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Once a free happy man enjoying the outdoors
Surrounded now by jail bars that don’t bend
Inmate correction to society
A life that totally went apart, and have no name but a number
A place an inmate lives and slumbers
Among the multitudes of other inmates
A Heaven’s sake
No money nor a dime
This is what you get when you commit a crime
Behind the jail cell an inmate could lose their mind
No windows showing a view
Jail time to pursue
No family wants to be bothered in contact
No fact as it is just like that
Prison is no place one should be
Take it from an inmate
No luxury to see
Attitudes high
Fights often break out
An inmate must watch their back as they move about
No decent food to eat
No changing of clothes only what the jail provides
Correction Officers look the other way in being estray
Inmate voice
Having no choice.
14h · 25
Front and Center
Needing your guidance
Wanting your wisdom and understanding
I Stand
I Bow
I pray
The uncertainty I feel
A tomorrow I don’t
Today being a question
Needing your direction
I am a servant from a spiritual family
Society speaks of another king
But I know you are the true and sustaining Savior
Foundation strong
I am in your hands where I belong

I am often criticized
I stand as a Christian Warrior Soldier
Faith focused
Praying for all mankind
You are the Savior always honest and genuine
Merciful and kind
There are times of doubt
That needs to be worked out
Open my understanding
Let the spiritual virtues cut through all the struggles
Firm and solid
Turn my enemies into my foot stool
I am no fool
I stand in need of
Lift me up Lord
Your divine accord
Thank you Lord
1d · 30
Mountain climb
Look out
Word Start
Write down
Continue to Marvel
Perhaps write a Novel
Energizing climb
Full of Inspiration
Idea Thought
Words defining the concept
Determined and Fulfilling
Hiking trail embracing understanding
Hiking, Involvement, Movement and excelling Poet
2d · 25
I look at the wall
I see nothing
I hear whispers
Yet there is silence
My Faith grows weak
Belief I don’t seek
Wondering if God even cares
Is it worth to pray?
Waiting and waiting with no change
If, when and how are not communicating
Tears pour
The heart turns sour
Beyond seems still
No movement to fulfill
Weary goes on and on
But for how long?
Stubbornness comes on
My look up is locked out
Weary Weary and still Weary
Now I worry
When will I overcome?
2d · 20
Inspiration above all
Words expressed with an echoing call
High above
Words to think of
A reason to write
Prove to myself
Mind point
Assurance settled
The begin
Tomorrow won
New Heights
Beyond measure
Poetry pleasure
Sailing into the horizon
Admiring the Sunset
Distance far from the shores
Refreshing breezes
Bridges and Lighthouses along the way
Whales and Dolphins doing their dazzling maneuvers
Sharks looking to attack
The oceanic feeling like a gateway of opportunity
God’s watery creation
Heaven’s sensation
Rainbows of hope
The drift having a sail
Wonders beyond and deep
Oceans never cease
Tomorrows that continue
Every today a take in
Viewing and observing
Peaceful and calm
Tranquil mind
Writing thoughts that pop in
Calm waves forming relaxed emotions
Inspiration rise
Open air to wise
Oceanic emphasize
3d · 48
The honor
Leaving a past
A journey
The experience
Blessing words
Assurance embracing Faith
Great Length
Heaven’s guarantee
Look down from above
Taking time
Turning time into reflection
Strong Foundation
They were written years ago
Being young than
What it felt like being young
Full is aspirations and being curious
As for the years don’t ask me when?
I was dating full of promise
I was in love
It was love with the affiliated heart, endure and attraction head on
Words wrote out directly the sincere heart
Romantic start
Young you know
Love being ready, set and go
Those letters added up over the years and they are in a stack
It’s amazing I can even keep track
Reading them over and over, and never tire
That love is still in me that won’t expire
The letters were my share with care being like flying doves to always think of
Love me forever
Always memorable and reflecting back for all times.
6d · 29
The Night before
Distance beyond
A day that came
My heart saddened
You departed
Your Soulful spirit flew
Destiny called
Alone to remember
Emptiness I feel
Separation of hearts
The moment and the pain
Heavy heart like an anchor
Deeply mourned
Tears pour
My tomorrow, what will it look like?
My yonder being a wonder
Our time will be acquainted again
Until that time
My yonder waits
Mar 19 · 24
Full of contacts
Decisions after Decisions
Addresses and phone numbers to choose from
Fingers doing the searches
Pages after pages
Advertisements to catch one’s eyes
The yellow pages being the one to make the consumer wise
Company by company
A mind and eyes must choose
