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 Mar 2011 Pink Taylor
When am I going to realize,
That I can do whatever I please?
I can speak out my opinions
And I can drop my formalities.

I don't have to wait to be told
Whether or not it's okay
I can do anything I desire
I can say what I want to say.

I have the right
Who needs validation?
I don't need it, neither do you
Nor do I need confirmation.

I can write my own rules
I can stay up late
I can break them, too
And I can sleep all day.

Why do I seek to be told,
Whether or not it's all right?
I can do whatever I want
I'll spread my wings and take flight.

To be bold is to do what you want
Not what you're told
And I know I want to be bold
I'm not going to wait until I get old.

I'm not going to wait until I break
From holding myself back
Cause then I've waited too long
To conquer what I lack.

Time is running out
Even though they say you have plenty
But they say that as a comfort
Cause they waited, like many.

I won't wait any longer
Time isn't going to freeze
When am I going to realize,
That I can do whatever I please?
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
Of all the books in the world
you are my favorite story.
with words that make me cry,
but only from beauty and discovered truths,
the lines which make me move,
haunt me like ghosts in my memory,
I once knew you,
We could talk but it would ruin the mystery,
I isolate myself still,
into the silence,
where I read my favorite story
 Mar 2011 Pink Taylor
 Mar 2011 Pink Taylor
There was a planet within us
and a bridge between our minds,
two walls between our hearts. 
The echoes of our sighs 
bounced off of raindrops 
and soaked into oceans.
That cold morning my heart expanded, 
it tried to fit all of you inside
but your voice alone
filled it to the brim and
now these quiet nights
leave that pocket on my left hand side
aching for your love.
I've never been good at arithmetic
but you were more than fraction.
Infatuation is a slippery *****
and I've never been someone with traction.
© wordswithmypulse
Both you and I
we have young eyes
that have yet to see the world turn.
 Mar 2011 Pink Taylor
Larry B
My wife said write a love poem
So that's what I will do
Someone said that roses are red
Or was it violets are blue?

Oh well, you understand my meaning
You know what I'm trying to say
Your eyes are like a pickled beet
So stop looking at me that way

Your kiss is like a bathroom plunger
Each time you **** my face
Your smile looks like a circus clown
That came from outer space

Your breath smells like an armpit
That brings me to my knees
Your hair is like a brillo pad
As stiff as a summer breeze

Your voice is like a banshee in heat
My wife say's, "That's Enough!!!"
I tried to tell her I don't know how
To write this mushy stuff
let’s just agree to be jealous for each other,
and live in
for the remainder of our
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