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Feb 2011
The women truly believed in the power of God.
While the men question's his motives and heart.

The women accepted that he was sent by God.
The men tried to intimidate him by attacking his spirit.

The women stepped quicker up to the plate.
They truly believe Jesus could decide their fate.
Sure some men came hoping for the same.
But it seems in scriptures men has many wicked ways.

Funny the women get talked about and shamed.
But it seems like the  just men for awhile played shady games.
From Jezebel to BathSheba listen to their reputation.
And than see the way the men came out the situation.

From Deliah and others they just couldn't win.
But you see most of the men still remain in favor over them.
But the book was written by men.
And the women probably would have been destroyed for picking up a pen.

We see how in today society they get cut down for being a Bishop.
When it's just a title being used.
I'm positive God wouldn't judge them harshly for preachng about him.

But, he did create man right before he created them.

Women approached him believing in faith.
We see the men constantly  talking about his race.
Those that walked before God to pray.
Will find a Spirital counselor following them along the way.

Women that many think should be more submissive.
Really in reality are  more progressive.
That motherly figure deserves so much more.
Then we men seems willing to give her.
Written and owned by Jeffrey T. Conyers
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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