One can refuse
No one wants to be tricked in being used
Wise choice
A computer search with ratings on every company
Yellow pages know
It’s all about the listing flow.
Mar 19 · 26
Jungle Test
Survival contest
You alone
In the jungle as one
To live is to survive
Through rain and storms
Being loss into find
Not to become any prey’s predator
You will need to pray
Not be eaten by another
It’s up to you and how you survive
Maneuvers in coordination
You will have no forms of communication
You either must become a sensation
Prove yourself worthy in appreciation
The sole survival
Otherwise, you will be remembered as the life that was and a memory that tried
Set your pace
This will be like a race
Survive or not.
Mar 19 · 27
Not a Ladder step up
Typewriting keyboard set up
Hands on the keys
Typing letter after letter
Accuracy that matters
Speed will come
Practice makes perfect
Afterwhile, you will become a typing dynamo
You will be your own quick moving typing gizmo
Pace yourself
Be calm and patient
Don’t let anxiety get to you
In due time
Typist will be in you.
All Women everywhere
Believing in themselves
Achievers in courage
Determined minds
Desired attributes
Educated mission
Dedication guide
Some are not famous and names acquainted
The women are contributors to society and values famous or not
Accepting challenges from opposition
Not afraid to fulfill goals
True Leaders inside and out
Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding coming together as one
True Thinkers
Concept, Agenda and Theory all their own
Stories never told
They are any women being bold
Turning complexity into simplicity
Explanations with proven research
Key word is Values
Characteristics in Sustaining, Willing and Fulfilling
Women are always visualizing in improvements in making living better
Their abilities are what keeps them among
On this month of Women’s History Month
A time to applaud every women that has established in their own right.
Mar 14 · 36
The mild breezes
Fragrances from the natural aromas of flowers
Romance stirring up the warmth
The enjoyment of the outdoors
Beauty of Flower colors
Distinction at its best
Dazzling the senses
Refreshing thoughts
Conversations one to one another
Coming out of hibernations
The feeling in what spring brings
April Showers May flowers
Spring step out
The sun that shines
Togetherness all genuine
Spring forth
Perfect time to spring out
The Spring season applause as people move about.
Mar 14 · 34
A homeowner’s nightmare
Mouses that show no fear
All through any house
You will find a mouse
Living among with a spouse
Strength to withstand
A Cousin to Mighty Mouse
Able to eat through anything
Leaving a trail of where he’s been
Eventually, Super Mouse will come to an end
Every mouse has a weakness
One must think like a mouse
The mouse will have to get out of any house
No longer skipping traps
Defend with a defense
Super Mouse will soon become past tense
Immunity no more
Homeowner’s must even the score
Stay at Disney where you belong
No welcome here
Florida is where you should preserver.
Cleverness and Humbleness
Search for excellence
Therapy words
The fire that burns
Anecdote Heal
Through the alphabet
The leave determined to arrive
Valleys of doubt
Understanding needing seek
The desire to be meek
Echoing voices
The tongue expresses out
Statement after statement
Mistakes having corrections
Love with enduring affections
Until in everlasting
The Writing Feather’s friend
Throughout always at the end
The Feather with the hand glide.
Mar 11 · 80
They live and Breathe
Words are spoken
Yet there is a separation
Race seems to be a curse
Needs to be a turnaround in reverse
Change in attitude and thinking
Transforming the Tongue
Race created from a higher calling becoming among
Together we stand and fall
Race is like half and half
One side Embraces and the other side avoids
Words sound alike, but becomes uncertainty
Assumption bound
Hatred in the sound
Guilt in refusing
Concept in not accepting, but aiming high in not wanting to know
One day, One day, all voices coming together in unity
Not like us
No need to cuss nor fuss
All races are the added plus.
The Lord awakened
Let me take you on a journey
A place I promised
Close up look of Heaven
Far beyond Earth
Round Trip
Leave Earth with a return back to Earth
Out of Body experience
The Lord being the narrator with influence
The Flight with the Lord
Through the galaxy steadily on target to Heaven
The Lord said, “This is Heaven” and showed me around, but only the outside
If I had gone completely in, the Lord would have had to take me then and there
As the Lord decreed, “Flesh and Blood shall never enter Heaven”
The Lord only wanted me to see what Heaven looked like, and as long as I continue to follow him, Heaven is where I shall be
My everlasting home
Joy and Peace roam

