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273 · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
Unlock those chains the Devil put you in
Unlock your mind where yesterday was from when
Unlock hour heart where your tomorrow can begin
The Devil has you shackled with strong lock
Yet Jesus knows how break and knock
But Jesus has the key and knows how to unlock
No need to settle for darkness end
Step into the light and watch as the beauty of you that will begin
The Devil wants to pound and keep you bound
But just look up and around, and its Jesus Praise being the sound
Chains can only stay on if you allow
But seek Jesus while he can be found
Your soul will appreciate, but unfortunately unbelievers will not be able to relate
Goodness comes from Christ
It’s not a confession to the Priest seeking advice
Just tell the chains to fall off
Be faithful and knowing your stance
With Jesus this is how you advance
Merciful father who gives all a chance
The Devil wants to be King and have you in a fire fierce grave
But the point is, the Devil needs to behave
Tell the Devil your true soul belongs to Jesus
The Holy Spirit are controlled by Heaven
It’s Heaven alone
Understanding comes in letting it be known
Shake those chains and watch them come off
This will make the Devil mad of course
But will be chains away and praises that will be ok.
preservationman Dec 2014













273 · May 2016
A soldier’s battle drum
preservationman May 2016
The sun has risen
Tomorrow being the new day
You are yet fighting for justice and freedom
But it’s your dignity and honor that prevails
I see numerous naval ships on the set sail
The mission we can’t fail
There’s a job that needs to be done
We are not finished until we have won
The Fallen Soldiers have finished their battle tour, but they too can’t be forgotten
The American Flag stands high and proud
It’s the moment to reflect in being allowed
Conquer we will and victory we shall
It won’t be until
Salute being continuous
It’s not something contagious
I hear military voices in the background
The enemy is near
But as Soldiers we cannot show fear
God has given us a personal creed
“Be a strong soldier in order to proceed”
Yet the battle drums beat long
Onto the battle with a mission where we belong
Music plays in the distance and echoing out
Inspirational singing is what I am talking about
Endless struggles seemingly beyond repair
But don’t get weary and full of despair
A Soldiers walk is God overseeing in that captivation talk.
preservationman Apr 2015
Recently covering at my Fortune 500 Corporate Headquarters on the Executive Floor
There were some changes to what used to be a hand code
Now there is a card which only one person has
However what makes this so bizarre, I am working in the mailroom and, I must walk all the way to the front so the person with the card can see my face in the camera in order to buzz me in when the card person is available
But wait, there’s more
The reason for all of this because the security card person states, “She read somewhere a CEO was attempted to be kidnapped and killed, and that is the reason for this sudden change
But it doesn’t stop there, and it gets even more interesting
I was told today that if there’s a fire, and the Executives need to get out, there is a door, but blocked by a wall. The person holding the security card can get hammer to knock down the wall so the Executives can escape
I hope the Executives will be wearing a cape
Also not act like an ape
It would take the strength of Thor’s hammer to tear down that wall
But the question being, why have a wall to block in the first place
It sounds more like a lot of waste along with haste
This was my day and what more could I say?
After this day, it’s back to my regular location to stay
Then back to my location to start another day.
273 · May 2016
preservationman May 2016
Cracked mirror with ridges of anger
Raft with scars for revenge
Decay of the spirit
The split heart
Keenness of evil wit
Echoes upon echoes of sounding death
Lightening expels throughout the skies
Souls having no bodies
Angry Gods with a raging voice
Destruction among the living
The bones that casted into ashes
Flesh of no more
The hour has passed
The clock has stopped
Earth trembles as an individual planet
Sorcery walks the land
Evil will scorn
Magical powers beyond mordel
Revenge with terror up in ashes
Tomorrow not having a day
It’s evil controlling the relay.
273 · Dec 2015
preservationman Dec 2015
This is the Lord calling
Earth stop stalling
Pray while you still have time
It’s the signs of the times combined
World you are on shaky ground
If you don’t start praying, you will be hell bound
I ask that you kneel and pray
But this should on going every day
Of course in every way
Your soul needs an eternal home to rest
Heaven is joyful and glorious which really says it best
However believer is the one that can really confess
Heaven on the line can’t wait
Your anticipation should be running on don’t hesitate
Heaven is definitely a place you would appreciate
Remember Revelations scripture in words in what they say
God’s purpose is too save, and those who believe on the Lord shall not perish
Yet Evildoers shall receive the raft of fire unless you repent
Ashes to ashes in where one’s spirit went
But it is the glorification that one should desire
We are all God’s servants and he is the empire
Prosper in the honor of the Lord
Then your heart will swirl
Watch the skies as they change
I am the Heaven and I am the power to rearrange.
272 · May 2015
preservationman May 2015
Your encouragement came from various adult groups
Your educational desires were your mind helping you to think stride with footsteps in effort
There were doubts in your mind and negativity from others all combined
The power of the blackboard that showed your encouragement from the start being words
The many Teachers and Professors in making sure they were being heard
It was a matter in being prepared for the work place
Achieving now and not be a waste
It wasn’t an easy road
But look at what you accomplished, “You graduated and behold”
Your school that produced the foundation
You listened wisely as educational tools that opened your eyes
Remember education is what makes you wise
But it is the every day living which you will reach in realize
Understanding will be a theory you must think out
It is all about being successful and this is what I am talking about
There will be opposition in downing your point
Stand your ground and let understanding be your course
Your Teachers have left this impression
Use what they taught being the indication
You are the individual that stands out
This is your chapter I am talking about
Your whole education experience that was an adventure
It’s time to venture and be proud of your self, and say, “I can do this”
Now hit that bull’s eye and don’t make a miss
Your family and friends share your strides
Achieve by being involved
Having enthusiasm in knowing how to problem solve
Illustrate while you participate
Others said, you will never achieve
Never let anyone corrupt your mind in trying to deceive
This should make all graduate’s be relieved
Your determination is what stands out
Hold up your head up and be proud
Shout loud, “I am a graduate”
Success comes to all who make a step
Good things come too whom listened and abided

Your graduation is a gift being an effort in your try
As you step off the school’s grounds, you have made the first step in being educated bound
It seemed long and hard, but you will one day see your own achieving mark
Believe in me as I believe in you
You can certainly be assured as your confidence helps you to be sure
As my Grandfather instilled in me, “Continue to learn and you will become a commodity to earn”.
