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Dec 2014
If Christmas were given
the same gaze as Yom Kippur,
there would be riotous, careful,
false-faced diligence in the streets
of every Capital; silent prayers of
meditation mediation senseless acts
of kindness from a root of sterile fear
as if to offend Christianity would bring
about a Talibani death-wrath if-and-when
affronted-- but Christmas and Christ have
been so transparent as to become tested
combinations on the invisible lock of human
desire everyone eventually frustrated at the failure
of probable-consistent guess as to turn to Freudian
psychology for answer in lieu of Christ's final revelation
numerical in nature-- numerical strangeness Da Vinci Code
impossible-- as all other religions keep their yaps shut whilst
all Christianity has left is the little grey Luoyang City safe--
we've all given up and assumed it's empty-- empty like the
universe, maybe.
Written by
softcomponent  30/M/Powell River, BC
(30/M/Powell River, BC)   
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