Not a worry, but only a care praise
Majestic and beauty
Spiritual Streets
Amazed and full of praise
I asked the Lord in how soon could I arrive?
The Lord’s answer, it is not your time as I had living still to do on Earth
I responded, I must go back to that nasty Earth
The Lord’s response was Yes, but said don’t be saddened in time you will

What an opportunity and honor in being chosen by the Mighty One for the journey
I didn’t feel deserving, but the Lord thought otherwise
I will never forget that moment
As you are reading, I didn’t forget but sharing the experience
My out of body experience returned to my fleshy body, and I woke up with a praising as a blessing
Thank you Lord for the exploration.
Mar 7 · 31
It was that ****** Sunday, March 7, 1965
The fight and struggle
The revolution with Hate and Love
The multitudes to convey the Civil Rights message
The shall in overcome
Marching for Miles
It was during the period of Dr. Martin Luther King style
Former Representative John Lewis and many other legacies that support the mission were involved
Chanting in song while
Determination steady and strong
Race shouldn’t be a factor, but character being an honor
The people of Selma knew they were created to be among society
No mistake, Heaven’s purpose
It was about coming together as a Nation
Opposition negativity thought otherwise
Hate was the voices of the opposed and Civil Rights Activist chose Love

Hate doesn’t understand
Love sustains value
The people of Selma understood that guided by God’s Wisdom
The voice of the Kingdom
Multitude voices refused to surrender in negative thoughts and evil ways
The theory was “Together We Shall All Stand”
Change was going to come
Selma did win, and love and embrace became victory
Yet we are not back to the story of another
It is 2025, and opposition is trying hard to go backgrounds while we the people thought we were going forward
Backwards to where all struggles began with more racial disturbances start up
The fight is on again being more determined than ever before being the need to “UNITE and OPPOSE”