271 · May 2017
preservationman May 2017
Pages after pages of pure amazing
Inspiration in accomplished
Poetry connection that has been established
Commitment that has been coming alive
Poetry has been opening reader’s minds
Sentences in words illustrated line after line
It’s more than emotions combined
The secret being magical
A message from the Poet’s in get ready for acceleration
Poetry is literature to appreciate
It is not about abbreviate
Words having sentences to express straight out
The response from the reader being a joyful shout
The Poet being true to their words
As Poet’s, it is a matter in wanting to be heard
Poet’s want to capture the reader’s open heart
The factor in Understanding
Poetry is a reader’s surprise
It’s literature that no one really realized
Poetry has been written since the beginning of time
Just like a Novel, Poetry has impact
Almost like a magnet, one is drawn into Poetry words
This is makes the Poet in what was in the inner soul
To the reader, it becomes a behold
Hope becomes believing
Poets are writers in what the reader is receiving
Sentences in dramatics full of emotions
The beauty of inspiring words, but the reader is actually taking in words in. This is the start in how Poetry begins.
271 · Jun 2014
preservationman Jun 2014
The room just started to spin
I wasn’t even ready for begin
It felt like I was in a tomb
Perhaps even my doom
The more the spinning room did
My bets were living in bid
The room seemed to go faster
It was a moment that seemed arrived
I don’t know, but I managed to survive
However when I least expected
My mind formulating on regret
A spinning room that I will forget
Suddenly the spinning rook slowed down
My eyes attempted to look around
My fortress became my destined bound
But my words, I couldn’t utter a sound.
271 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
A journey that would take 4 days
This was an opportunity in many ways
America that involves all of us
Seeing America on the Hound Dog Bus
You know, “Leave the Driving to us”
Well I thought of the cross country experience having no fuss
So traveling by bus was a must
It was the open road and Rocky Mountains high
It was America and I
Seeing Indians along the way
No sight of John Wayne on that day
My journey greeted many major cities
The St. Louis approach with the McDonald’s arch giving a Midwest welcome
Cheyenne being of its western days being a throwback stop
That Hound Bus was well on its way
It was move on with no time to stay
Mountains upon Mountains
The thought would I be able to climb
Another thought being the old Western Movies
Stage Coaches and Indians
As my Motor Coach turned around the bend
It was the vision of an American Indian on a White Horse
It wasn’t Mr. Ed of course, of course
But the Indian Wave
A welcome to the Hound Dog bus
In the distance being the city of Downtown Los Angeles
We had truly arrived being our final destination
It was four days being strive
A welcomed venture
The experience like an overture.
270 · May 2015
preservationman May 2015
My life that wasn’t even promised
My vintage tracing back my words in being honest
Death wanted to pay me a visit
But God said there is a limit
Yet Death was determined to take to an undesired place
In my mind I tried to erase
But the moment seemed dark
It looked like Death was steadily making its mark
But Death was pushed out by a strong beacon of light
Death couldn’t see me because it had no sight
Intervention that was just too tight
Heaven smiled on me as Death wasn’t my time
This was a time to continue living and truly shine
The surrounds of my past all come to mind
My hand extended up
My praises could have filled a cup
Nothing stops a Heavenly heart
This is how Death wants to make its mark
Yet I wonder when and how Death will find me
I will just have to wait and see
But for now I must be glad and let be
I am living from Heaven in a time of giving
Yet the Devil wants to corrupt my mind by being deceiving
I am strong in the Holy Sprit and for that I have been given merit
My life written in the clouds
All this in what is being allowed
Death will see another day, but for now there is nothing more for me to say.
270 · Mar 2017
preservationman Mar 2017
A gallop at an Upstate New York Rocking Horse Resort
A Junior High School Senior trip
But’s here’s the tip
It was the Dead of Winter on a February Day
Welcome to the resort and step this way
There were a lot of things the resort offered
One of them of course was riding a horse
So I got to ride Tiger Lil
The horse was wide and built to fill
But to ride, one had to be determined and have a strong will
Well it was the trail a waits
The trail was icy and warranted a caution of fate
My thought, “I am riding this horse and this is the date”
Like I said before, the trail a waits
Up the trail being an overpassed high
In the distance, the ride was a temporary resort good-bye
Horses took us higher and higher until we reached the top
Suddenly, one of the horses through the rider off
I got terrified, and jumped off
Immediately the resort hands got my horse back
Later being reunited with Tiger Lil and me
I said let me think and see
Tiger Lil I knew I would be riding
However, the horse had me abiding
But I took control of the horse reins
It was the valley I didn’t want to see
We are heading back to the resort
I could see it in the distance
We were finally back to the flatland ground
I got off the horse, and my heel on my shoe broke
Tiger Lil laughed in it being a joke
I moved like a Marshall Dillon as I was that sore
I would name it, but it hurts, and I don’t think you would want to explore
When I got back to the bus, I told the Driver to lower the bus
The Driver asked me how low, I stated all the way
Arrived back home
My own territory to roam
I made it through the whole ordeal
This was a true story being for real.
269 · Apr 2018
preservationman Apr 2018
There’s more to a Poet that meets the eye
Poet spelled backwards is Teop and that is why
According to the dictionary, Teop is a language of Northern Bougainville, Papua New Ginea
Imagine that
You probably thought a Poet was alone, but the dictionary let it be known
Being a Poet when you think about it can come in many different languages
Cultures expressed in Poetry foreign vibes
Teop being a language all its own
Good information for letting it be known
How a Poet expresses in varying foreign words
Let’s face it all they want is to be heard
Poet and Teop in the spoken written tongue
What it all mount’s to is communication
Poet into Teop and any other culture are that one’s who are the assembler of words
Culture Poet’s are the one’s in their native language interacting the thought
The idea of sought
So Poet and Teop do have something in common
If you are reading this, I got your attention
Of course, I had to mention.
preservationman May 2019
268 · Jun 2015
preservationman Jun 2015
I was asleep in my bed
But was I dreaming instead?
