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Feb 2011
Standing there surrounded by jackals
I look up into the one friendly face
And smile, though I have tears in my eyes.

He smiles gently back, uncertain what is happening,
And with my smile he seems reassured and returns to his work.

The jackals close tighter about me
demanding their remains.
Unable to produce them, having never had them,
I leave them unsatisfied in their defiance.

Heading for the door, feeling them lagging behind.
I feel a great weight lift from my shoulders.
Regret seeps from my eyes, leaving those who knew I cared behind.
But realizing it was a position unsustainable for me.

And that smile from him remains fixed in my memory.
Knowing he knew nothing of their ploys and plans
Knowing the work I did, the care I gave was seen,
Was appreciated by one who matters.

The jackals continue their work
Keep the wheels turning
Only they are missing that single component
That represents what they claim to be about.

Compassion for their fellow humans.
It takes only a moment to change the course of one's life.  
How we look forward, rather than back, determines our destiny.
Judy Ponceby
Written by
Judy Ponceby  Ohio, USA
(Ohio, USA)   
   Nina McNally
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