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 Feb 2014 Poetic Injustices
Brought me
In blood and tears
You yourself but a child-
Into this world.
From a distance
You watched
As I grew.
First a whelp,
Now a wolf.
**** yourself
With every inhale
Of that odorless
And here I am
Watching you die....
Just as
You watched me grow
Not long ago....
I don't want to watch you die. But it is either this or die before you.
When I read what you write
all I want to do is sing you a song
because I want you to
always feel like you belong
when I read what you write
and it seems like you're feeling kinda bad
I just want you to know
that I feel more than slightly sad
but I will always say
write about what inspires you
poetry should come from the heart
it should always have meaning too
and when I hear you sing
I want you to know
its beautiful, just like you
even if you don't think so.
And I know you know,
no matter what
I could never hate you...
 Feb 2014 Poetic Injustices
 Feb 2014 Poetic Injustices
"Ooh, you look happy today!"

I tell him he's seeing things.

"Alright, sunshine. Who is he?"

I laugh. Really, I can't hold it back.

"Don't laugh! I know the signs!"

I laugh again. How can he tell?

"You're laughing, but those gold eyes are telling me I'm right! Who is he?"

I give up. I describe you, of course, but leaving out... minor details.

I tell him that you're one of the most intelligent people I know.
I tell him that you're beautiful (that should have tipped him off).
I tell him that I care about you more than I ever thought possible.

"He sounds like a great guy. You like him a lot, don'tcha?
He better not hurt you. Let me know if I have to beat him up for you."

I double over in laughter. He's a fool.

"But you still didn't tell me his name, sunshine. What is it?"*

I lean in close and grab his tie, which smells like the alcoholic drinks he mixes.

**"Her name is Rachel."
I've found a friend in Mark. He seems genuine and trustworthy. He is one of the people I look forward to seeing every Saturday night, standing behind the bar.
Why do you care
what I do
I'm me
not you...
Well at least it rhymes.
Under the orange
street lights
it's 3am

Longing to find him,
she skulks alone
in the dark

And as London sleeps
her cries go unheard
by all but one
The other night, I woke up to the calls
of a red fox outside of my window. They sounded
something like
 Feb 2014 Poetic Injustices
You make me believe in the kind of love I thought only existed in the novels on my bookshelf.

You make me want to lasso the stars and pull them down to earth, just to see your smile.

You make me want to thank whatever god there is for bringing you into my heart.

*You make me believe in me.
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