While I was sleep, I was being elevated to a whole new world
A world of wonder in behold
My tomorrow being a completely new day
There are many words that could say
What place was this?
Outer space without a spaceship that couldn’t be missed
Now this is a whole new twist
My bed being space bound
I was in a deep sleep in not hearing a sound
It was pass the Milky Way
I felt my bed sway
It was a space storm
But this is the norm
Yet still asleep, my bed seemed to push on
But I was asleep where I belonged
I was on a journey most high
Yet I felt honored being the I
I was in an in deep sleep
I didn’t even have to count sheep
Being high above Earth and my heart feeling ever so deep
It was the remembrance slowly descending back to Earth
Still asleep, I was feeling like a new birth
A new revelation in feeling at ease
Don’t wake me please!
268 · Dec 2016
preservationman Dec 2016
It was three years ago, and it was Rochdale Village’s 50th Anniversary
Well Rochdale is 53 years old today
This is a moment to reflect
A photo opt in looking around Rochdale and thinking on the past, present and future
Yesterday steadily became tomorrow in acceleration
But this is our time to take in the appreciation
This is Rochdale Village’s honor for continued robust solid infrastructure
There were doubters
But Rochdale is full of inspiration
Yet to the cooperators, this is our indication
However, Rochdale is full of history of its own
That is just a few
But there is still acknowledgement due
There was rainbow mist
Different colored lights that added to the twist
Some cooperators got romantic and gave a kiss
The water fountain would bring all Rochdale Cooperators together from every circle
One would often greet fellow cooperators and you knew you were in a community having plenty of unity
This is how Rochdale Village’s history was made
Some might say a margin in the shade
No matter what, Rochdale Village still has the honor, dignity and contributions
The Rochdale structure stands in giving us all Hope, Inspiration, Possibilities and Courage
Aim high, but have understanding
Have courage, but keep being determined
Present your own promising words
Rochdale’s name has lived and will continued to stride
We the cooperators are the added ride
The outside community knows all so well
We don’t even have to tell
Happy 53rd Anniversary Rochdale Village
Don’t make a change just stay as you are
Your years in which you have journeyed far
Yet the name of Rochdale Village being its own star
Continue to stand for all
We the cooperators will never let you fall
In our hearts, we are your all
Once again, 53 and counting, but praises in blessings in many more years to come
Your life lives on and you are far from being done
Thank you as a cooperator for allowing me to be among.
268 · Feb 2015
preservationman Feb 2015
A mystery house that stood all alone
A lot about the house that wasn’t really known
Yet it was definitely evil that wanted to transcend
In the shade of darkness like a bolt of lightening to begin
A curious citizen who wanted to examine the house
An unexpected surprise being a mouse
Suddenly the house went into a surge
The curious citizen became the house purge
The house became a cage capturing a human mouse
Yet this was a human becoming the house trap
The story was told by various citizens, the remarks were followed by a lot of crap
Beyond anyone’s mind
Timing being precise and it wasn’t mine
A house having nothing but darkness
Yet there wasn’t any witness
A house being its unknown with a surprise that is always shown
Spotlight being the captive who ever enters
A house with an everlasting end, and afterwards eternity being until
268 · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
I have often been asked what made me get involve into buses?
It was my Aunt who took me when I was a little Tot to Macy’s Herald Square
This is where my interest spread into preserver
It was marquee eyes moving back and forth
Yellow school buses all stacked up
As my Aunt began to move out of the store, she noticed I had the bus in my hand and told me to put it back
My Aunt tried to take the bus out of my hand, but my grip was so steady as a vise tack
Even a little Tot such as I, my Aunt couldn’t get that bus away from me
A bus passion from the very beginning being so strong, then still remains in my history being long
But the story continues in how I liked the hound
I still have a love that continues at every single bound
I have a love for animals
However it was that race and stretch that caught my attention
I didn’t need any persuasion
The Hound became my inspiration and my commitment being the indication
I was definitely under the Hound spell
Even today, my friends can tell
My true heart stating Oh well
Yet I often wondered why wasn’t I born a bus
I guess I wouldn’t be considered a bus nut among us
Yet I have the bus nut flow
That is something I never want to let go
The highway being the road
The picture of a bus in behold
Now you know my story being a bus nut ever told.
preservationman Oct 2015
A very lavish party at the Livingston Manor
The mansion is nothing more than sheer elegance
It doesn’t matter if you are not significance
You are all invited
Everybody from who’s who
Don’t be surprised in who’s that
Well mingle around and converse
The party seems to be off to a good start
Look at that beautiful sophisticated woman in the corner with having pause, and introduce yourself and make your mark
But wait!
A stranger has entered the manor, but there is something about him isn’t right
He is scoping the room and seems uptight
Suddenly he pulls out a gun
He announces that everyone give up their jewelry and money
However, this stranger looks familiar
Now I remember, he is wanted for entering elegant affairs and robbing guest
However this party has a very expensive Diamond ring worth millions and 18 carrot of pure gold
Robert Livingston the owner of the man or is auctioning off the Diamond ring in his house
I am firmly believe that this stranger has a motive and I am determined to find out
Time to think let ****** she wrote
Listening and analyzing every word being spoke
I found some clues
The stranger was actually………………….

Suspense until Part 2
267 · Jul 2015
preservationman Jul 2015
Words being more than a mare thought
Thinking with an understanding within sought
Education being a source for an intellectual vibe
It’s all about feeling inspired and just stride
Writing by your own abide
The thinker establishing what’s in the mind
Subjects upon subjects in categories combined
The theory of one’s sentence
An idea that comes up in an instance
What you see in what you write
A storm shaken ship being guided by a distance lighthouse
The same tall ship being tossed going through the god controlling waves
The crewmen praying for the waves to behave
Words telling the story
The wonder of victory in its glory
Words proclaiming new heights
At the same time word blank becoming a plight
But words will lead you in what to do
But here is a clue, “Just write” and you will pursue.
