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Dec 2014
You are the evident piece of love that everyone wants like the slice of cake with the most icing on it
You are the sweet candy that everyone craves and the one you wish most to get on Halloween
You are the favorite book, the best seller, the one with words that you have to look up because you are not easily deciphered
Your voice, so delicate yet firm, reverberates in my skull like a hymn in an empty church
You are the painting in my hallway that people have to ask about because, though it is beautiful, they feel the edging desire to know what it is
The truth is that I don’t know how to describe you
Words will never be enough
I could write until my hand cramps and refuses to move the pen in rhythmic swirls to form letters and still it would never be enough
You are more than I deserve
Written by
     Rj, Gaby ComprΓ©s and Puff
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