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Dec 2014
The time has come.
This shall not pass.
This shall become.
This is crucial.
This is the it.
This is the Rebel,
Rebelling against the Rebels of monotony.
This is the Rebellion against Echoes.
This rebellion is against all those who become the echoes,
With none a change, but just an echo.
The flame in me is ablaze.
The flame in me has numbed me to a blindness.
The blindness that sears my soul inside,
To split itself in the name of me, myself and I.
To beg the pardon of a million hearts that I have hurt,
Without the agony of pricking, but the agony of smothering.
This shall, just not pass!
Ceida Uilyc
Written by
Ceida Uilyc  25/F/Hyderabad
       ---, Carrie Crusoe, ryn, ---, Venusoul7 and 6 others
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