preservationman Aug 2017
Jerry lewis, a man I call laugher
Comical sketches that would have many fans in stitches
Craziness that you would get anyone’s attention
But one can’t forget Dean Martin with Jerry Lewis now that is something I had to mention
But comedy wasn’t the only side to Jerry Lewis
Mr. Lewis had a serious side, Jerry Lewis would often host the MDA Telethon
It was a cause close to Mr. Lewis heart
It was about children and adults suffering from MDA
Mr. Lewis was committed to that cause being his devotion
Jerry Lewis laughter scenes being a craze
But there was something to the laughter in sketches being an amaze
Mr. Lewis lived to be 91 years old
If he would tell stories it would a wonder of behold
But Heaven has Jerry Lewis in laughter with his name
It was Hollywood totally in Mr. Lewis fame
Yet Heaven has Mr. Lewis soul which will remain
Sleep well Mr. Lewis, you lived your life to the fullest
Inspiration to all our hearts
It’s at the moment the remembrance of laughter with a tear
Yet it’s your encouragement for us in continuing to preserver
Laughter is about fun and being full of joy
You gave us that to enjoy
Thank you for the laughter and comedy
You are appreciated in your efforts and commitment with the MDA
You gave more than your talent
This is honorable and no one should be silent
You left us being your final bow
Long lasting memory of talent being oh wow
Until our paths cross again
I cannot say when
We will meet once again
I will be speak to you in Heaven then.
266 · Dec 2014
preservationman Dec 2014
A house that was built centuries ago
Let me explain the details very slow
It’s a house structure with many ceilings and walls
Yet no completeness in boundary stuck on stall
Missing were the floors
This is something that really needs to be explored
It’s seems back in the colonial days
There was hesitation rage in every way
A fierce fight between the house owners and the Government Parliament
A fight that continued before the house was ever complete
There was abundant of deceit
One of the key house owners had died
There was no more fight in try
All was left was a strategy in take it in your stride
The house remained the same
No one ever visited in came
Excuses after excuses became just lame
But there was a lot of blame
Nothing more than finger pointing being the aim of shame.
266 · Mar 2016
preservationman Mar 2016
A story was told by a Greyhound Bus Engineer
It was an account of driving in a severe storm
Highway awaken of cluster clouds and the skies wonder
The voice of Heaven through the storm on Earth
The Greyhound Bus Engineer was driving on a scheduled route of Louisville, KY to Kansas City, KS with a full bus
As the bus was approaching outside Wichita, there was a fierce Tornado combing the fields with destruction and heading right for the highway
Suddenly the bus was lifted up into the Tornado, but the bus remained in tact and didn’t fall apart
After while, the bus was then hurled back to the ground, but in a gentle mode and was placed slowly to the ground
The passengers were shaken up and no one made any sound
But it was the Almighty telling the bus passengers I mean no harm
You all should not be in alarm
I am the Almighty who knows how to calm
Go on and remember me
The Greyhound bus pushed on its journey
The bus arrived safely into Kansas City at its destined stop
But the passengers knew who had control at the top
The Greyhound Bus Engineer explained his ordeal
But no one took him serious in being for real
But one does wonder
How and why did the passengers survive?
We as the readers will have to take it in our stride.
266 · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
Struggles being pressure within distress
Your body is combating a test
It’s your drug addiction that only you can contest
Knowing that you have a drug addiction problem that’s truly your confess
You must be fully strong to quit
It will be lots of counseling that fit
Full determined mind being the key
The clouds being your eyes not to wonder, but be assured in yonder that is certain
Drugs do nothing more than course your body to withdraw
Eyes of observation in what I saw
There’s help that is always on the way
Your encouragement, “A fulfilled life is worth living and a chance worth giving”
Death is what drugs say in how much time you have left
Live on and be determined along with overcoming the habit being a battle of your own
It won’t happen in an instance
It’s all about timing and commitment
You are the race against the clock
You are a victim that many people mock
As a drug user, you are the human who can quit and stop
It’s will power that leads the way
It’s the drugs you need to astray
Kick away from drugs and don’t make a permanent stay
If you really believe in your own intensive care, and it is about health I want to share
The idea is to stay substance clean, and no more needed for me to say as you know what I
266 · Feb 2015
preservationman Feb 2015
Oh Lord look down on me
Thank you for my tops that I see
I pray for my Mommy and Daddy
Thank you for the house in which we live in
Now as I close my eyes for a night’s sleep
My soul will be in your hands to keep
Little as I am
It was you in the breath of life in me from begin
Your teachings from Heaven that transcend
My tears to have praying to above
Prayers for everyone on earth too think of
I cry because of hatred, struggles and corruption
A world that doesn’t know tomorrow
A world that is walking around in sorrow
It’s the pain I feel
I am on earth living this ordeal
But I know you are the Savior being for real
Please hear my prayer from this little tot
You are in my heart being on the spot
I don’t want my prayers to ever stop
Teach me as I want to be in Heaven at the top
preservationman Jul 2015
Write with how you feel
But just don’t let your emotions become a big deal
You are a Poet with lots of expressions
Because you are a Poet, your mind transcends with inspiration
A Poet is more than just words
A Poet is an artist who turns writing into a masterpiece
Your letters and words just give the right effective strike
Yet the key to being a Poet is commitment
A reader’s appreciation of poetry in being a compliment
A desire to be heard
Also not thinking your part of a writing herd
Positive thinking is what being a poet is all about
Your own creations having that shout
Be proud and honored that you have a gift to write
Because we are Poets, we know how to excite
Action into perfection
Ideas with a suggestion
Being a Poet is a creed
The Lord gave us this gift and wants us to proceed
There’s your Poet commandment
Remember you are guided by your own thoughts in instruction
In concluding, “A Poet’s mind is the reader being caught up in thought”.
264 · Jul 2018
preservationman Jul 2018
I guess you are confused
I will try to make it plan and simple and not a bomb that needs to be defused
Days move accelerating fast
In fact one day of the week that doesn’t really last
You have constantly said, “I will do tomorrow”
Yet the day before was yesterday and you didn’t realize of a task you should have done
However, your tomorrow came and went which might be another put off
Yesterday was the day that you should have the chore of completion
Again, yesterday was and tomorrow being a gone of came and went
Heaven was on target in being sent
Tomorrow came so fast, and you totally overlooked yesterday
Don’t think on it now, but yesterday was your day
Tomorrow is a day to catch up with what accomplished
Yesterday was the establishment
Tomorrow has come being a commitment but with an opportunity
Presume but wasn’t a possibility
It became a reality
Time restraints
Have you set your tomorrow from yesterday?
