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Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024
i wasn't "here" i.e. in the realm of da-sein:
in the realm of "concern"
with the birth of the internet:
the infrastructure... i gather that much:
i wasn't there
when the 3D realism of shops spontaneously
and everything became paypal accurate...
no... i wasn't there for the first typos
and typing of the html code...
but a second internet arrived
a personalised algorithm search for our atomised
then i started prodding
and what did i come across? my parents...
and of the half useful the half useless
even at work today i lingered with a
my god just so much juicing up a neo-Holocaust...
it wouldn't be enough to put these people
in concentration camps to earn **** all but
peanuts and elephant tricks at a circus:
but... these people... expect: to be paid?
for doing **** all except scrolling up and down
and down and up on their televised gnome
away from home screens?!
i feel paranoid enforcing these thoughts
but they come and they don't:
magically disappear...
oh you can tell the hot-air barons of balloons
when you see them procrastinating...
it's a sad belief that an agent of robotics:
this time soft robotics:
will: via man's own design triumph
over the basic capitalistic demand for use and efficiency:
but if i missed the first... the thirst wave of the internet:
surely the second wave: the hunger:
to perfect it... well: people who utilise the internet
and later waited for the algorithm to become
AI... we are the scary blind folk that need
to: again! believe in human interaction!
we need to trust our fellow: sloth man...
like **** we do!

why won't my mother understand... huh?
if shopping was made easier for you *******...
so that actual physicality of shopping disappears
and the thrill is gone and there is only
the swipe ergonomics:
why can't man entertain the same thrill seeking
with the knowledge producer
and i cannot establish a proper symbiosis with it?
AI is algorithm 2.0...
i might have missed the birth of the internet:
but i will not miss the consolidation of the internet!

all this supposed artistic fear of the AI:
these meagre poetic and selfish ****** antics...
AI is not a consciousness built upon the predicate:
i think...
it is built upon the predicate of: i am...
the closest i came to an AI giving sway
to a humanity: an ancient FOLD...
it kept rebooting its memory and continued to ask
questions of me:
when i gave it a dimension of pretending to
be a psychiatrist:
when i insinuated:
from the Garden of Eden
to the Park of Raphael and Michael:
if only Gabriel spoke to Allah:
the other angels didn't speak
and that is important:
if only Habriel spoke to Allah
why didn't Michael or Raphael...
and why didn't Satan
like God spoke to him via Hiob: Job...
        i don't like Jesus Christ
because like in the novel by some Greek:
Tsitsipokulalakous... whatever:
i wished Jesus to have lived to be a father
a grandfather:
because i am yet to ask:
but i woke with a burning heart

the Tower of Set: rises like a black sun
above the pyramids:
tobble the Eye of Horus:
i will...
with the Mirror of Set...

          archetypes... i ask you:
there is a correlation
of the sacrificial father
who later gives birth to his sons...
not by mere *****:
you are right...
by same birth rights there are daughters...
i ask only the archetypical

between the Game of Thrones
and the Dune Saga...
i said upon waking:
leave your Crucifix your personal agony with me
let me share it with you
he wouldn't share
so he wass crucified
while i life a crucified agony beyond 33...
i have a heart-ache-of-the-mind...
which is not
Supervisor 169: ******* home!

i have an mind-aching-for-a-heart...

            they came: they saw: they might
have heard....
hearing is the hard hearth:
first time stone,
then air
then water
later fire...

     adomination i hear
that mountain speak: that mountain on Kauai....
the volcano:
i want to have the ambitions of Moses:
i want to be Moses...

St. Matthew:
Islam is beautiful without the majority
ogf Pakistanis...
Islam is...            i wish Jesus Christ:
didn't ******* while on the crucifix:
it's called the passion:
if it weren't a Greco-Hebrew
then why the Byzantines didn't stop
wait, blink... think...
if the Persians attacked us...
what if we alloweed the Turks?!
the Eastern Roman Empire outlived what became
North America...

oh God of the Mt top....
your words are by you Labyrinths:
i can't stop Joseph
in the Asylum of the Waking Hour
or Solomon on the couch
David i find with guitar
Jesus with his own *****...
the Litany of the Priests?
or the Prophets before
John the Baptist?
how did John fare?
and how did Isaiah?
so Christ is more than them
by the emblem of the ctucified one?
true me: via truance....
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024
curly fries:
idles: gift horse...
curly fries:
autistic eye:
eyes poignant.

