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Push on
Rise above
Release the anchor that was holding you down
The Lord is on a Deserted Island cheering you on in you can do this
Believe and know you can
Faith is your base
Determined should be your desire
Unveil your possibilities
Think on your abilities
Reflect on your plan
Ideas are at your command
Aim high to expectation
Construct your presentation
Make it an illustration
Throw doubt out
Move forward into your enterprising target
You are your own stop watch
Precise catch
Moment abounds
Feel the Lord’s cheer
Have no fear, just preserver
The Lord said, “I got this”
He won’t miss
Praise and Faith you shouldn’t resist
All things come together in assist
Go and prove yourself as The Lord and I insist.
Far up North
Authoritative views
I am an Old Man living in the South
You haven’t seen what I experienced
Unusual to your young mind
I am known as Stanley Confessing Miller
Lived in Patchin, South Carolina all my life
My Log Cabin is way in the woods far from the eyes to see
It is actually what is left from my days I still remember
Sit down Young Fellow and let me tell you the story of my South
It was during the war of the North and South
Bloodshed everywhere
I witnessed my own parents gunned down, and the town was burned down
At least what is left
I was a little tot then, but the memories live on
My tears would often flow in knowing I am alone and the only survival
How I survived, God only knows
Every day is a reflection
I don’t want to remember, but have too
My heart often beats then turns to rapid in the occurrence that really happened
The bitterness I feel and the pity thereof
I am old and weak
My time comes quickly
The Kingdom is calling for me
My room is ready
My eyes are steadily growing dark
My soul is ready to depart
My sleep will soon be an up rise
I will be in Heaven’s realize
Oh South my South, What the North has done
This will be my last among
My moment the final time
Remember this Old Man young fellow
You will once get old, and have your own stories to share
Always have a care
Life won’t always be fair
Be blessed with a life beyond compare
Storyteller’s wisdom
Beyond the tomorrows
Bellows not seen
Awakening thoughts
Sunrise glistens amongst the Dew
Haze shadows
Mist through the air
Southern Draws
Understanding yet to see
Moments turning into seconds
Beckons calls from the distance
Assumptions Occur
Mysteries of the skies
The thought of assurance
Reflections from the Bayou
The you
Life controlled beyond one’s own
One Day has passed
Tomorrow’s expectations
Chosen breed
A need
Intervention in permission to proceed
The know will soon come
Understanding will establish
Inner voice whispers
A speak out with a speak on
Destined for greatness
Watch and see.
Alumni approved. The title alone says a lot. I literally had the desire to go to college, but I had to persuade myself to do it. I didn’t think I had what it took for Higher Education. Back at Springfield Gardens High School, my Spanish Teacher told my Grandmother during parent night that I wasn’t college material. My Grandmother responded with “She was going to make me college material”. My Grandparents were from the very start. My Grandfather had practice Typing 4 hours every day straight. He also prepared me for what college learning would be like in demonstrating Lectures and Theories. It didn’t stop there, it was through the Dictionary and Thesaurus incorporating words into intellectual speaking language.

My Grandfather was strong on college education. He often said to me, “I don’t care what the other kids are doing as it is going to be college for me”. In September 1976 is my journey prospered at CUNY MEDGAR EVERS COLLEGE in pursuing my own possible Degree with the thinking impossible. Everything was concept and theories just like what my Grandfather predicted. It was sit down taking notes and preparing for Midterms and Final exams. I was always the shy type, but through the CUNY MEC breakthrough, my opinionated triumphant prevailed.

MEC made me who I am today, and through my darkest moments working within the business market. Some might say they created the Monster in me, but I became an achiever. I excelled in numerous corporate responsibilities, and Typing proved helpful. I worked directly with the Hard Hitters and Movers and Shakers. My MEC years became effective, and always has a reflection back in how far I came through MEC. I was molded into who I was meant to be, and some of my Professor’s was my inspiration. Some of those Professors would often me encouragement. Now that I graduated from MEC as an Alumni, I encourage others in their own uphill climb to expectation. I am retired now, but keep myself active in WRITING/POETRY. I want to be an example of their fulfilling and willing at the same scope. I want to see and know their potential in able and always enable. My writing spoken words are all over the internet in different mediums. I am also involved in the Bus Industry with over 2,000+Toy Scale Model Buses. I have been recognized by Greyhound Bus Lines, Inc. in their Corporate magazine being a Photo and Feature. I have also received awards for my Poetry. My can do is a follow through. MEC made it happen. It started with desire, and teleported to my own frontier by achieving and always believing beyond the cloud of doubt.
It describes myself
No one can say it better
My time of near Death
What time I had left
Born as an infant
Health problems from start
Doctors saw a depart
My Grandmother prayed being smart
Family sadness in woes
There’s an although
Doctors figured I would only live to Seven
Odd number
My number supposed in slumber
My Grandmother being a praying lady
A women of Faith
Strong Christian principles
Devoted and spiritually inspired
Spoke to the Lord direct
The outcome spoken word had effect
The Almighty expelled that I would have life
All his advice
Not Doctors expectation
It was emphasized I would be a blessing to my Grandparents
It all came to pass
Just as the Almighty said it would
It seemed like Seven was unlucky number
Doctors saw succumbed
The Almighty saw everlasting
I am now at the Senior age of 67
No conclusion, but a life held steady
It wasn’t my time
The Almighty who is kind
It goes to show, the Almighty is the can and shall.
Thank you for stopping by as I sit on a park bench
Every tweet sounds so sweet
Your own song
You soar with your wings wide
Rhythm and tone that you provide
Never alone as you have friends
Enemies want to destroy, but you never give in
Your tweets enhance hope
Breathless and endless
Enchanted to meet our acquaintance
You were meant to fly
Remember the I
God’s relay
Message of good
Wanting people to look up and observe
Fly now
Bye now
You have places to go and destinations to fulfill
Fly now and continue to prove assured.
Open up your heart
Remember me
The goodness is what one will see
It takes Faith and Belief
Sustaining struggles, one will get relief
Keep on living, and you shall find out
Daily as you move about
Some people will quickly doubt
Like it or not
God will always be
Rejoice says he
Observe and see
People will say Earthly words unbelievable
Impossible is sure to come up
One sip of spiritual refresh will change minds
Hook up Heaven connection
Required love in honor of affection
Your house communicated to God’s house
Your option
Totally up to you
Suggestion from Heaven in what you should do
God said it
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