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coked up fire
i mean China is buying Taiwan
and we know
Puerto Rico is the 51st state
England is *******
the leftover of the continent
sort of king by king
therefore the best ***:
which is why i'm flying to Hawaii
and the pretty girls
and sikhs can join the trip
with Charles to Aushwitz..
i don't want to ever ****
an English girl...
my fault then... that Islam is unfit for
Islam can't survive Modernity
it can't...
it's the archeology
of thought
not a psychology: that tribalism
ought to have died...
we all know that Allah is Yahweh's son...
Islam can't survive Modernity
like Communism and ******
didn't survive Post-Modernism!
i wasn't nodding!
you thick
flesh not decode
this ******* binary
i am meauring her
up i think i love
because i have
a story of my own!
poetry as the alternative
to journalism
i will first
ask the Linguists
then the Philosophers
much later the Dadist
Jordan Peterson is no
R. D. Laing...
i've taken the... route:
throught the dark forest:
i think i met
something is broken, hello: i'm the mechanic:
envision you on the road side
and i come along and
how did we meet online?

baby: i'm going to buy Greenland from Denmark
i'm bringing the Vikings to Kauai
i'm going to having a marriage
of the Oceans
i'm going to Marry the North Atlantic
to the Pacific
i'm coming baby
i'm coming
i'm combing myself silly
like i want to bite your vbiscuit
i felt like such a shadow
and the Grey
and Man's soul on the schematic
of incissions
of the intelligent man..
ultimately: who said
to rhyme is
to escape?
the drummer who
was the supposed
tender hearted
but no...
i think it was the guitarist
poetry the lost
halving of the halved already
point og writing
when poetry is only the mirror
of prophesy
and prophesy is such rare
and lost rear of
anything or anyone...
but to give this lingo
away for
a wife
and a child not my own
but a labyrinth nonetheless?
new moon
and new sun... all this earth:
is new: i need not ask for any of the former:
they will come, regardless of me asking...
they, will, simply... come.
when Shiva married Kali
and when i said
that Yahweh and Allah would
only showthemselves
as lesser gods
should they attack
Shiva maried
to Dancing with Kali
and there was no Adam or Eve
to be seen
and i would ask Monotheism
to: shut the **** up
and i would be the Jailor of the Literary
virus of:
find me the term: Letter Worm
in Hindu...
कीड़ा    (patr: keeda)...
the letter worm: of the monotheistic dough:
of man: when thrown into our mix of spices:
what a Frankenstein emerged:
but at least to our liking
our Blue of Vishnu with the Green Emerland
of Aztec slumber
and Incan faces: so numerous
like Incas were no ******
and resisted the Spanish Conquistadors...
but the Aztec and Mayan and Puerto Rican *******
gave rise to the brothel
with JEsus christ...
oh i see it... because like the Incan women
with pride the north American women
would rather die the death of a Spartan daughter
than a Roman wife...
they are still native
the Peruvians the Incas...
a bit like the extinct faces
of the Mohawk
and the Scalp of Yod off of Tid...
that little bit of scalp
this Hew that remains while i am gone
because i wanted to scalp you
proper you prop Kitzmwah....
            mwua... like Turkish: barber: kiss kiss....
maybe all Catholic priests are
gay or homosexuals:
but i'm sure all of Turkish barbers
are gay and pederasts...
becaue Islamic homosexuality is
different to Christian and Anti-Christian
and Secular Homosexuality:
like prescribed by Audrey Burroughs...
Trans-Genderism should exist...
when... the entire world is Bilingual:
i advocate for America to become a superpower
when: it advocates for the coexistence
two tongues of equal status:
i would like to petition to America
for a twin...
one moment... i need a drink...
i would like for America to become the bilingual
empire revival:
as the harvest of Spain and England:
we need a wedding: of distant cousins
of history:
related to England and Spain: but not of:
the abstract chess piece cruxes...
England and Spain are a distance
somewhere meditating the in-between...

  should America become bilingual:
Russia is ****** by comparison:
America might better work as a bilingual Empire:
with sects allocated
to the percentage of tongue usage:
and there would be no religion
but only the focus of language
and each religion would become
a lesser sense of language
because religion constricts language
as tool to
do: whatever
oh so much might be deemed less:
our 18 years and a child apart:
but out of where
the fest of brothel
so little tender moments of eloquence
might be a constant reminder
that i might juggle to regurgitate
and pretend to ingest
oh little o and O no half hidden hooves:
i thought unless CHeat
i might know why Dyslexia
is real in English
but not real in Polish
and maybe i wonder what the French
reality of dyslexia is
like they thought introducing Islam would
make people forget the lepers
and the dyslexics?!
erosion of cencoirship half baked begun:
how much drinking wold you think:
it would take:
for me? to sink a longboat
of vikings
by the drinking monk fury of the first landing:
forget my name: my telekinesis
telepathy mm'ha!
such sudden awe and riddle: but no shock:
like pauper journalist poet
then some washed up desperate
actor as Ribinson Crusoe:
ribbin: ribbot: writ-bit: ribbit: rabbit: Reyla:
status: single: mum! mum! mum! mum!

i drink pure water:
alcohol is pure water:
you know that parasites live
in water:
alcohol is a bit like:
being a dragon
and having already drank the seas:
i have already drank from the salt seas
i'm now drinking from the seas of fire
i am drinking alcohol
having drank all the seas...
i see carvens of lost chances...
oh i have spent more then 1000 days
in the sea of fire...
my stomach has several seas of fire:
i took 4 paracetamols and one APAP complex
before falling asleep
i harked most of my Terminator style location
of the BAKCYL: in my throat...
so i harked it out
i worked it out with a different schematic
not the schematic of the ego, superego, id...

