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Dec 2014
You caught at my understanding,
You shocked me right to the core,
I’ve not had a harder landing, than:
‘Don’t come here anymore!’
I thought that you must be joking,
But couldn’t detect a smile,
My heart had missed when you said that this
Was coming on for a while.

I shook my head in confusion,
How could I have missed the signs?
You working, close in collusion
With your mentor, Matthew Grimes.
He promised you’d have a starring role
In a film he was going to make,
I said right then to be wary, when
He was probably just a fake.

He’d said he was a Producer,
I treated all that with scorn,
The only score that he’d had before
Was something to do with ****.
You shrugged, and said that you trusted him,
That he was your first big break,
And then, ‘So what,’ for he said you’d got,
Everything that it takes.

‘Everything that it takes,’ he said,
We know what he meant by that,
He wanted you *******, on the screen
With a cane and a tall top hat.
I didn’t think you would go for it
But I see, how wrong could I be?
You’ve let the seed of ambition rule,
Confused it with artistry.

I toss and turn in my fretful sleep
And sweat in my bed at night,
For every dream is of you, it seems
And it puts my sleep to flight.
I can’t tell whether it’s real or dream
When I knock at your old front door,
And you keep repeating the same old theme,
‘Don’t come here anymore!’

David Lewis Paget
David Lewis Paget
Written by
David Lewis Paget  Australia
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