magpies burble their liquid caramel sound cattle move slowly restricted to ground creeks ****** by gurgling through rocks mist whispers gently through dripping tree tops
from the verandah faces north-west grey blue and white move westward in peace south-east is filled with dull leaden grey promising more wet as was yesterday
low pasture green in clover for winter creatures now fat through drought now no whimper hope for the damp to stay until spring in wonder again reborn everything
a richness of hue diverse to the eye odor and taste of this freshness of sky autumn's rich carpet red gold and green dark brown earth the best ever seen
a handful of this early of morn held to the face from it we're born such baseness and scent almost a touch of where life came from a wonder is such
cool moist this air is cleaner nowhere breath hangs in puffs strolling no care where else to be the Burrapine clime will do for me the rest of my time