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Nov 2014
One fault.
A forgiveness that makes me seem week.
Lost Friends.
like walking down some stairs it was easy for them.
Funny isn't?
The way she can go from having your back
to helping your enemy slide the knife into the spine of my back
It is still hard to slide down a feed and see your face.
I know it is not hard for you.
I tried to reconnect with but it wasn't the connection we had.
You use to bring so much laughter to my face now i can't help but look at you in disgust.
Its respulsive how high school has made you into someone i don't even recognize anymore.
how can you slip past me in the halls and feel no remorse for the friendship lost.
I don't know you anymore.
You use to be full of fun and laughter.
Always wanted to just take a drive.
Now all you want is boys, the ***, the drugs, the alcohol.
You want to be addicted to something that is simply toxic.
And i have to stand here and watch as the good in you begin tick down to the moment where it will explode and no goodness will be left in your soul.
I want to reach out and help you...
No, correction i want to reach out and smack you.
If i could speak with you again I would ask what happened.
I use to stand up for you and now i have to sit back and watch this scene unfold.
i wish i could cut the red wire to the bomb that is tick tick ticking down your demise.
but here's the secret darling,
                                    you won't stop your own demise.
Angel luis
Written by
Angel luis
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