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A Country man told his Wife he was going to buy cigarette’s
He went out, but it became a getaway
The Husband headed to a Greyhound Bus Station to buy a One Way Ticket bound for LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
He was leaving his Wife in never to return
It was a small Western Texan Town
Been on the road for two days
A journey estray
The escape trap door highway
His Wife I am sure knew something was wrong at that point
It became Man and Wife separate
Apparently, there was no marriage appreciate
Onward in forward the Greyhound Bus went
Into the sunset into the sunrise
Blowing up Texan dust like mist
So long what was Mrs
Love on board
The seas can’t separate our commitment for each other
Through the challengers that so be
It’s our love being you and me
Guided through the storms of final chapter
Love will always live ever after
Devoted shall remain
Ida & Isidore Strauss, partners to Mr. Rowland Hussey Macy of the Macy’s Department Store Organization were aboard the Titanic
Their love ever and always strong
When fate hit the Titanic, the vessel that was unsinkable became unthinkable
History that was became to an end
The ship’s crew had requested women and children board the Life boats, but Ida refused and stated with a discerning voice, “Love brought us together, and we shall die together”
Their love was truly connected like no other
Souls for the seas
Their love transported through the breeze
Danger into the atmosphere
Ida and Isidore Strauss spirit transcends in always a preserver.
New Jerusalem Worship Center
Where Faith revolves and lives
Mission winning souls for Christ
The Pastor, Bishop Dr. Calvin Rice preaches spiritual advice
A Teacher being true to God’s word
Inspiring words always nice
Gospel songs set the praising mood
Biblical Scriptures always ready to soothe
God’s spoken words being promise
A Lord always honest
Wisdom and Understanding is what comes out
Hallelujah Shout
New Jerusalem Worship Center is more than just Faith
Carry Daily salvation at every length
Make the Devil cry
While saints give Christianity a try
Blessings will come, but one must believe
Overcoming struggles, one must be connected to the Holy One
Change comes when one wants to change through the Holy Spirit
Heavenly Kingdom merit
The Holy One gets the credit
New Jerusalem Worship Center gets God’s praising approval
The Big White Church creed
Walk in Faith in proceed.
Think Burger and Cheese
Be relaxed and not perplexed
Image must be picture perfect
Background set
The right effect
Image input and output
Project and strike a pose
Wait for flash
Finally at last
Picture outtake
See your look
Captured the real you
Just image the actual
Beauty and features
Kodak moment
In order to eat you must prepare
When cooking, it should ingredients with care
All about the recipe
Being what it comes out to be
Little this and that
Savory taste
Flavor avion
Just right
Oven or stove ready
Your hunger holding steady
Cooking or baking detail
Without fail
If what you prepared didn’t come out right
Don’t be uptight
Call Chicken Delight
At least you will be eating a meal tonight.
Starts with request
You might here they will see
Sometimes you might here I will get back to you
It’s wait
How long?
The now and moment in needing
No guarantee
Not really intentional
You follow up
Wait again
It becomes your sorry in asking your request
The promise with the results comes from God himself
No hesitation
God’s true representation
He the promise that flourishes results
Faith and connection to God fulfilled
Man is maybe
God is certainly
Man is a pause, but God responds to cause in action
Request granted
Cross Country Greyhound Bus
Very young 17 Year Old’s Couple as such
The young woman started throughout having labor pains
The Father too be felt worried and wanted to hurry
It was a small town the young couple got on
We had arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah
While there, the Labor Pains continued
Later, we arrived in Nevada
That split second crossing the state line
The young woman was ready to conceive
The passengers were and surprised, but not relieved
We were at a Rest Stop supposedly for 30 minutes, but turned into 2 Hours
Luckily for us, we were across the street from a Major Hospital
They were summoned, and a medics team, and took the young woman off the bus on a stretcher
The young man got off the bus with her, but was disgusted
Before that time, The Greyhound Motor Coach Engineer was timing her contractions
The Greyhound Bus Driver gave the Medics the information
Through it all, the passengers were calm and no scare nor shouts
The Greyhound Bus Driver than announced, “He must make up the time to get back on schedule”
Dash was acceleration
San Francisco bound
The Go Greyhound had meaning that evening
The bus was scheduled to arrive into San Francisco at 12:20 pm the next day
The Greyhound Bus wheels were rolling
The bus rolled into San Francisco on time at 12:20 pm on the dot
Imagine that.
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