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cogito ego?
sum ego?!
i think i draw
bloood like
i give paint inks
and tatoot.
i think
is she my daufhter
are lovver...
cheese snacks.
san francisssco
and now yhorkie
all\scared.... ha ha...
now we ;oved
and scared!
kiss me
ton ight



safve me!
you hear?!
floral skirt
you wnat
i am your
and because you
i too.
brother, don't you think it strange:
how i whispered to you
before you decided to follow your demise...
how i implored you:
don't be so proud...
don't take it upon the Jewry don't
feed your own demise:
don't impose the crucifix upon others
don't be this Baron Dog Ache Bark...
look! who you have in your defence!
all these pride-riddled pawns
with little or no intelligence:
and that's not me being insulting to
the gravity of your thinking:
yet as a child i rebelled against your promises
of sado-masochism of turning
the other cheek:
i inherited the ontology of oculus per oculus:
an eye for an eye:
pride is not the issue concerning the intelligence
you suggested: but it's much much oh
much too hard to execute...
your proponents and adherents
are those believing proud
with flaky intelligence...
they don't really... understand the quake
of your demands...
i watched you in the shadows and the snow
and with tears i implored you:
don't... make the mistake of being
so proud as to assume you are my god
should i point you toward the Socratic method
of dialectics and thus...
the diacrtical method emerged:
yet you hanged upon your little sail-boat to
nowhere: and how i cried because
your intelligence couldn't fathom
the outlet of madness and that joy of spontaneity
instead your intelligence was pride
and order and adherence to the parody
of the ego-planet of your residing crown and
pinnacle of throne: as tortured: oh
dear child-christ: Lucifer embodied:
do you see your post-catholics and post-protestants
in America...
how they are so proud to defend you
but have no intellectual sinew,
muscle, fibrous eschew nothing!
but i told you! you would never lift this weight
of innocence all on your own...
you didn't listen...
so i stopped tempting you with agitations
of curbing your pride while celebrating
your intelligence:
you stopped listening to your intelligence
and instead listened to your pride:
which didn't mature to the letting go
of how Socrates died...
you had to serve the spoon, fork and knife
and all those metaphors of cannibalism...
is humanity truly the pinnacle of your
soppy life story?
are we all going to be these sorry Christ
these vampire virgins
these ****-wits?
in the darkness i asked for light
and i didn't see much of it...
                        turn the other cheek?! no!
i will not turn the other cheek!
eye for an eye!
              that's not how law works...
purposively: cause and effect is the relativistic
Omega Libra...
       and the Omicron Iota Phi and Theta...
now fear the dark
now fear the spontaneity of justified clinging
to the last remnants of belief...
because i can't imagine you
as the Savior:
they say, those who believe...
oh Jesus oh Just Christ...
but Moses was more human and
less a Jew than you claim to have been
to be this Assyrian subjecting these people
to 2 thousand years of self-laceration
ultimately ending in the Holocaust:
i'm sorry... what who and why is anyone "sorry"?!
i don't believe in Christ
because i actually think he was
a somewhat arrogant intellect:
his intellect was pristine:
but he didn't service the purpose of intellect
in it being humbled... humming...
i don't believe in Jesus Christ
because as the covert noun-stressor bring about:
but i am his brother:
my intellectual prowess didn't lead me to pride:
it led me to the circus chaos of how
better to play with the intellect:
my intellect would never dare to fathom
or guide humanity...
it would require me to entertain people...
i can't believe in Jesus Christ...
i believe in the colliseum of Ancient Rome...
i would never want to be so right
as to be so figuratively and unforgiveably
half-witted in being crucified...
what a half baked story!
what a ******* story!
no! that story is all bogus!
            who the **** thinks they are so right
so proud! that they remain silent!
how proud you stood the intellect!
to become crucified!
but you stood! and you were!
latern for all future worlds to come!
now i have to mop up your pitiable remains!
but he was so proud of his intellect:
like Nietzsche was proud of his...
but at least Nietzsche capsized
and drowned in madness...
                           Christ was a curious anti-Hebrew
******... Jesus Christ wasn't a Jew...
maybe an Assyrian most definitely a
******* Egyptian...
i don't believe in Christ like
an ordinary Jew doesn't have to believe
in Moses;
why would a dog believe in a bark
or a cat in a meow?!
the old world surgers forward
between the three powers
of Russia America and the yawn
of the West the perverts
i see a people already grouped together
in political talk
the Eastern Europeans...
where geographically eastern Europe
and the Urals...
central: axis Europeans...
we are the axis Europeans
from perhaps Estonia but certainly Latvia
most certainly Ukraine
even Romania
Bulgaria is teasing the idea
Russia can have the Balkans...
Serbs are more alligned with
"we" don't need the balkans
that's how the ethnonym was misunderstood
by the English
speakers that the origins of slave
came from the Slavs... yes... the idiots
who ventured down south for
some sea salt and air of Greece...
southern slavs might have been slaves
but i guess there were also the northern slavs
who were once...
Russia can have Crimea and whatever land they
but... all i ask for... is for Ukrainians to return
to their true origin: and write in LATIN
with LATIN letters...
i don't need that cheap *** Cyrillic Greco facade
i'm starting to hallucinate
we will not listen to the Germans
to the English to the French
they have their own Islamic phobias and
love of spiders... and paedophilias and other
circus clowns...
we will covertly suckle
and that will be the end of us
and Scandinavia can have its Union
and we will have ours
and the other parties can go
their own seperate ways
and we will have Independent Benelux
and Independent Germany and France
and no one currency:
so no Cyrillic deaf Greek in Ukraine:
Russia can have Crimea and their inroads
not much lost
unless it's Hunter Biden's laptop...
or what the **** happened
when gwanpwah wash ashleep...
oh indeed: indeed i did indeed see
the full ******* splendour of sunrise
when Muhammad lifted
up his *** in prayer
and i thought for God:
wouldn't that sound nice: ****...
so Hosannah and Allah Akbar resounded
together and i was glad
that the day when God rested
and his ego was born and it was I
and that was funny
when god rested on the seventh?
i forget: i against i:
or the sixth and on the last day of creation
god took a rest: and "i" were born!
ha ha! whoops!
laps in judgement only a silly prank
so god rested and what
comes from a god at rest?
all manner zzzz ssssss ch ch ch ch evil!
clown! on patrol!
bazooka boom boom boom!
what is pure? pure "pure" and also evil?
people say: casually: the good
the ultimate good
the only good
but when evil is inclined to prop
ear and lobe half orbit of brain
and ear...
the purity of evil is invoked:
almost like a prayer
oh god please let this next psychopath
be the purest of all evils
a being with proof:
there is a god
for all of you...
but there is...
no soul... for...                                      moi!
i am in this machinery
of deus in machina as
the diabolos est machina...
          ex                 ex              ex           what?!
did i invite you into the meat grinder
of my consciousness
or did you...
somehow... somewhat silently...
minced yourself and everything about...
no wonder
for the longest of times i thought
my irises were green...
in paintings they are that constipated
but in actuality...
there's only black pupil
the grey mother
and the sclera papa... of pure headache white!
Don't **** with me
You want to be ******
By me...
Problem being:
I'll start sniffing
Your **** and *** out...
... ... ...


Leisurely comment section
Left out: devoid.
Blah! Scary vampirism to boot!
Blah: half-wish daughter: not mine:
Make it personal: make it real!
Make me anything like
And then try, try:
To be, just that... and not... "that"...
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