Can’t be still
There’s still Civil Rights to continue to fulfill
While we have breath in our bodies at will
There cannot be a pause nor silence
Civil rights, Liberty and Freedom
Shouts of dignity our cause
We will win again until we all rise together as one.
Mar 5 · 42
A certain surge
A journey unseen
Embracing response
Need and Desire
Write on
Moment was right
Didn’t understand what was happening
Inspiration expelled like an electrical charge throughout my entire body
Never felt like that before
It was like I was under a spell
Words and sentences transcended
Poet within
Bitten alpha became written
Word doors opened
Sentences were shouting the testimony
Honest and true
Anecdote notion
Bitten Alpha encouragement like a hidden portion.
Mar 3 · 33
Before to After
Mirror’s wonder
Lift and gain
From puny to big
From Fat to slim
Muscle Contour
Dumbell and Barbell detail
Competitive Spirit
Focus wanting to win
Bodybuilding Principle
The Story
Mar 3 · 44
Open the thoughts
Embrace inspiration
Words that followed
A heart that seemed hallowed
The emotions that went astray
The wonder if I was ok
Bulls eye miss
Overlooked target
Sentences observing like a radar
A journey that didn’t seem far
Alpha no forever
As a Poet I must be clever
Locked door needing the right key
A breeze that becomes over me
Reset the words, mind and sentences
Poet focus
Hocus Pocus
Feb 28 · 39
No story
Breathless deceased body alone
No Friends nor family
No observation
No memorial nor choir song
Loss words
No remorse
Spotlight none
Remembrance totally forgotten
No tears only shame
Bearing a name
Lifeless tongue
No orchestra
Uncaring Earth
Soulful flight
Decayed body
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
Grave none
Heaven’s uplift
The promise
Darkened background
Heaven’s reward
The descend
Heaven bound
Feb 28 · 69
Good day Broadway
Welcome to New York City
The first time stepping out on the Great White Way Stage
The wonder, dream and anticipation
Nervousness throughout
A Dream Come True
The stage was set
Dazzle and Sizzle
Spotlight search
Front and Center
Music leveraged up
The view of the audience
A breakout in song with a cast in sing along
Then words of anguish and desperation
Emotions overflow
Living the dream of success
Talent being shown
Name on the marquee full blown
Tomorrow seen at that moment
Broadway that was the here and now
Eyes of entertainment
Appreciation in loud applause from the audience
The Bow in approval
The Thank you
Curtain comes down
The regards to Broadway
Feb 26 · 34
The Sound of Blackness
Echoes of Achievement that surround in surpassing opposition
Breaking down boundaries and climbing high mountains with
All the strength and endurance
The aroma of Forefathers leverage that came before us
The depths of Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding and Determination
They say to us “RISE” and be achievers you were meant to be
A world seen beyond tomorrow, but a vision of today
Stand Up and be Courageous
A pledge
Stride, Create, Illustrate and Motivate
Signed, Strive
Feb 24 · 28
Dancing feet
Swing into Rhythm
Harlem swag
Music, Tone and no drag
Music then
Jazz when
Raising Jazz today
Jazz that romances
Dance floor action
Motion smooth
Piano keys with ivories feeling every note
Club Wine
Close to Close
Who wants to eat when the jazz music is right
Entertaining with the stars and moon
Jazz leverage amazing
The night with Delight
Jazz through the night.
Feb 24 · 36
Time for spiritual cleansing
Unnecessary doubt
God can work it all out
Spiritual Body in order
Remove all the uncertain clutter
Spiritual Enter
Front and Center
A savior who welcomes all in
A change that can begin
The clutter that surrounds
Enrich and be found
A Lord who knows everybody’s name
The Holy One true who isn’t lame
Heaven being the target to aim
Good News
Don’t be confused
The Devil wants to destroy
He uses all kinds as a decoy
Clutter cleaning
The Lord of power having meaning.
Feb 21 · 20
What would tomorrow be without seeing the day before
No one ever knows what situation or circumstance to arise
One must feel assured, and learn as one goes
Sometimes you must challenge yourself being encouraged from within
One must reach their destiny like climbing a high mountain
Determined to prosper full of endurance
There are no short cuts
Pursue and follow through
The burn like a fire full of desire
When negative words come out from others
Shoot intellectual positive words that they are defeated
You are the should, and they are the not in knowing how
You have a plan
Negative people are not in your demand
Be patient and take a little time for yourself
What would?
Prove could
Move to should
Your foundation being where you stood
Being the promise and purpose that will carry you now and way passed tomorrow and into a future of established.
Feb 21 · 29
Humble and true.
There was a very close friend
A man being and the warmth like the sun
A smile that would make the Moon grin
The man, my buddy Franklyn Greene
He died three years ago
I didn’t take his death well when I was told
I knew him over 30+ years from teenage to adult
It’s hard when you lose someone close
Mr. Greene is worthy of my boast
He was like nobody else
He had strength to turn a small rock into pebble pieces
Yet, had strength in character
Franklyn Greene was my biggest fan and always gave me inspiration.

Mr. Greene would often say, “I have seen you grow from teenager to a Man”
I am proud in who you have become
You believed in yourself, and he always believed in me
It was Franklyn Greene’s assurance and influence that I began
To believe in my own purpose in life
Fulfilling my dreams that became realities meant to be
Strong Man
Mr. Greene was always full of encouragement
My destination surfaced through the morning sunrise surpassed Beyond the sunset.