the exonym and the endonym? ****** and Pole?
you remember i told you about the other
******* *******: the Irish and the Polacks
in the mines: waiting for a Dwarf..
i did say: whoever said eye for an eye:
St. Peter didn't say: ear for an ear:
but hey presto the concern of van Gogh!
if you could narrate the painting of each
i think this is medium best invested
in by women to counter
fan-fiction dry **** and *******...

     write me a short story, an essay, a poem,
a theory: a system for the reflex:
an ideology for the reflection:
a life: a death: simply yearn: and learn...
then dream and forget:
this i give you:
telepathic O unison.
again: my cat will relay telegraph messages to the fox and to god: you undermined my critique man... so self defensive... i did say: the fox the cat the fox the cat the cat the cat the fox the cat the... you deleted so much O little man that this BOG of GOD became the Catholic oh i pity you son of man: that you became the crab bucket: the original idea run along the lines... have your transgender revolution: but have it when the entire world is Bilingual: Schizophrenic: when America will be Reborn is when America is like Switzerland a Bilingual State: i will see to it that America will be a Bilingual Nation a hyper Reality of also Owing if not simply Owning South America: please tend to the soul: learn and become bilingual... it would solve so much crime and solvent the crime and oh jeez: give people more the basic schizoid Bilingual Dynamic: languagE: is all the diseases of the Xenomorph... nothing in particular: just a foreign body... introduce a bilingualism schizop: let's see: Russia has too many languages: woodland pigeons: snoop dough and why do Europeans mix tobacco with marijuana: ask the CIA... ask the CIA why Europeans mix tobacco with marijuana... sorry: but you will have to: and also ask why someone is still drinking *****... ask the CIA... go on... i dare you!

i have come to the conclusion that... on the basis of basic
cutting one's fingernails can be
as exhilirating as brushing one's teeth:
i call them the furry teeth, in winter...
because i only brush them at the start of the day
with paste
but not so much come the night owl hours
where i only brush to lodge out the hitchhikers from
the grooves... mmm...
Jon Fosse's "slow prose" as an alternative
to J. Joyce's stream of consciousness is that:
it's not so much reading the next paperback bestseller:
it's a reading of slowness
it's the remedy of articulation within the confines
of punctuation... my current fetish, fantasy...
whatever you want to call it...
i think that i will leave England for one sole reason:
not the immigration debacle not
that the English have created a failed multi-culturalism
of ghetto this that and the other...
i will leave England crying because
of the English psyche...
not because of the immigrants...
every time i go back to the homogeneity of ethno etc
of Poland i feel a nausea: a post-existentialist:
re-existentialist nausea... the sea sickness without
sea without waves boat etc of the Sea of Nau...
and i know i will leave England
because: i just can't stand the English being
so ******* **** *****-prone pristine perfect
correct, correct... ******* correct and a shy shadow
of the American: let's make mistakes!
then correct them!
the English are the gimps of the English speaking
world and i don't know whether conquering
or establishing: whatever in favor of the Raj
the Indian class system worked in their favor:
but i just opened today's newspaper and beyond
half of Gen-Z would rather a dictatorship be working
in England than this fabbled, fakery of democracy:
where half say whatever they feel like
and half are not allowed to say what they, think!
but cutting one's fingernails is a bit like
brushing one's teeth...
i've managed to keep the thumb nail of my right
(thumb) hardened and pointy
like i might be a woman tending to:
funny: it's best to warm up the nails before cutting
under a stream of hot water
so that when you cut the nails
they don't splinter off and fly off into "somewhere"...
soften the keratin: like in hair: like boiling carrots
or beetroots...
hmm... Snoopy Dough and that funny Jewish
actor: but all Jewish actors are funny
even when the Brutalist is being compared:
but not being compared to the time it takes
to watch Ben Hur or Gone with the Wind...
so it's all funny
but unlike the Polacks: ethnonym:
i don't appreciate the exonym of Poles...
poles apart: flag on a Pole:
in American a ****** was supposed to be a slur:
it's actually the proper accurate ethnonym...
but thanks for the supposed tease or slurr...
well... i might call them Yids Hebs but Jew would also
implode by impying Jewel...
if only these brigadeers of literacy would
share their priestly wisdom amongnst us Gentiles:
but given that Christ had to be sacrificed in order
for Yahweh to gobble down the pantheon
of the Greek gods and the Norse gods:
yet somehow Allah was kept rigidly standing:
and that too: i feel that Muslims have no plight
no interest: no reality: in modernity...
i think they are delusional:
like a ****** might be delusional about the glorydays
of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth...

taken the commodity
of thought as this elaborate
I WILLiave nothing to do with
but nothing!
you deleted the van Gogh series
like you poured tomato soup, canned:
onto a van Gogh!

an eye for an eye!
an ear! for an ear! simpler: Reyla?
you dip-****!
an eye for an eye:
an ear: for an ear!

*******: hack this... little **** and co&

** right: oh right:
JEsus is Satan the brothel owner
rule of THUMB
you can't getter *******
than in a church
the church is the ultimate brothel..
jesus is stan the brothel owner
and i'm the sad Lucifer
bringing forms that
once were
now be raised
and escaped
when i came and they burnt
themselves on having
their shadows eaten
by Plato's idea the universal
posit of individual
and the multiverse of them sharing
a closure
to co-existence...
     corpus dei diem carpe corpus...
it almost glides off my tongue:
discouraged? no: heart-broken yes
i preferred my original text not
this gang-****: rewrite.
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