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I wanted to
kiss the
bundles of stars
in your face

I wanted to
smooth the
rough edges of your
weaved with mine
so full of
hidden pain
boyish innocence

I wanted to
melt into your
warm white walls

I didn't want to leave you

the heavens watched us
while we slept
in those cold
January nights

full of
above us

I suppose they
wanted you
to become
a fleeting blotch
of red
in my heart

I suppose
the whispers of
decided to
change us

I didn't want to leave you

I always tasted the
of your skin
as if for the last time

with gentle fingers
and sleepy eyes
we fell in love

I always tangled the
stars in your hair
I always kissed
the scars on your hands

as if I knew
we were going to

the angels have

the man I loved

and I have
one million pictures of you

lodged in my chest
Just random
There’s nothing left for me here, and there never will be

I fell in love once, but now that time has passed

I never got to tell him why

I dared to hurt him

I wonder if he knows

The way I feel, the way I cry

I wonder if he knows

The way I think about him, the way I act

I wonder why I even try

Does he know this misery

that he has met before

Will I ever get the chance to prove

that I won’t hurt him anymore

There’s nothing left for me, just sadness, growing old

I miss the time when it was us,

Don’t you?

But I guess it’s for the best that we aren’t together,

Even though I love you more than anyone would ever,

But I guess this is the way it’s going to be
Say goodbye to him for me.
Your beauty radiates like the sun, but unlike the sun, your beauty will never die. Unlike death your beauty will last forever and touch everyone in its path.
I tried with my first poem
the day i see you again
i imagine it would happen something like
me hitting you
with a blunt object
or a car
and breaking down next you
holding wounded you
like i wish you did for me
the day i see you again
you won't see me coming
He will tell his
brown-haired, green-eyed sweetheart
"you are the most beautiful girl in the world"
and hopefully she won't believe him
hopefully she'll think of a few months
maybe years
from now
when they're distant from each other
with loose strands of broken bandages
between them
and he's calling
a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl
the most beautiful girl in the world

hopefully she'll spare herself
the false truth
faster than
I did.
Don't you know you're in love
with a sad girl

Can't you taste the salt from her tears
in the cracks of her lips

Do you not understand that she holds you so close
because she's paralyzed with fear
that you'll drift away
like every other good memory

The days you aren't there
are the days she morphs into an empty shell
though even when you're kissing her
she's only faking that pretty little smile
you now can't live without

Don't you know you're in love with a sad girl

Can't you see she's in love with you too?
I can no longer
get my point across without
sounding desperate.
 Feb 2014 Poetic Injustices
She'll leave me,
I know.
Say "sorry" and
"so long".
Because that's what people do.
The youth are scratching up their throats
with paper & tobacco smokes.

Pinpricking holes in the fleshy, lonely parts
of their abandoned souls.

Rolling nature into little papers and trying
to slow the pleasure.

Drowning their sorrows in sickly sweets borrowed
from their parents' liquor cabinets.

Candy pills and paper squares dissolving,
highlighting the bright, evolving.

We came of age, we trade in our dreams for smoke, bottles, powder, needles, hallucinations, vibrations and green.

We saw others crumble, dead or alive, it spit all of us out eventually.

For those who lived, it's sad to see our fallen brethren as we walk towards adult mediocrity.
Amara Pendergraft 2014

We all indulged,
at least a little.
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