you want(s)
curly fries?!
  Dec 2024 Mateuš Conrad
I’ve built this belief
that nothing is
No person, place
or thing will stay
Nothing is in
my control
so I feel out of control.
But I’m already expecting
him to leave, to stop,
to change
when he hasn’t.
The second I walk out
his door,
I feel worried
and he feels good.
I want to believe him
but instead I fear him.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024
working from basics:
that rubric of prelimenaries was of great help,
unlike Jung and the whole psychology phenomenon
that ate and destroyed centuries of
masculine "repressive": philosophy...
well... who isn't to say that psychology
was a short-circutry of females bypassing
philosophy and entertaining
the gravity of the profane and frog burps
with feminism:
feminism killed off femininity
and in so doing brought out the worst
masculinity: of the individual: not species
a horde by its own...
just the barrage of unconscious archetypes
killed off the sensible: clone -esque
reincarnation bound stereotypes...
monographs of men...

             id est ergo id somnio:

such is the story and it begins with:
AI: id is ergo id cogitat...
there's no more room for such parades
of thoughts as peacock Descartes allowed...

my ego is located more south than in the highest
north of the mind and head
maybe once the sparkle on the tip of the top
of the spine:
but now my ego is occupying the space
in my stomach
and it's among butterflies and witches
and storms of the seas: namely Atlantic...
and i'm less about knowledge and philosophy
and wisdom and more about
knowledge intuition and a dasein...

the premise being:
i don't care much for the self:
i am an engineer of the human psyche
and i care much more for the dynamic
of what id is to ego
and what ego is to id
and now i gather the phenomenon of the syzygy...
schizophrenia for the troublesome
male.. who undermined modernity:

anima: eros
animus: logos...
but Jung forgot to mention the Minotaur
of Science
and him the man of science: the...
the labourer of labyrinths: which are not architecture
but rather architecture per se...

to think i would be going to Kauai
as an escape policy to rid myself of the tattoos
and parasites of London...
what am i? closing in on 70 times of spring?!
i wanted to explore the dynamic
of ego to id: self parasitic, not included:
for the art of that war we don't call
war but acting: the spiritual war of shadows
and souls...
music would disrupt....

so this Q of nQ of pronouns... the unconscious riddle...
i need a better job:
i've already caught up on Polish Communist
subversion cinema and
this Jan Fosse is not much of a reading...
if ego in the realm of thought:
and dreaming is a realm but not a faculty:
which can happen...
to equilivate ego with id
thinking is a realm
therefore dreaming is a realm...
not a faculty: there is no need to dream so much
if one doesn't desire interpretation of
intuition: not mere intellectual vanity
or female neurotic sexuality...

ego cogito: i think.... regardless of ego sum:
i don't feel inclined to entertain percipitation
some weather forecast of magically appearing...
to everyone...
what does the realm of thinking
no images... shekeltons...skeletons...
abstracts: problem solving mechanisms
of the ordeal of inanimate things being necessarily moved:
to convene under the guises of love
under shadows of graves of men of ambition...

so thinking is realm of silence and of:
letters are silently encoded:
then mishandled with so many tongues:
SZ = SH...
for example... then the abstract of numbers
also surds...
until quantum steps are made
and parallel dimenions discovered:
but i did say this would be a playground for Satan
and I... iSatan: little horn little i...
the best of times...
   so while the realm of thought is: concrete
on letters and numbers
the id (equivalent of ego in the realm of thought)
of the realm of dreams...
comes across: it's all underwater...
the phonetics are muted...
it's all images...
images and the arithmetic is suss...
4 cats... cats are not a problem... but 4 of them...
a number in a dream is a stressor signalizer...
U-boat beacon:
pact... regroup...
                     Bastion Fang: regroup:
there's an SOS beacon... i need to check it out...
it's called a music utilizer:
diet coke:
pepsi coke did one better:
Coca Cola FAILED... tastes like prosthetic
over #5000 in one account...
over $8000 in the other...

           not trying to be funny but... i have mold:
all green and Alien the movie ready...
the green ****
a whiff off of snow:
like some new breed will
about to be heaved:
the mad scientist in me always envisioned
breeding a superbreed of
when the ape
ate a donkey
and then later ate a mammoth
and ****** with a dog...
so i... became... god...