Life can be funny at times and complexed
It’s the hard knocks being the learning experiences through the pitfalls in making one strong and making one’s life complete
Mr. Greene, you were instrumental in my life more than you know
You are looking down on me with giving me an applause
But it is me giving you applause
Through your friendship, and our words spoken that I see life and living it
Thank you friend my everlasting buddy.
Let me get out of New York
Bags are packed
Deportation fact
It’s time to leave
People of New York, don’t be deceived
I stood for come and all
It now is no more
Leaving the New York City shore
Enough is enough for sure
Getting out while I can
If I was deported, I would probably be sent to France
Fat chance
Hudson River is my escape to my own new world
History was
The Statue that was of the people
Constitution said
Fulfilled for years
Bags, we got a journey
The statue will now be cut down to a skeleton
Quickly leaving town
People beware
Embrace one another with care
It’s freedom for me
I can’t wait and see
Run Ms. Liberty Run.
Turn from Evil to Good
Spread the Good News
Read the Gospel
Extend the Gospel to others
Chosen Ones
Feb 20 · 34
We The People of this nation
We are taking a stand
This is America’s land
Principles that bind
Constitution stands
Higher powers want to change and rearrange
We the People say things should stay the same
Laws having Laws
Rules with a don’t touch
One beginning with a reason
New beginning wants communism
The Forefathers that came before saw a need for the constitution
It was going to be America’s Resolution
Higher powers are seeking a different direction
Word for word sections with insertions
Executive Order after Executive Order
Statue of Liberty, your voice silenced
Civil Rights, you are being ignored
Freedom is being dimmed with no tomorrow
We the People are ready for a fight to defend
This is not America’s end
Standing and Chanting
“We The People have had Enough”
Forefather’s souls have been uplifted in our cause
Reality has set in
Ready has been holding steady
Our eyes on who we are and what can be accomplished
The names of each Forefather established
We the People now and continuing forever
The multitudes with power hour by hour
We will never tire nor sour
We The People eyes
Understanding and Wise.
Feb 19 · 45
Action in movement
Mirror Response
More than flex
Beyond the feeling of perplexed
Fitness and shape
Pain and gain
Body Condition
Proper Nutrition
Hardness and Proportion
Muscle detail
All the efforts were without fail.
Feb 19 · 58
Morning Mr. Postman
Do your thing in bringing my mail
You do with care and without fail
Sometimes mail I need to respond
You always follow through
It’s a daily routine to pursue
You are the king of the neighborhood
You offer candy treats to the kids
They see you like a dad
You one happy Lad
You are true to your responsibility
You show the USPS reality
No matter the weather
You get the mail through
Mr. Postman, you have become the neighborhood’s friend
That’s no pretend
Until then, I will talk to you again.
Not a slogan nor advertisement
Fair exchange
Commuters listen and wonder
Poetry words coming to life
The ride with readings from actual Poets
Poetry of all kinds sharing beyond compare
Moment in write of Poetry time
Through traffic of rush hour
It becomes the assemble
Poetry readings commuter sit
Inspiring and uplifting fit
Words that never quit
Discerning gift
Direct craft
Something never done before
Words after words no can ignore
Unique and Genuine
Words that are kind
Transit Bus Poetry tone
A Poets doing their thing in letting it be known.
Feb 18 · 33
Shackled with no name
Been a Slave far too long
Always without fail
Blocked out
Praying to the Heavens
How long?
The Sun beats high and strong
I have been told I don’t belong
I have educated my mind
Read books of endless chapters
Darkened theory
Beaten and torn
How Long?
Night skies being my Race in the day
I run but it is like slow motion
I try to cry but no tears drop

Created from High above
Heaven to think of
Goodness and purpose
How Long?

Dignity and Pride
When will it Truly Arrive?
Determination on whole
God being my threshold
Looking for a Blessing
Tremble and Scare
No one wants to listen nor care
The foundation is on my shoulders
Strength to withstand
All on God’s land

The world sees only what they see
There is no freedom
Trapped within a square and circle
Stuck in but can’t get out
I must bear
Praying, praying and endless praying
Trying to be still and wait
Within is a hesitate

