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The magnetism:
or enigma...
of unforced... ungovernable
By any spectacle of demand
for: quality assurance...
physical... labouring;
Just so: Just is... ha ha!
It's almost like
I want to paint an itch...
But i have a forehead:
A headache...
Would it (be) require(d) of me
For me... to have skin in
Order to sense: itch?!
I just wonder about all
These self-entitled black women
Rummaging in Europe
And how... i... ha ha... simply
Don't want to **** 99% of them!
Ooh pooh blonde girl hindsight:
Sorry the libe roulette
Didn't work out while
I do acknowledge a white girl
Finding a black boy attractive...
But... shh shh...
I can't say the same thing about
Black women...
By now calling me racist
Is like calling me an
Inexplicable ontological
White Cliffs of Dover
"Typos" of immovability...
I can't simply anti-racist my ***
Preferences away... you *******
Liberal Albino!
Trans- the **** what new mutation
but of course I want to be
the mad scientist that managed
to ****-breed hyenas with
dogs and horses with ******* camels!
Pre-apocalyptic race and mongrel.
Death has
short fingers
but even longer
finger nails...
I must be drunk
enough to
finally watch...
andrzej żuławski's
of: on the silver
Jerzy Żuławski...
it's not the anglo-sphere
Influencer or
1984 or Zamoysky's
Zamyatin... pardon pardon...
Work politics got in the way...
Or as I like to call it:
When a fox sniffs out a rat:
The rat remains a rat...
But a fox becomes a cat dog
Wolf holy ghost Chimera.
i'd be wrong to disagree with Nietzsche
concerning the understudy of music
per se:
the Kantian noumenon as Music:
and Nietzsche gets invoked from the grave
i understand headphones
when trying to fall asleep in one's bedroom
after a night shift...
****! where's Edie's snoring when i need it most?
or her eating a cherry...
Danny Elfman: batman is dead baby:
zed and batman are dead...
only Spawn remains
one with a Pirate base on Puerto Rico
and a fetish for slave girl Calypso...
now i know
there was this grasshoper
winter grasshopper in my bedroom
and i thought about Jesus and how
he had a horse phobia so he rode
a donkey...
perhaps i'll ride into Jerusalem
on a turtle... or... a snake...
or a war pig or a bull
i was heading into work:
much to your genius...
not getting off at West Ham:
the walk from District to Jubilee line is a pain
2 more stops off at Mile End
a 2 sec walk or change of platform
and these 4 girls:
two all skinny and *******
playing with their hair
and skeletons...
and nails...
the other two: resting ***** face one
with hiding vein scars
and wrists with spikes the emo
then the white haired one
all ***** and crucifixes...
ah! the intelligent cause and horse:
and death!
the other two horses are probably donkeys
like s.t.d. and bad eating habits....
so two intelligent horses
and we learn best and most
from war and death
they are the two great educators
war and death war and death war and death...
these two intelligent horses are mine...
yes... music is intolerable when
the headphones are misused...
a bit like those face masks...
now would be a decent time to put them on
to wake us up from the Influenza Slumber...
right now...
just about now...
we're all caughing and sneezing
and sleeping into earning money sometime(s):
like tonight...
and i wouldn't be sleeping
even for an hour: if i didn't write this out!
waking up with a sheering sensation
beyond a measure of the simpler nakedness
found in and bound to animals:
very much alive like the bark isolated from
a dog
and all the same with it:
i have no recollection of my nightly rummaging
in nouns:
sacred nouns whereby a "thing" should be named
once and only once and then
understood as a hidden noun
that is "there" but is more (not less) "there-being";
it's almost hilarious how you can
infuse Heidegger's philosophy with
Hebrew mysticism, although i recently understood
that the study of the Qabbalah is not
uniquely Hebrew in origin but is tinged
with a collectivist reminder of man: to man...
so upon waking
i lay in bed playing countless brain-rot videos
of epic fails and click-baits of pretty girls
pretending to not be involved in *******
and thus post-modernity of post-modernism
yawned and there was nothing but
a sobering grip of fear-realism...
nearing 40 i must be fathoming the most silly
endeavour - marriage: so there is someone
out there for me that can work with my weaknesses
and... it becomes easier rereading some of
the passages from Steppenwolf and doubly easier
to reread a postcard a girl-friend once sent me from
university and she really made a mockery of
the postcard because she really should have
written a letter but she wanted her affections known
for others to read to me subsequently "find"
with an oops! moment of.... her grammar exam
and that she was writing that at 1am
and that's just it: from the cult of James Joyce
to the cult of Nietzsche to no cult of Jon Fosse
and it breaks: heart whizz will and mind to be so staged
excited as i am i can't tell it apart from fear
or how mortality is woven into the fabric of immortal
things and how impossible it is or admire
with a scientific anaesthetic this world of wonder
"companionship" as if it were to ever compliment
our impeding uneventful neglect though
through no ilk sin or anything for that matter:
just the random chance (and roulette) -
so i guess another ***** sharpshooter
(which is not even a cocktail but a disproportionate ratio
of ***** to mixer, more a mascara for the plum
sinner eye thumped in silly - ***** in disguise,
but i like the term sharpshooter) -
yet this fear, this excitable fear this...
                                                oh such an unbelievable
feeling that cannot properly filter through
too many sensations...
                this heart of a drowning this pitiable
courage for what generally happens
to most people, almost everywhere.
doubting Thomas
the forver loving
of the Antichrist!
my anti-Thomas!
     the seventh heavenly crown
of the horned bull:
ilk: ink... i drank enough
***** to match water
enough blood!
for this little wine!
my church:
my ogdhead
my nwater for the *****!
Stephen versus Thomas!
the fight of fights!
absolute martydom
upside down!
Christianity is a ******* Religion
a religion of Afrtica:
Europe Becamee
Asia and America....
Christ and Satan
i am...
Antichrist and Lucifer
Solipsism and Stephen:
i ask your kidness
and god... shoelaces
i was asked to BIG MAN
tie my shoelaces...
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