What will you accomplish and establish?
But don’t let tomorrow’s mission become an undone yesterday task
Days and many tomorrow’s move in the quickness
What is your agenda?
Yesterday is here and tomorrow is upon.
264 · May 2017
preservationman May 2017
Sugar and spice
Now that would be nice
But all Alice has is her own inner advice
Her clothes are worn out and torn
She lives in the Ghetto with survival being a scorn
No wealth with riches
Luxuries are only a dreaming wish
No broom surrounding a witch
Living in a weather beaten house
There is even a **** mouse
Poor for sure
Elegance missing the galore
Alice’s life being a questionable table
She is living, but it falls under able
Yet, it’s Alice in Ghetto land
Her life wasn’t a wonder
In fact, you must look yonder
Survival being called to order
Alice learned very quickly from the very beginning
Life is not about riches in commodity
Reality with understanding in knowing how to live.
263 · Oct 2016
preservationman Oct 2016
It all started at 1330 Pacific Street
There I lived in a two family Brownstone that couldn’t be beat
Heat in the winter sometimes didn’t come through
But we had back up plans in knowing what to do
Yet it was home where I belonged
But my story I won’t prolong
The winters were hard to take
But living in Brooklyn, New York being the stake
The memorable moments was at holiday times when I had a ** Scale Baltimore & Ohio passenger train set that always went around our Christmas Tree along with the decorated lights for all to see
Christmas cards would be hung all on the wall
The Christmas tree would be stand tall
I was living with my Grandparents and we moved from Pacific Street to a high rise COOP
This is where I am still living today
This was when I was the age of 7
It was a place in making one feel like a living Heaven
I travelled Across Country on a Hound Bus in the United States, Canada and Mexico
But remember Greyhound’s past slogan, “Take the bus and avoid the fuss”
I got my taste of Entertainment
I appeared at the Valley Forge Entertainment Center
Being an Adventurer type, I ventured out on a canoe riding the Water Rapids in the Adirondacks in Upstate New York
Later I decided to do some Writing and be a Poet
My day as a Writer was ideas like a sunrise
My inspiration was days having surprises
Everyday I become more Wiser
My tomorrow will be a continued advancement of wisdom
My Grandparents instilled “Commodity into Excellence”
Educate my mind in becoming my own business success
I graduated from CUNY Medgar Evers College
If they were alive they could surely contest and a testimony of confess
All that is all part of me
But there is something else I want you all too see
I was almost at near Death at Birth
Doctors had given up hope
This was something where it became hard for my Mother and Grandparents to cope
I was suffering from Asthma, Yellow Jaundice and Malnutrition
My Mother was smoking while carrying me
But my Grandmother was a praying warrior and believed in God
She felt the Doctors didn’t consult God directly, but she did
Well my readers, God gave me continued life and I am 59 years old
In fact in February 2017, I will be 60 years old
So there’s my memoir
Life where living continues on
A place in life where I belong
Dignity and Honor all in my heart
It was my Grandparents being my very start
As I live on, I will continue to illustrate my life and leaving my legacy mark.
263 · Sep 2014
preservationman Sep 2014
My idea in writing a book
For years I wrote down some words
Every day it was voice in being heard
The story of thrills of a roller coaster life
The notions that I may need advice
An eerie jolt of words that will attract
My sentence dialog of my back track
The hand as it opened the door
The mystery of something happened with the floor
It began to buckle and shake
It actually felt like a quake
My family spirits restless
One’s breath of confess
Words that I cannot say
Suddenly my mind seems to have gone astray
It is the writing feeling that is to be
Your expectations of me for all to see
All this will be from a book
All you have to do is take a look
To feel is to experience
Influence with the energy of endurance.
262 · May 2016
preservationman May 2016
An invite on Linkedin
Here’s my story from the very begin
It all started with me filling out the application
The invite said no cost and will include
Yet as the story continues, there was elevating fortitude
As the woman continued on the phone, she stated the conversation would be recorded
But my questions were, why was my 34 years experience cut down to and my education pushed up several years?
To no surprise, I got no answer to my questions
I already I knew this was a rip off
The lady talked on and persuasion being ever so long
She stated I would get a personal URL, Business Profile, Lifetime Membership, but I had to send a personal picture and a business card via email
But wait, it gets even deeper
I started asking, “How much is this going to cost?
Once again, the woman stated, I will get to that in a moment
The woman continued on in what I would get
But my mind was already on saying I regret
Than came pricing of $900.00
My answer was way to much, but what happened to being free
Free being the key to attract someone like me
Yet no one gets anything for nothing
The woman even had the nerve to reduce amount to $400.00 then $200.00 then $99.00
I simply told her no thanks, but she continued on and I hung up
Don’t be taken for attempted rip off opportunities
Examine from the very start
Show the rip off folks that you are smart
Then they will have to automatically depart.
preservationman Jun 2018
The sunrise shows your beauty each and every day
The message is appreciation in every way
Your mountains in think high
Your cities skyscrapers in think success
The landscapes in general in being an enterprise
The American flag that waves in being symbolic with Honor, Pride and Dignity
But we must reflect and give thanks to our Legend Forefather in striving in making America a reality
Yet America wouldn’t even exist, if it hadn’t been for our Heavenly Father
Throughout America’s history, but there was confusions, but understanding where knowledge came together as one entity
Yet struggles in conflict in battles and Civil Rights taking a turn
But as an American, just what did we learn?
Freedom doesn’t come cheap
This is what I hold close with my soul to keep
The Statue Of Liberty standing tall offering arriving citizens of new hope
She stands in helping one another to cope
Together as American’s we stand
We are America, and stretches throughout the land
My country tis of Thee
This involves you and me
America, and we are all of part of it
We got in touch with one another like no other
I am proud to say, but this can come on any given day
Happy Birthday America
You became America while others said you wouldn’t
Negativity was trying to block with a shouldn’t
But Washington, DC spoke and the message was couldn’t
Yet America, you pushed your way
You are here to stay
God bless America
From my heart to yours
Happy Birthday on July 4th
Your creed has always been our destiny
Our moment being the very hour
You are our America’s eyes, and offer wonders beyond having a surprise
City after City celebrating the birth of a nation
I salute you America
Let the music play
It’s harmony being the relay
America stands, and we are all the Caravan
Let us applaud
But give thanks to our Lord
Embrace in love in America’s history, and tell your stories in how your possibilities became mysteries
Embrace and take your place
America is now and forever more.