One day the moment, I will be free
A world that shall be judged
Tomorrow will finally arrive
A glorious kingdom and togetherness shall be
Hallelujah Shout
God will brought me out.
Feb 17 · 35
The real Robin Hood took from the rich to give to the poor
That tail is for sure
Our Modern Day, Robin Hood straight from Washington, DC White House from the poor giving to the rich
There no enchanted forest, but a person who thinks he is a king of the United States
Robin Hood gave to the poor
Robin Hood reversed in some form and fashion to take away
Negativity all around
Poor neglected and the rich are found
The White House Robin Hood wants the poor to “Don’t have”
The Rich to continue to have and prosper over the poor
It’s amazing how the tale Robin Hood showed appreciation for mankind and being genuine
Today’s Robin Hood being Self-Centered, and shows no concern for humanity being the poor
The wonder of a story tale back then with no comparison today if you want to say the name Robin Hood
Amazing how Robin Hood before to would you believe it today.
Feb 14 · 39
Portrait of their own words
The masterpiece being the sentences expressed
The need to tell
Organizing the words
Mind Thinker
What was said, and how it was said
Reader’s reaction
Journey through the Alpha Letter by Alpha Letter
Inner soul with an embracing spirit
Words just right
Artistry within
Purpose, Theory and Understanding
Courage to step out
Inspiration ranking high
Creativity like no other
Poets have their own style with words
Words unite
Imaginary, but not ordinary
It doesn’t matter what kind of writing nor when
Just write on
An inner Poet needing the emotion to come out
You are a Poet, but don’t want to show it
Put those words together, and let the world know it
Pure know how natural.
Feb 14 · 46
Voices of accomplishment and establishment
Legacy of wisdom
Challenges through opposition
Determined in recognition
Fulfillment their guarantee
Encouragement for us in the present day
Spoken words of be committed, and not estray
Knowledge theory
Fear is power teaching strength
One doesn’t know unless one tries
Draw the tears from your eyes

Understanding and be wise
Our Black Brothers and Sisters understood
We must relish under our own should
Involve and represent
There is no past tense
History becomes our history
Story within stories to come
Victory proved
Once upon a time
A world that wasn’t kind
Prove to yourself
Don’t be fooled by anybody else
Be who you are, and was meant to be
You are the realize, and the one who can energize
Propel and soar into your horizon and destiny