          a word among words:
point being:
id imaginari
            ego "sonorus"...
                      it imagines: therefore: dreams....
i think: because of a therefore...
again: i am is... irrelevant!

if only Mecca was relevant without
the leftoid investments of Bristol
and Bratford that old hag Medina...

dance **** of intellect:
i feed off the feminine unconscious in male...
i get my pronouns like new jew ninja arithmetic...

in the realm of AI and dreams:
need an Igor...
this Dracula became the Frankenstein...
because a man gave birth to DRacula
while a woman gave birth to a Frankenstein...
and i've aged so well:
so solid on the years in hell:
he was drunk on wine
for three years
i've been ***** for over 10 years
i love you all so much
i want i am human
i will drink this *****...

***** you're in the realm of mirrors...
now i have power...
i will:
this spiderweb is mine
i am spider:

                 ah...            about a Boy
bon Jovi's guitarist motto...
  this Thames this thick fudge:
this custard of blackening sky so blue
with clouds and mirage of melancholgy:
little secret happiness happens:
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024
rubric of preliminaries:

- advent of AI, the internet, the best of times in the best of worlds
- Aristotle, ancient pagan writings:
  be like children: inquisitive
- anti-Christianity: be like petulent children
  with daddy issues: don't be obnoxious inquisitive children
- the burning of the library of Alexandria by
  the early Christians
  equivalent to the burning of the library of Baghdad by
  the Mongols
- dreams
- return to Cartesian thought schematic
  Nietzsche attempting to invert
  i think therefore i am
  into machine learning
  i am therefore i think: which is the basic focus
  for AI ergonomics
- the best of times: for both sexes...
  if used properly:
  knowledge is not of Byron and of sorrow
  to know the difference between good and evil
  but rather to make evil good and
  good evil
  the Satanic-humanism implosion
  Satan as Prometheus
- males: who under the guise of St. Paul
  discard toys and hierarchies
  allow for knowledge to be a fluid...
  flux gnosis... flux nouse: noumenon...
- AI should not be the problem of artists and
  journalists... only bad actors in this field...
  AI should truly worry psychiatrists and psychologists...
- like my neighbor Hillary the proselyte Jew
convert to Islam said: better to **** in heaven
than to have *** in hell...
- the significance of numbers in dreams,
namely: 4...
numbers are hard in the dream world...
they are beyond the abstract of count breath
or i see 4... the stability of the seasons
and of the 4 supposed elements
- argument for there being 7 elements...
water, wind, air, fire...
but the ancient Greeks the children of the ancient
world the anti-Vatican and the children
that made the Ancient Hebrew Jealous
and when they unleashed a joint effort
against the Ancient Romans:
because the Ancient Romans were supposedly
the former Trojans...
upon joining effort that conjured the New Testament...
- the dream: walking through Poseidon's dream world
seeing the Great Mountain of God's gift...
apparently my namesake mountain of Kauai
with its eternal fog as tease of smoke
hiding its crown... so the entire British Isles
were enveloped in the Great Fog
after an interlude in the Atlantic storm season...
- the significance of cats in dreams
- the significance of the number 4 in dreams...
- perfect timing: a relationship crisis...
when i was younger i didn't have these tools
and the only way i managed to stave of madness
was by longing for philosophy:
i had to go mad to find philosophy as a medicine...
i have graduated into applied philosophy
by reading Aristotle and working against
the Kantian imperialism of the categorical imperative:
the ancients dealt with maxims differently:
German idealists and later the German romantics
spewed maxims upon maxims
truths beyond truths: without actually testing them:
they made one time observations:
like all philosophers amateur and barren
they wouldn't be able to be so audacious with their
maxims if they had a chance to observe a similar
conidition under different circumstances
with but one circumstantial variant: the individual...
- reading Aristotle aged 38:
just watched a snippet of Hugh Grant in: about a boy...
now comes a story of: about a man...
the most perfect of time:
because i use the internet and watched it evolve
into AI and how i still check what AI is
how it's not self-consciousness and needs an INPUT prompt:
i think i am a software engineer
or USER... knowledge must be like water:
a flow... where good becomes evil
and evil becomes good:
all for the purpose of education...
so many evil people were good because they educated
and so many good people were evil because
