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Nov 2014
"I don't agree with your decision" she said
With a grim look on her face
I nodded quietly and bit my lip
I knew that's what she'd say
"It's too soon" she argued
"You're just going to get hurt"
I nodded again and cleared my throat before saying
"I just have to know"
"Do you have a problem with him being an athiest?"
And I know it's a trick question
But I say no anyway
And she nods and might as well have said I'll learn my lesson
As she explains how this will work
I nod and inwardly comment about how my relationships are always more theirs than mine
But I guess we just have to bear with them
Oh I hope you won't mind
Just smile and nod along
That's what I do every time
Written by
AllAtOnce  19/F/United States
(19/F/United States)   
   jai and Ember Evanescent
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