited some more

You never came
I should've known
I trusted

Time traveled backwards
I stared the clock

And waited

Waited for you

I'm in line
I'm last
One day
I'll be
The last
For you.
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
I'm Ready
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
There's a lot I don't know about a lot I want to,
There's a lot I know  about that I shouldn't want to hear.
But I'm going to listen anyway, not knowing sadness is not knowing love.

You've got to be true to yourself,
And I don't wanna make you a liar.

I'm falling for you but I probably shouldn't be.
I'm asking for you but I probably won't be.
I'm losing for you but I'm okay with that.

I'm ready to catch you,
I'm dying to catch you.

But I know I need to be ready to just be silent,
Ready to know that I'm just here.
I'm ready to watch the pieces fly back together.

This feeling is growing, it's starting to hurt.
It's not a problem, I'm going to be happy for you.

I can't be selfish anymore,
I want you to flourish :)
The bliss can be fleeting
Two hearts together beating
Love meant to last forever
Don’t touch me…ever

Feelings are hurt,
Just a bump in the road

Words said in jest
Felt like a punch in the chest
Misunderstood, but intentions were right
Whispered words plead your case…late at night.

Tangled lovers unite.
Just a bump in the road.

Old love can be best
Been put to the test
Even old partners can make a mistake
We forget, and others feelings we forsake.

Harder to smooth when deep rooted pain
Just a bump in the road.

Communication is key
Don’t just let it be
We work through tough dealings
Then back are fond feelings.

True love strikes again
Just a bump in the road

Life’s highway is long,
Subject of many a song
How do we get to the end?
With a love, and a friend.

We pave it all smooth.
Was there a bump in the road?
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
Sam Oliver
I am nothing without someone who can make me into something.
Valuables aren't valuable unless the owner grants it value,
And so
I am worth nothing,
Because my owners have deemed it so.
They own my heart,
My soul,
My allegiance,
But they throw it around like it's disposable.

And so,
It is.

My disposable soul will gladly destroy itself for their whims,
Because they own me,
And they give me value.
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
Jay Jimenez
The cry of a baby wakes me
apartment two doors down
moms a crazy dope fiend
no grocerys babies hungry
a tale of the city
where the prettiest thing is
a mouse trap and a fly strip
Mom strips to feed baby
baby strips its dignity
for the other tenats know
thats moms a *****
and baby has no hope
but the same life
poverty follows baby to a early age where
other kids  mock him for being ratty
babys puts up with teasing
goes home to more dismay
as mommy lays
bruise and battered
oh the days they add up
where baby goes through this pain
till one day baby catches a break
a mike and a pen
and soon I wake up to baby.....
made it big
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