I've been afraid of losing you ever since I found out you were mine Because when I love someone I love them too hard I want to talk to them all the time and text them throughout the day to let them know they were on my mind Because I think about them constantly but then I feel too clingy I back off I act like I don't care for them as much as I do Because I'm afraid they won't feel the same way Because I've convinced myself that no one could actually care for me that people spend time with me simply because they pity me but behind my back they talk about how annoying I am or they don't mention me at all because that's how little I matter to them So you have no idea how much I love you You think you do, But you don't Because all I want is to hold your hand and talk to you for hours But instead I shove my hands in my pockets and bite my tongue Because I'm afraid you won't like me if I say too much That if you know how much I need you, you'll leave