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  May 2014 PS
There's no place like home
And my home is you
PS May 2014
somewhere in corner
Like roses waiting for dew
I wait for your warmth
Soaked in rain
Your memories run down my spine
(Morning Nostalgia)

Pashupatinath temple*
The rain drops on the golden roof
the mountain breeze to pacify my soul
The life can be beautiful
When serenity surrounds to bind us
(Afternoon Divinity)

Crying strings, the music of life
White smoke in air
The sound of cheers
Wish the time stopped here
(Evening Bliss)
PS Apr 2014
Perfect suits
Soul mates
I'd rather search my soul  !
PS Apr 2014
She wasted the words in the dust bin of her room
Every day that  bin became  heavier
May be the words have weight
Waiting for the perfect verse
She put her heart on the desk
And painted the blank paper blue
Red was the color she wanted
But this world refused to accept  
There was a prophecy  
One day her  blue will speak louder than all reds together!
welcome nnyaa..........
PS Apr 2014
My insomnia
Fear of waking up tomorrow
the sole reason
  Apr 2014 PS
Broken shards of a broken heart-
Each piece composes a different line,
Then from the crevices bleeds out your poetry.
And then you ask me why it doesn't rhyme.

PS Apr 2014
The pangs of love
waiting to heal
eternity has passed
yet another lifetime to go
I thought we were almost there
But u lost me
Like blades of fan chasing each other
I chase our reality, I chase my soul  
life was never a merry go around
and will never be
suspended in purgatory
I sleep every night dreamless!
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