My heart's distressed, Emotions vexed, Images can't escape. I'm perplexed, My text is hexed, I can't explain What I feel.
My hands are dyslexic, I'm swirled in the vortex Of unwritten lines to read. The words are trapped, My message is clapped In perceptions That can't be freed.
I try to release them, Catch and cage them, And arrange with diversity; Then in a while, And using guile, I'll fashion Some fine poetry. (Such is the state Of me).
I've heard the quip, I've been advised: Just write how you feel. For me, That's blathering, Bothersome nattering, Void of poetic appeal.
I need a someone, Like an Anne Sullivan, To teach me how To feel; Not with sentience, But rather with senses, Alive, And writhing in me.