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 Oct 2011 Alexsandra Danae
Far below,
Swathed in mist,
A memory forlorn
Rekindled the glow.
A face swept past
A fleeting laugh
A glimpse, amongst the vapours,
A smile between the fog.
The thumping sound
A crash, unseen
A fall, unheard
A chaos, inbetween.
The periwinkle sky,
The golden rays,
A painted dream,
Of desires, ablaze.
Swirls of colours,
Whorls of fate,
Entwined destinies
A wish to make?
A sudden knock
On doors long locked
An awaited answer
A question never asked?
The cherished memory.
A moment's life
An everlasting joy
Of a short lived dive.
I am the Grey man,
I shake with shakes,
I moan and I've danced too,
I loved with a loss,
I haven't forgotten you.

The day seems brighter,
my eyes cant adjust,
I've made rhymes of a writer,
yet I wish I was dust.

Although cold and sometimes alone,
I have company deep in my bones,
you may love me and I love you too,
But I am the way of the Grey,
Because I cant see Blue.
i feel...trapped.
i'm locked in a box,
in my very own mind,
and i cant get out.

i cant escape,
cant leave, i hold the only key,
but there's no convincing me,
i wont give it up.

i cant. not yet.
i wont give away my sanity.
i wont give it away,
cant let it free,
cant let go of what makes me, me.

it builds up, all this depressive creativity,
longing to break free,
to bursts through the cracks,
and bubble up from beneath.

to leave me feeling...empty.
empty, and relieved,
that my eyes can see me for me,
and not who my captors want me to be.

i want to be free.
 Oct 2011 Alexsandra Danae
Luke H
I felt you today
Paddling in nothing
Between my neurons

Holding pain impulses
By the hand
Tugging them across

Was it for a badge?
A ribbon?
For cheap dharma?
 Oct 2011 Alexsandra Danae
Is it your face
that adorns the garden?

Is it your fragrance
that intoxicates this garden?

Is it your spirit
that has made this brook
a river of wine?

Hundreds have looked for you
and died searching
in this garden
where you hide behind the scenes.

But this pain is not for those
who come as lovers.

You are easy to find here.

You are in the breeze
and in this river of wine.
 Oct 2011 Alexsandra Danae
The sky was lit
by the splendor of the moon

So powerful
I fell to the ground

Your love
has made me sure

I am ready to forsake
this worldly life
and surrender
to the magnificence
of your Being
 Oct 2011 Alexsandra Danae
Up, O ye lovers, and away! 'Tis time to leave the world for aye.
Hark, loud and clear from heaven the from of parting calls-let none delay!
The cameleer hat risen amain, made ready all the camel-train,
And quittance now desires to gain: why sleep ye, travellers, I pray?
Behind us and before there swells the din of parting and of bells;
To shoreless space each moment sails a disembodied spirit away.
From yonder starry lights, and through those curtain-awnings darkly blue,
Mysterious figures float in view, all strange and secret things display.
From this orb, wheeling round its pole, a wondrous slumber o'er thee stole:
O weary life that weighest naught, O sleep that on my soul dost weigh!
O heart, toward they heart's love wend, and O friend, fly toward the Friend,
Be wakeful, watchman, to the end: drowse seemingly no watchman may.
 Oct 2011 Alexsandra Danae
A lover asked his beloved,
Do you love yourself more
than you love me?

The beloved replied,
I have died to myself
and I live for you.

I’ve disappeared from myself
and my attributes.
I am present only for you.

I have forgotten all my learning,
but from knowing you
I have become a scholar.

I have lost all my strength,
but from your power
I am able.

If I love myself
I love you.
If I love you
I love myself.
 Oct 2011 Alexsandra Danae
Come, come, awaken all true drunkards!
Pour the wine that is Life itself!
O cupbearer of the Eternal Wine,
Draw it now from Eternity’s Jar!
This wine doesn’t run down the throat
But it looses torrents of words!
Cupbearer, make my soul fragrant as musk,
This noble soul of mine that knows the Invisible!
Pour out the wine for the morning drinkers!
Pour them this subtle and priceless musk!
Pass it around to everyone in the assembly
In the cups of your blazing drunken eyes!
Pass a philter from your eyes to everyone else’s
In a way the mouth knows nothing of,
For this is the way cupbearers always offer
The holy and mysterious wine to lovers.
Hurry, the eyes of every atom in Creation
Are famished for this flaming-out of splendour!
Procure for yourself this fragrance of musk
And with it split open the breast of heaven!
The waves of the fragrance of this musk
Drive all Josephs out of their minds forever!
 Oct 2011 Alexsandra Danae
At last you have departed and gone to the Unseen.
What marvelous route did you take from this world?

Beating your wings and feathers,
you broke free from this cage.
Rising up to the sky
you attained the world of the soul.
You were a prized falcon trapped by an Old Woman.
Then you heard the drummer's call
and flew beyond space and time.

As a lovesick nightingale, you flew among the owls.
Then came the scent of the rosegarden
and you flew off to meet the Rose.

The wine of this fleeting world
caused your head to ache.
Finally you joined the tavern of Eternity.
Like an arrow, you sped from the bow
and went straight for the bull's eye of bliss.

This phantom world gave you false signs
But you turned from the illusion
and journeyed to the land of truth.

You are now the Sun -
what need have you for a crown?
You have vanished from this world -
what need have you to tie your robe?

I've heard that you can barely see your soul.
But why look at all? -
yours is now the Soul of Souls!

O heart, what a wonderful bird you are.
Seeking divine heights,
Flapping your wings,
you smashed the pointed spears of your enemy.

The flowers flee from Autumn, but not you -
You are the fearless rose
that grows amidst the freezing wind.

Pouring down like the rain of heaven
you fell upon the rooftop of this world.
Then you ran in every direction
and escaped through the drain spout . . .

Now the words are over
and the pain they bring is gone.
Now you have gone to rest
in the arms of the Beloved.
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