261 · Feb 2018
preservationman Feb 2018
You must have confidence being assurance
You should also have untiring endurance
But the whole idea is being convincing with influence
You must be a direct coach
Being able to communicate and not choke
Every motivating speech must have an agenda to the audience you seek
The bottom line is not be weak
The platform must have a curriculum
It’s what to say and how to say it in inspiration
Positive words in getting the motivating experience across
Being knowledgeable having a concrete enforce
However, being a strong motivator in having a target that hits
The subject matter must be materials that fit
The lectures should be encouragement and not quit
The idea is motivation being the Take Charge approach
“Motivate to attract within”
There comes a new outlook of begin
Motivation comes in getting the audience into participation
You will get a response of information
So you see motivating is not hard after all
Yet it’s being the platform coach being the call
Motivation establishes in encouragement for all
Now some in the audience you won’t reach in motivate
It will be because some in the audience can’t relate
But enforce its never too late
That’s a true motivator
It’s the information provider
Later it will be the audience being the decider.
261 · Nov 2018
preservationman Nov 2018
A Christmas Pageant called “The Nativity” which was held outdoors in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
The Cast were ready too begin
Just when
The Trainer was putting on a Red Cloth over the Camel, and the Camel shook it off
Camel Revenge
So the Trainer put back on the Red Cloth on the Camel
Now we the audience was standing and witnessed this
The Trainer attempted to put the Red Cloth back on the Camel, but the Camel gave a look to the Trainer didn’t I illustrate I don’t want the cloth on me, so because you don’t listen, the Camel raised his right leg and knocked the Trainer in the head
What happened after?
The Camel started to stampede
So there was a delay in the pageant not being able to proceed
The Camel was starting charge at the audience
Suddenly a miracle appeared, the Camel glazed down at the Plastic Baby Jesus, and literally kneed down
During that period, no one could get that Camel to budge
The Camel just continued to knee
It was like the Camel received a message of “Calm down and don’t be alarmed”
The Camel then rose up and the Trainer was able to put the Red Cloth on the Camel and the pageant continued
It was a miracle in tame
All surrounded by Jesus being his name.
260 · Mar 2016
preservationman Mar 2016
You had been taught in school
I was the research being a tool
Remember Ancient Civilization
The genius in building the pyramids being the indication
A fall down of Ancient cities
How the homeless live being a pity
The struggles between nations
Attitude having no solitude
The search for peace
The Civil Rights Movement in emotions that was released
That strange looking car that was invented then
What we can expect in the future coming at the end
People torn apart
Total separation being a start
Every U.S. President that has ever served
Justice system in what people deserve
Anger into hate
Brutality I how it relates
That was your history
Straight teachings without any mystery
Yes, I was your history, motivator and educator rolled out in one
But I am not yet done
Today I want you to learn history even more
There is yet more to explore
You get right down to the history core
I leave you this history quote, “Words are many, but its true discussions that carry”.
260 · Aug 2016
preservationman Aug 2016
The Earth spins and continues to spin
A wind blows, but there is a change to begin
Whispers try to speak, but the echoes are just too weak
Change is about to come
But living could be next to none
Cracks are starting to form on the Earth
Scientists are predicting it’s a new birth
But the Earth is getting hotter and hotter with destruction being its name
Our understanding has been lame
We constantly miss the bull’s eye having no aim
So what am I supposed to do?
Does anybody even have a clue?
Years of polluting, but the price has become a toll
Evilness has struck, and we are our own foe
But all you can say is “SO”
Yet the Earth is accelerating with time
But have you truly changed and what residue will remain?
No time to think nor plan
The Earth Spirals, and it has become an endless peril.
259 · Sep 2017
preservationman Sep 2017
The tail all begins from Building 8
It’s time with no wait
It was a night to sneak away
The Husband told his wife he was going to the store to buy some cigarettes
He stated he would be right back
Nothing particular about that
But it was not two days later
Apparently the Husband brought a ticket to Detroit and was leaving from New York City on a Greyhound bus
However, the husband and wife were having to some marital problems, and he couldn’t take it anymore with consistent fuss
So the husband was running away from home
Peace of mind so he could think and roam
The Greyhound bus was going to be the chauffeur for the husband’s new life
The husband might seek some counseling advice
So what’s happening with the husband’s wife at Rochdale?
The wife felt she had her life and freedom
She’s partying and meeting other men
Looks like there is no love to amend
The husband and wife marriage was thick and thin
It was a matter of time of the marriage to end
But can they both live without each other and create their own begins
The husband will never tell
The wife just states, “Oh well”
Yet the whole romance thing just didn’t sell
It’s a marriage that love doesn’t spell
Leave it to Rochdale being the tell
Until the next chapter of Rochdale wives.
258 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
A look see in a Poet’s writing life
The discussion of ideas being the Poet’s own advice
Poetry readings of a Poet’s inspiration
Listening to the words and sentences accelerating into divine emotions
The expressions like smooth sea waves
Enthusiasm at every line
They are not illusions being sublime
It’s words from the Poet’s mind combined
A Poet’s heart full of emotions like a volcanic erupt
Yet not disturbing, but inner feelings needing to get out
Poetry TV being recognition of Poets no matter who they are nor heritage from the past
The idea is to keep Poetry alive and make it last
Poetry TV identifying Poetry in being more than an intriguing
It’s the encouragement to write what you feel, and that will be just fine
So it’s Poetry until
Ideas while
Media turn being Poetry TV showing the viewers Poetry style.