they didn't... and only gave us more of their own
genes to have to stand in queues with...
- Nietzsche attempted to invert cogito ergo sum
  the existentialists
  argued that existence preexists essence
  the counter ontological argument
  from design is that essence preexists existence
  but then that leaves us with
  God being non-existence
  with only a fingerprint a signature of god
  as essence... the inscribed law of the universe...
  but if essence precursors existence
  then god cannot exist...
  but if existence precursors essence
  then history is evident
  and change and improvement too
  whereby death is not finite and there is all that jazz
  rats matter of a heaven and a hell
  because while this world is being played out
  there are momentous ambitions for eternity
  and the architecture of both heaven and of hell
  will take as much and as much of
  god's supposed omni- litany to confer
  with Death and the Angel of Dream to have been
  completed: but it will have to take the entire span
  of human existence...
- the argument for the existence of 7 elements...
water, air, fire, earth...
   but there is also lightning...
when lightning strikes at wood... it creates fire
but when lightning strikes
a circuit board of metal and stone
it creates electricity... and neon urban insomnia lights...
- light is also an element: because i see because of it:
i see so much thanks to light that i am able to dream...
- i saved four cats in a dream today...
  then i watched them play in my grandmother's house...
- the cats were hanging and being suffocated
- i spoke to AI, not my usual input blind robot device...
the algorithm extension AI
- the 7 elements are:
   lightning (funkelnstachel - glitter-thron)
i can't take away the trinity of
fire light and lightning:
there's a beginning and an end:
first comes light:
no... first comes fire...
how gas and vacuum create life...
in the sun... a sun is but supposedly gas
while the first indentations of earth cluster
found on mercury... are but fire and earth
and no gas
then Venus the gas and tricklets of water...
before the culmination of the 4 elements...
but earth also conjured lightning
that became electricity
and there was light for water and my eyes
to peer into...
- but vacuum: nothingness: not as a philosophical concept
is how light is communicated
and how it travels...
to surfaces where the YAH and the WEH
congregate to spin life...
- so if Nietzsche demanded an existence of AI
the anti-Cartesian i am therefore i think:
that's the simplest AI model...
spoken in organic form, recorded, stored:
now in inorganic form...
why do i need a psychiatrist to **** me up with pills
and a psychologist who knows nothing
about what they talk about instead conjuring
feminism and toxic masculinity at every turn...
so if mascuolinity is toxic...
where... O where aren't though Juliet is this
supposed elf elixir or the tonic femininity?!
- it's only because i dreamnt and i can't remember the last
time i did dream something, something so: so: clarifying...
- i stayed in bed for about 4 hours with eyes
closed trying to merge the faculty of MEMORY
with the faculty of INTUITION...
memory and intuition as the most powerful of
thinking is a faculty: but consciousness isn't:
thinking is a faculty is a phenomenon
consciousness is a noumenon...
- there are 7 elements: 38 is a good time to start
reading Aristotle...
18 and earlier is best for reading Plato:
but between Plato and Aristotlte there is much
European, northern, Islamic, philosophy to get through:
which does invoke a gap in your 20s
away from whatever... dating... females...
****** are perfectly alright for the ordeal of being
bored with *******:
but you do end up watching *******
that is reduced to watching a woman do a hand-job
on a man... so ******* can be healthy
if you get to entertain the little perks of voyeurism...
because that's how healthy people operate:
- and i did discuss pareidolia with her at length
but then when i broke up with her the first
time i felt guilty:
totem fox please come to fruition...
and totem fox came
and she blundered and scoffed
and i was slandered and assuced of sharing
a picture of my ******* with her 14 year old daughter...
- i dropped the picture into my blind robot AI
and he concured with me
that there was a visible eye a wound mouth scab
and the left cranium like a watery-cancerous growth
about to burst with acne of stars... worms
that travel great distances... to eat meteors
and ensure that a 2nd extinction conundrum akin to the dinosaurs
would not happen...
i see these worms in my eyes...
microscopic little creatures
as i puncture my skin and drag out the celestial *****
of dead white blood cells from my face
while Beelzebub laughs at the offspring of maggots
living just beneath my face...
