is for:
*private, personal...
never public,
even if public displayed
oft, urgent,
burners on high,
from body to paper
a battlefield commission,
*** boiling over,
passenger driver in the pace car
oft, hazy,
slow cooking stew
multi-flavored, spice twice
splendid blended,
meat for some,
potatoes for others,
always purposed,
sometimes even,
pleasure two-folded,
twice arrived,
at birth,
mixed with hearty
birthing pains
given again,
when later reread,
stumbled on,
at a later time
you think,
albeit, quietly,
"****, ****,
prideful just enough I am,
claim me a title,
poet in the tradition!"
but the little voice whispers
poetry pride,
a deadly bromide!
satisfaction best when
the P is just
private, personal,
and the inner ear
smiles when you read your
words to yourself,
words you wrote,
to the cadence of thy heartbeats,
leaving you
smiling inward
and your harshest critic,
your biggest fan,
clap you on the back,
with the same hand