258 · Apr 2018
preservationman Apr 2018
Production in what you want to communicate in being your say
The concept of writing in putting together from one’s mind is an absolute ok
Yet making sure the adverbs and adjectives in helping the reader to understand
Sustaining thought
At times, a battle between the ideas and concepts becoming a collaboration being fought
But remember, the words and sentences are a guide like a narration
Think of creative writing acting as your Tour Escort
It’s along the way with the journey in wanting the reader to actually read on
It might be that moment when disaster struck
It might even be when Hercules used his feats of strength
Yet Creative Writing is about going that extra length
Putting the love in being able to just write
Your own inner talent in creating that certain excite
Yet being calm from within and polite
Creative Writing being what you didn’t know
But you can now show
Creative Writing is about composing no matter what form
It can range from Poetry too Script Writing, and anything else in between
It’s about whatever your mind could think of
One’s mind to one’s heart
One’s thought coming too understanding illustrating acceleration
However, Creative Writing is about having an appreciation
Always remember, no one can write the way you can
You control on when
You are the ability that says “Yes You Can”
Write what you feel straight from the heart, and watch as the words flow
You will say, I was right putting you in the know
But it will be your creativity in writing that will show
Creative writing that always has been
But be inspired until the very end
Creative Writing calls, “Ready, Set, Produce and Write”.
preservationman Mar 2017
Two people living together, but with two different writing styles
A Writer into Novel Books and a Poet in just take a look
What can you say as the living room was a mess?
But only the Writer and Poet that can contest
Paper was thrown on the floor
An idea with a thought concept just didn’t sound galore
I believe lack of confident in not being sure
The Writer Sam was formulating a new novel
“Tomorrow’s eyes with Brightness being a Surprise”
The story about Nancy, a blind girl struck by Lightning receiving a miracle to see
It happened when Nancy the blind girl was walking home from school
Nancy was guided by her everyday faithful cane tool
A storm was stirring up
Clouds immediately gathered, and then the rain started to pour
Later then was a flash and streak of lightning that circulated through the sky
Immediately, Nancy could now see
She wondered what happened, But Heaven was the answer
Nancy was now able to read and cherish everything she loved
I see a flying Dove being the reminder of the miracle to think of
Now Bob, the Poet he always wanted to be
It was words having a meaning and showing his true emotion
Well Sam and Bob decided to team up and form a business together called, “Writer’s Bout and Poet’s Shout, Inc.”
A publisher’s friend being a motivational with nothing but inspirations for future writers and Poet’s to be
So the message is clear, start writing and Poet’s look into your most inner morse
So Sam and Bob’s company was starting to blossom nicely
Now did things change in the living room of clean?
They now had a business and they straightened up, but I will let you be the guess.
257 · May 2015
preservationman May 2015
A bullet having no name
The shooter looking for fame
Being precise in the bull’s eye
Many many questions of why
Blood pouring from a victim’s wombs being the shooter’s plot
When will all this violence finally stop?
Angry thoughts from one’s own lips
The shooter not thinking straight but needs a positive tip
They will be off too jail
Life behind bars to no prevail
A pistol that fires just to follow the trail
Who fires the gun?
A shooter that is always on the run
Living the moment while you have the chance
Eye from the skies being the victim in prance
Guns can be stopped
But people and congress turn it into a mock
A life worth living
But finale being a curtain of tomorrow
What a pity with a world having no sorrow.
preservationman Jan 2018
Contest preparation time
Utilizing all the weight gaining principles for size combined
The theory of Train, Train and Train
Progressing Intensity being the aim
Practice pose for pose
Commodity having a suppose
Pushing limits with the weights
Winning circle for life’s sake
Flexing muscles hard
Continue in training going that extra yard
Making sure the pump has jump
Capturing the Judge’s attention
Structure being complete in the mention
No flaws for the Judge’s too see
The muscles being everything they should be
The body oiled in perfection being just right
Making the pump feel tight
Yet lifting weights takes might
The right amount of nutrition taken in
The build up of confidence that will begin
The mission of standing side by side with other competitors
A hope in being in the winner’s circle in the Judge’s eyes
The posing presentation capturing the Judge’s and audience being a surprise
Professional Bodybuilding becoming champions meant to be
A name remembered in magazines showing accomplishments for all too see
Professional being a master having self-control
Bodybuilding is the image of behold
Professional Bodybuilding takes years to arrive
Yet it is no jive.
256 · Jun 2015
preservationman Jun 2015
Portraying a story beyond what one would believe
The whole story flashing on the method of deceive
A theory with no period and being incomplete
The look me in the face full of deceit
Definitely not what someone would consider as a treat
Honesty not being what the liar should do
This is something that should pursue
Flair in what a liar says in thinking it’s cute
Words with all the wrong thoughts
Truth not being within the sought
Being a person and having some respect
A liar only causes a person to respond on reject
A consciousness within a personal elect
The truth of one keeps togetherness among
A liar who never wins, but later considers their own thinking from when.
256 · Jun 2017
preservationman Jun 2017
Who would have thought?
June 21, 2017 was the date
I achieved my 35th Work Anniversary at Macy’s Corporate
I never had any idea that would survive
But it was a matter of grace being the strive
My exposure spans Administration to Technology
My Grandfather was right always become a commodity
It turned out to be a reality
I guess it was in the plan to achieve
The golden years I did receive
However, the Lord gets credit over and more
This is something that just couldn’t be ignored
Macy’s past slogan, “We are a part of your life”
That slogan has become my preserving advice
Achieve beyond
Yet accomplish more
That is my encouragement to others
It is also my message to young people
Strive to be the best
Let no take you for granted in labeling you less
If I can do it, so can anybody else
I am the example you can achieve it if you do it right
There were times of darkness of uncertainty, but I came through with a guiding light
I have been asked, “When do I plan to retire”?
Well is tomorrow too soon
I am not at retirement age
Too many people that would be an amaze
I am not at retirement yet
But that does come with a regret
But my work is far from done with blessings that I will continue being among.
256 · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
Step out into the open air
Determination is what will help preserver
Holding back won’t change a thing
Focus on what is keeping you from moving forward
The keyword is a strong onward
Here is an assignment that you would try
Pretend you are in a war, but the battle is with yourself
Determine to whom you are having the battle with and how it can be resolved
This is an individual approach, and can’t come from somewhere else
Be inspired and you alone
Total desire being 100 percent
Don’t focus on excuses and feeling resent
Having courage is about you
It is efforts and strives that you can only do
Have confidence within yourself
It is not going to come from somebody else
The best courage that one can have is to achieve in who can only win
Now get moving and let extend begin.