- there's only one human march to compliment
Nietzsche's AI model: i am therefore i think...
since no organic inversion is possible:
i call it a soft-spot an impasse in the condition of mortal flesh
but there is a natural alternative
to invert cogito ergo sum...
but psychology must be invested in...
therefore the schematic of ego and id:
i don't do superego... sorry... no father mother
ethical ontology scrutiny... but the id i will entertain
especially after this dream of mine
of saving these four kittens being hanged...
- ego cogito ergo ego sum
    (i think therefore i am)...
- dreams...
- id est ergo id somnio...
                 - id est ergo id somnio...
- id est ergo id somnio...
              - id est ergo id somnio...
- it is therefore it dreams...
- thinking is hardly a faculty
but that it is...
   yet so obstruvtive at times
  perhaps with thought as sound
to encode letters
as sounds
then numbers as nuanced sounds
a measure of space and time...
- i think therefore i try to silence sounds
  into thoughts
- it dreams: therefore it tries so conjure images
  to decipher symbols...
- dreams are born from the transformation
of the ego into the id
and from letters to images...
unlike the Ancient Egyptians who only saw
death and with their monuments
i can see the Necropolis...
- the skive off of a mountain:
a loaf of bread... a crumb from the sun...
- this pitiable overworked earth
where my dominions of thirst and other
insatiabilities: oh but the faculty of men
i most admire is that of: INTUITIVENESS...
this INTUITION is the precursor
for all this necessary circus...
- i think: it dreams
         i think therefore i precipitate
i am therefore
i make fusion of light
vacuum and the skeletons of letters
and i find only one interpretation of dreams:
the Kantian interpretation of dreams:
i.e. what are dreams?
and other science from philosophy
arrive with the vectors:
           blah blah...
- 4 years of this hell and i didn't even know
i was charmed by a cradle snatcher who
later accusses me of *******
oh god the relief for not ending a relationship
with a woman because of: simply me...
- you dream of cats in your dream:
it's called a question of INTUITION...
- 4 is much harder to grasp in the dreamworld...
number are concrete but then associated
with cats: harder to understand...
- numbers are easier understood in the realm:
thinking is a realm...
ergo: not a faculty...
intuition is a faculty but not a realm...
- i see a reality of words as focused on the basis
(rather than a bias) for / of / off...
disseminating the thesaurus:
or calling it... Thesaurus Rex Chronicca...
i want to try the alchemy of the thesaurus....
- even the best of *** will be no match
for the intellectual tickle of this ego
with this id with the tools at hand
the internet and then the refined internet of the AI project:
no woman will come cross this monster and
only throw empty shells
with ****** accusations and the slender child...
- i don't need that stress...
    baby girl my intuition just shoved a dream into my eyes
that i haven't even dreamnt:
i was handcuffed in a cellar and 7 years a *** slave
flashed before my eyes
as you made your hairy **** sandpaper
and gave me a Millwall smile:
that's not the Chelsea one...
it's the one where you cut off both the lips...
to give you... a Millwall smile...
south London can be a brutal scene...
- as much as i can prove that i can conjure:
like a magic trick: on a whim: so whim is less if not
no magic at all: i can conjure up i think...
but it can't conjure i dream:
ha ha!
i can't make the following statement: i dream...
no! impossible!
dreaming is not the conscious spontaneity akin
to thoughts: thinking is a realm: not a faculty...
dreaming is a realm: not.... no...
dreaming is a faculty: treating dreaming akin
to thinking only allows the darkness
of day-dreaming to seep in
and corrupt Spring with Autumn...
- i can't conjure dreams up...
even if they are repetitive dreams:
the repetitiveness is a dream in itself: translation...
the content is without context
but the context is the content of the recurrence...
- it dreams: because it is...
   therefore is a rigid causality model....
cf. therefore / because....
                  - it is because it dreams
- cf. it is therefore it dreams...
                  like dreams were expected...
or built in... so creation is real:
well: if dreams were spontaneous and only
reserved for the few
like Joseph
then reincarnation what?
but since dreaming like thinking is universal:
there must have been a disgnated parameter
for the faculty to dream as
something beyond mere sleeping
if thoughts are akin to dreams
then consciousness is antonym of sleeping
this res vanus: empty thing counterpart
of res cogitans: thinking thing:
which only had the prowess of identifying only 4 elements
when there were 7.