Marvel Legacy voices speak for themselves
They had value and so do we
Those many voices today and well into tomorrow
Their motto, “Stand on purpose, and contribute to your own cause”
Will can show you the way
Stepping stone your get way
Our Black Forefathers will be watching
Achieve and don’t be deceived
Imagine the wonder and be confident while thinking yonder.
Feb 14 · 46
Ever after
Love of
Romance with
Enchanted kiss
The want
The desire
Open heart
Spread throughout
Never ending chapter
It’s what love is about
Feb 14 · 43
Love surrounds us
Love me tender
Ever so smooth
Captivated Love
Roses are red
Pebbles divine
Devoted love to each other kind
We have no boundaries only desires
Loved unlimited
Years of love sip
Kisses that fit
Sweet beyond candy
Sugar always the right ingredient
Love you now even more
The culprit arrow of love everlasting
Love still strong, and caressed in your arms I will always belong
Happy Valentine’s Day
Now and forever more
Champagne glass lift
Kiss to lips
Feb 13 · 31
A Country man told his Wife he was going to buy cigarette’s
He went out, but it became a getaway
The Husband headed to a Greyhound Bus Station to buy a One Way Ticket bound for LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
He was leaving his Wife in never to return
It was a small Western Texan Town
Been on the road for two days
A journey estray
The escape trap door highway
His Wife I am sure knew something was wrong at that point
It became Man and Wife separate
Apparently, there was no marriage appreciate
Onward in forward the Greyhound Bus went
Into the sunset into the sunrise
Blowing up Texan dust like mist
So long what was Mrs
Feb 13 · 36
Love on board
The seas can’t separate our commitment for each other
Through the challengers that so be
It’s our love being you and me
Guided through the storms of final chapter
Love will always live ever after
Devoted shall remain
Ida & Isidore Strauss, partners to Mr. Rowland Hussey Macy of the Macy’s Department Store Organization were aboard the Titanic
Their love ever and always strong
When fate hit the Titanic, the vessel that was unsinkable became unthinkable
History that was became to an end
The ship’s crew had requested women and children board the Life boats, but Ida refused and stated with a discerning voice, “Love brought us together, and we shall die together”
Their love was truly connected like no other
Souls for the seas
Their love transported through the breeze
Danger into the atmosphere
Ida and Isidore Strauss spirit transcends in always a preserver.
Feb 12 · 35
New Jerusalem Worship Center
Where Faith revolves and lives
Mission winning souls for Christ
The Pastor, Bishop Dr. Calvin Rice preaches spiritual advice
A Teacher being true to God’s word
Inspiring words always nice
Gospel songs set the praising mood
Biblical Scriptures always ready to soothe
God’s spoken words being promise
A Lord always honest
Wisdom and Understanding is what comes out
Hallelujah Shout
New Jerusalem Worship Center is more than just Faith
Carry Daily salvation at every length
Make the Devil cry
While saints give Christianity a try
Blessings will come, but one must believe
Overcoming struggles, one must be connected to the Holy One
Change comes when one wants to change through the Holy Spirit
Heavenly Kingdom merit
The Holy One gets the credit
New Jerusalem Worship Center gets God’s praising approval
The Big White Church creed
Walk in Faith in proceed.
Feb 12 · 44
Think Burger and Cheese
Be relaxed and not perplexed
Image must be picture perfect
Background set
The right effect
Image input and output
Project and strike a pose
Wait for flash
Finally at last
Picture outtake
See your look
Captured the real you
Just image the actual
Beauty and features
Kodak moment
Feb 12 · 33
In order to eat you must prepare
When cooking, it should ingredients with care
All about the recipe
Being what it comes out to be
Little this and that
Savory taste
Flavor avion
Just right
Oven or stove ready
Your hunger holding steady
Cooking or baking detail
Without fail
If what you prepared didn’t come out right
Don’t be uptight
Call Chicken Delight
At least you will be eating a meal tonight.
Starts with request
You might here they will see
Sometimes you might here I will get back to you
It’s wait
How long?
The now and moment in needing
No guarantee
Not really intentional
You follow up
Wait again
It becomes your sorry in asking your request
The promise with the results comes from God himself
No hesitation
God’s true representation
He the promise that flourishes results
Faith and connection to God fulfilled
Man is maybe
God is certainly
Man is a pause, but God responds to cause in action
Request granted
Feb 10 · 34
Cross Country Greyhound Bus
Very young 17 Year Old’s Couple as such
The young woman started throughout having labor pains
The Father too be felt worried and wanted to hurry
It was a small town the young couple got on
We had arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah
While there, the Labor Pains continued
Later, we arrived in Nevada
That split second crossing the state line
The young woman was ready to conceive
The passengers were and surprised, but not relieved
We were at a Rest Stop supposedly for 30 minutes, but turned into 2 Hours
Luckily for us, we were across the street from a Major Hospital
They were summoned, and a medics team, and took the young woman off the bus on a stretcher
The young man got off the bus with her, but was disgusted
Before that time, The Greyhound Motor Coach Engineer was timing her contractions
The Greyhound Bus Driver gave the Medics the information
Through it all, the passengers were calm and no scare nor shouts
The Greyhound Bus Driver than announced, “He must make up the time to get back on schedule”
Dash was acceleration
San Francisco bound
The Go Greyhound had meaning that evening
The bus was scheduled to arrive into San Francisco at 12:20 pm the next day
The Greyhound Bus wheels were rolling
The bus rolled into San Francisco on time at 12:20 pm on the dot
Imagine that.
Feb 7 · 31
Road of acceleration
A Trucker cruising on the highway
Blowing his horn all the way
Drawing attention
Trucker representation
Trucker in control
Smokie behold
Big and Large
Through the uphill climb and down
Safety measures of sand dunes found
Around the steep winding bends
Being careful with no pretend
Fear sometimes among the cars
At the Trucker flashing lights
Move out the way I am coming through
Truckers Day
Carrying a load on schedule
Through the night and arrival by morning
Into traffic determined to get through
Commitment is the Truckers pursue
Feb 7 · 30
Survival deceit
One by one
Someone will be among
The murderer
Step by step elimination
Death on someone’s mind
Jealousy all genuine
Unexpected individual drop
Surprises in no realizes begin
Until the very end
Various stages disappearance
Uncontrollable breathing
One will stand
Then there was one.
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