256 · Aug 2019
preservationman Aug 2019
But for a moment, what if there wasn’t any Broadway
Imagine no music, audience and no Theaters
Hear the silence of no entertainment
But reality, the excitement of Broadway that is still here
It’s alive and kicking
Oops, I accidentally kicked someone in the ****
That is what you get when you are eager to perform
I read the book, “The Secret Life of the American Musical, How Broadway Shows are Built by Jack Viertel
Jack Viertel is the Senior Vice President of the Jujamcyn Theaters and operates Five Broadway Theaters
He has several Tony Awards for many productions on Broadway and New York’s City Center
Production is what brings Broadway to life

Yet before any show even thinks in coming to Broadway, there must be a planning stage at the beginning
The Process goes into Costumes, Props, Special Effects, Dance Numbers and Script Writing
The Costumes have to be fitted just right and shoes, Music fitting the Theme of what the Broadway play is about
The Props must compliment the stage with all the Spotlights and Color
There must be Dazzle and Razzle having appeal for the audience
Persuasion having an approach in publicity in promoting any Broadway show
There are sometimes Broadway show samples forming a presentation
I have been in some Broadway Style Musicals performing with Cast myself at the Radisson Valley Forge Hotel Convention and Entertainment Center
So I have some ideas in how Broadway shows come together

But I learned a lot about Broadway also from my Famous Great Uncle Eubie Blake who was a Pianist and Composer in Broadway Shows years gone
It was creation and perfection at its best
But in order to bring the Broadway show to full production, everything from the Script, Numerous Dress Rehearsals along with test special effects
You now have an idea of behind the scenes in how Broadway Shows are done
Broadway is ready
The stage and the curtain is ready to go up
Before I get ready to step out and perform
The Broadway experience is a thrill of a lifetime
It starts with the music and sometimes with humor
My heart is always destined expel my talent
But Broadway truly is having the sounds with applause after bound.
256 · Sep 2015
preservationman Sep 2015
Enthusiast are who we are
Our interest in buses beyond compare
We have lots of information you wish to share
It’s those crafted wheels
The whole structure being ideal
It’s the steering wheel in the feel
Comfort in luxury in the engineering bus
Being a busnut is our expression in being a must
To some non-bus interest groups want to know what is all the fuss?
It’s a matter in buses being a hobby
In my case, it was the racing bus hound in how it made the bus get around
State to state in anywhere bound
But it was the electronic advertising moving eyes
School buses that were my first surprise
This is what made me realize
It was a school bus in my hand
Later it was bus preservation being chosen as the caravan
I became a busnut for sure
I encourage others to look into and explore
Buses are not moving vehicles that you just ignore
There is so much more
Observe and you too will see
But this will be between you and me
Buses are more than just people movers
They have a place history as shape and engineering change
There are so many different structures in memory remain
On-time with a destined mind
The value of schedules that is combine
Catch the bus being a must
Travel on a highway bus and you to will see what is all the fuss
Perhaps one day you will be a busnut that will be part of us.
preservationman Mar 2017
It’s the singing voice of echoing words
The roar of the audience applause throughout the theater that could be heard
Dramatics became a struggle
Immediately following was a knock at the door
Puzzled and confused with a question if should explore
Suddenly beefy men with guns broke through
What was one to do?
Apparently money borrowed from Loan Shark
An unpaid debt from the very start
The irony of it in that wasn't really smart
So now the money must be paid back
I must move in being the track
If I don’t pay this money, I could be in a body sack
Singing woes, fate and consequence
The shadow of a coffin hangs overhead
Hustle is going to meet its bustle
Entering the Pool Hall, it will be a test of gambling in getting the sum of money to pay
But there are thugs with mugs
They are built with muscles like army tanks
My thought, no thanks
The thugs could borrow someone under the rug
A skilled Pool Player that no one has ever beat
Scores of winnings with no defeat
My next thought, “It’s time to retreat”
I hear echoing of “Debt not paid, death could be my name”
But how does one beat a Pool Playing Champion?
It’s a matter of concentration in having the right moves
I must win and that is what I must prove
Everything is at stake, “My Life”
The 8th Ball in the right socket
But suddenly the skilled Pool Player loss two shots
Everyone in the Pool Hall thought it was a plot
But the new debt Pool Player won $10,000 dollars, but owed the Loan Sharks $5,000 dollars
The debt was paid off
A loss became a win
It was then that finally came to an end
Having the right strategy being can
But for the record, was it skill or fate?
255 · May 2018
preservationman May 2018
Sit verses Stand
Talk verses Silent
Sing verses hum
Write verses draw
Accomplish verses establish
Negativity verses positivity
Encourage verses inspiration
Sad verses Joy
Weather verses Condition
Mood verses Attitude
Danger verses Safe
Mad verses Glad
Boy verses Girl
Love verses Hate
Poet verses Writer
Speaker verses Lecturer
Lie verses Truth
Youth verses Old
Live verses Death
Owner verses Partner
Scare verses Dare
Nightmare verses Dream
Evil verses Good
Church verses Religion
Bus verses Car
Train verses Air
Work verses Home

Pick your choice
A moment to say this
The added flavor with a twist
A following being the track
Your choice to make
Our call being the stake
The reaction waiting for you to take.
preservationman Sep 2015
Sincerity is the main name
Write like I never wrote before
Chose various topics to explore
Negativity I must ignore
Be confident in my sure
Think on writers on came from before
There’s my inspiration in galore
It is also encouragement for me to continue to write on
It will be an endless page being long
Continuous writing from the heart
Thinking reader response from the start
I have regularly written Online
So I am known to many websites combined
My writing being a God given gift
So is no time to be acting like a stift
This is my writing being my wish
It’s a talent I definitely appreciate
I want to share with others in illustrate
I know fame doesn’t come by chance
But the vision to see upcoming chapters in one’s advance
Writing is a skill
But determination makes up the will
I am an eager writer like anybody else
But with different platform that only includes self
My writing gift being an ability to write
I offer continued inspiration in being polite
I guess my day will come when I reach writing fame
All I want all to do is remember my name.
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