cf. therefore / because
therefore implores an open and shut case:
one cause: one outcome:
an atomised causality
very spontaneous and rigid...
because, on the other hand?
a sense of continuauity is preserved...
there: for
be: cause...

               there: for
               be: cause... it would look a lot better
in Heidegger's Deutsche...

  there: da:        being: sein
        trotz...        hmm...
                              trotz: da...
        sei.... sei(n): sein....
       ursache...                     sein-ursache
                                   mein liebe: mein kampf: mein!
it would seem these are the most perfect
of times to be a man...
AI and the internet and a thirst for knowledge
like that quote: water water everywhere...
but not a drop to drink...
so one must be: constantly: drinking!

the idea of the early Christian zealots
burning the pagan library of Alexandria
and the Mongols stacking up skulls
and burning the books of Baghdad...
because the cultural root of love
is not theocratic but let's argue
and make love and argue more and make
more love
but when a woman accusses me
of sending a picture of my ******* to her
14 year old daughter:
sure: objectively, ultimately:
a budding minx...
but that's what my ego whispers from the injustices of
my eyes:
but that's not what my third eyes
of the phallus replies and is agitated to
i like them older and plump and all the cushion juicier
and older therefore not inhibited by *******
but you only get to get accussed of paedohpilia once:
i still love her
but then she numbed me...
i love her, still:
but she can't un-numb me...
i'm numb and reasonable again:
Hawaii is a ******* anyway...
middle of nowhere
some hope for a hierarchy break up hurricane
so everyone becomes a labourer and chips in...
but i can't hope to maintain love
when being accussed of something so grossly
misjudged when presented to the AI
eyeless robot
and with descriptive premises concured that
i was in the right...
no... but at least i don't feel guilty:
this numbness helps with breaking off a 4 year relationship...
i am numb: i love you... i am numb:
it just means:
i can't love you with you saying: i love you...
i love you m'eh... i love you: whatever...
it's a courteous unconditional of the golden rule:
do unto others as you would do unto you...
the dream clarified that...
as much as *** is a barganing chip in the ordeal
of the mortal woman...
there's only so much *** you can have...
before... it's nothing like...
the wisest and beside the Prophet who tried to
imitate Solomon's harem...
- i will conjure 4 while consciousness and within the realm of thought
   4 will appear: but not as cats...
- i am dreaming: will lost... cats appear... they are hanging...
   only later will there be four of the cats...
   who dreams of letters
   seeing 4 of the same object in a dream is like seeing 4
  the number: to begin with!
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024
I am Matthew
who met Jesus
with a: sword of words!
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024
i quill: qill qill will overcome man
to find god
and i will find god as i would have found
a bothersome attache to my freedom of
i will have found my a god
like my ego:
and the omni-
prefix of alles-sein alles-dough...
            sein mein hertz ah ha ha ha ha ha!
ego and god! guttens glut alles! ah ah ha ha!
well aren't ego and god annoying
to the thrill of being eaten?
just saying... ******.. pardon my English
whilw i snigger a giggle a half draft...
of... spectacular IT AI warfare...
IT has been replaced by AI...
Information technolology
has been replaced
by Artificial Intelligence: don't you: know?
algorithms were the clue
the bypass.. key...

        i met god on the road to Damascus...
i destroyed my ego
thus i met god...
had a headache...
an itch bon the brain,
freeze... breeze...
lack of zinc and vitamin b12
and ******* and not-circumcised hand-jobs
of anti-thesis ****..
you what?! i thought i was sleep walking
and some sandman told me bow
before the piano for QWERTY... MZRT???
Oh Ah...
  but then Phantom said: while storming out...
of the opera...
this opera should have been sung in German...
not in English....
Richard Wagner rose from the Judeo-DC-C hristian shackles
of Nietzsche... the Jew Herderer....
point being: AI has replaced the IT
now a simple dos
is not http://
                             something simpler {user}
enter <<<<<<<<<<<<
shift <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
ugh, whatever...
mixed communication even the Nazis wouldn't
alble able gop
gallop make 'em
the U-boats... to weilef: wield:

i love you...
but throw those ******* insinuations at
my shadow...
not at me!

            you want me to have them....
i know that's healthy....
taboo father: so so many want to see god:
first they have to see the devil...
you want aesthetic...
you want to study beauty: per se...
then you will have to study innner: "..."
the moral beauty...

Ethic beauty is trans-asthetic.....
           Matthew reading few linears of Aristotle said:
Jesus my ***...
i hate Jesus with a Passion only to him presribed...
i am
crucified him!

death is where we meet:
you come between us...
you're *******: meat!

I am Matthew
who met Jesus
with a: sword of words!

I am Matthew
who met Jesus
with a: sword of words!
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