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 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
Fire Imps
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
Fearing the faith,
Scared of most love.
They bring understanding,
But are rejected as foes.

They try not to grimace,
To whine or complain,
As it uncovers the stitches of sin.
And if, indeed, they begin to slack off,
They must sew their weaknesses shut.
And though pain undesired,
It shall, with force,
Be used in an instant,
To rip, flay, and humble their souls.

And although they instate it,
Its effects won't fade,
As it gives way to a horrible gloom.
Though too long without a touch,
From Mother Pain,
And their Beings will twist,
Becoming as sickly and vile,
As the ****, that around them decays.

So as can be seen, alarm is unneeded,
They wish to bring us no harm.

But only to help us,
To harvest the fruits,
Of our labors, we've since, forgotten.

Even still, we're blind to their kindness,
We see them as unworthy pests.
And as their presence is no longer welcome,
They disappear on the winds breath.
Regrets we had many, and go back we could not,
And we all went downward, again.

As we fell into the graves,
We had dug for ourselves,
We thought, "Maybe they meant well?"
Alas, mattered not, as we all found out,
As we fell to the depths of our own filth.
And as we burned, the Imps could not help,
But to pity our fate.

And after a sigh, and a shake of the head,
They got on with the rest of their existence.
And as the winds and tides of time
Washed over the empty, barren land of thought,
Nothing was left, no one to remember.
And in a blink, we were less than the dusts.
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
I think of all the poems I've written, and all the words I've said.

And I wonder if I will still be here, a long time after I'm dead.

These poems to me are so much more, then writing on the wall.

They are the feelings I have felt, and help me when I fall.

I look and see the titles, as time has passed me by.

Remembering the pain I've felt, this is not a lie.

Some are controversial, and some are full of fun.

Others are quite a shock, and some are far from done.

But my poems are mine and mine alone, this I can't deny.

I must continue to do my best, I must continue to try.

So if someone were to read my poems, and leave a word or two.

Then my time has not been lost my friend, as long as you were true.
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
Taunt   the   Blade


Naked   Skin



Internal   Storms   Within








Pleasure   Spreads

**..    Embrace   ..   Freewill   ..
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
Breathing is
Without air,
Without sound,
Without which gives
To my weathered
If only to touch you,
Reach you
In the slightest shudder
Of my eyes.
My soul
Is yours.
My heart,
I succumb.
My every inch of sanity
Covers me,
Wakes the faintest
Shadow of you.
I long for that day
When the sun shines on me
Like how it does
Every morning
Next to you.
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
I slowly walked into the Boardroom


You could here a pin drop


Locked the door behind me


Opened up my tatty briefcase


Pulled out two Beretta 93R automatic pistols



Corporate ******* annihilated
 Nov 2010 Pink Taylor
JJ Hutton
Call me crying, sweetheart.
The sound of you cracking,
would be a joyous symphony
to lonely ol' me.
Your defeat would only affirm
my prophesy.

I love you, kid.
But that doesn't mean
I don't want you to be
absolutely miserable.
Get ******, call me bitter,
cruel, or a synonym of sorts,
but allow me to remind,
my use of the word "love".

I saw you stand alone.
You had a majestic, individual soul,
now you are a blinking projection,
of what some hungry boy wants
you to be.

How often do you see him
when you don't undress?

How often do you whisper,
"I love you" without making a mess?

I hope all your thoughts
are second thoughts.
I hope all your fantasies
turn to lucid dreams.
I hope your tethered body
tears from the seams.

I love you, kid,
and I want only victory.
Copyright 2010 by J.J. Hutton
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