I like to imagine my neighbors having ***. Familiar faint squeaks catch my interest while **** cooks red with my lips at the tip of the **** pipe. First faint then foot to floor driving the grand prix while exhaling and pale I stare up at the ceiling. They're *******. That smooth and dark brown, long black and kinked hair having, bare hairy belly in leather jacket wearing strange and tasty cut of chubbed up muscle overpowering with his plowing, the the soft plump curves of her in alabaster white, coif cut long but both the sides, inside her just so open walls, pounding deeply in snycopated beating rhythms, in love or lust, it's left to be wondered. My favorite balancing act, knee wobbling daring to throw me from the one legged stance where I perch with my ear in a glass, glass to asbestos, living vicariously through them as if it's my sole chance to live, Claire's mystical 1/8's blare in the stale air from the lone speaker on my TV and my breathing flickers. Huffs to gasping puffs to sighs leading to huffs again, I can't help that I spend time inside my head. I want it. I dream of my neighbors *******. Open. Bent down. *** up. Deleting the question marked space between faces I make outside and in heat, alone under sheets in a bedroom. I want to be ******. **** me. Pound me. Press me down and wrap your hand around my ribs. Touching. Taking.