I may not be as loud as others. I may not be as opinionated as others. I may not be the best at giving advice. I may not be happy all the time. I may not be as easy to be around as others. I may not be the one who starts the conversation. I may not be easy to handle. I may not be okay with what you want me to do. I may not be the prettiest girl around. I may not be the smartest girl around. I may not be the most confident girl around. but I am smart. I am beautiful. I am unique. I am valued. I am loved. I am as important as everyone else. I am worthy of the best.
Just because I am shy doesn't mean anything. I still have important things to say. Speaking doesn't come easily to everyone. I am capable of thought. I am capable of opinions. And I am capable of being mad. No I don't want to repeat after you. I will speak when, and if, I want to speak. Just because I am not the loudest at the party, doesn't mean I am not human. I have a voice. I have feelings. I am normal. I am loved.
If you have ever felt belittled for being shy, just say "ƒuçk ¥øu!" and walk away. No one has the right to make you feel that way. You are not less than them. You are a beautiful, talented, important human being and you have an unique personality which people appreciate and value. So don't ever think you are worthless. And know that you are not alone.