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Dec 2014
Me being a teenager has nothing to do
with the way I act towards you
can't you see?
oh of course not because you know nothing about me
we have never been close
you feel like spending five minutesΒ Β with me is an overdose
I have never been able to talk to you about anything
even more so now that you have a new wedding ring
you both act like out of control 18 year olds
I can't even count the amount of lies you've told
we try to do things as a family
but it seems like theres always some place you'd rather be
you can never make up for all those time you've left me home alone
yet you wonder why I complain and groan
all you ever want is to party and drink
I wish you would just stop and think
do you know how much I crave your attention
well you never will
because these thoughts I will never mention
I'll just pop another happy pill
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