In the beginning there were three seemingly undeniable Truths ****** upon me subtly at first, as a cautious lover may approach his lady's thighs with tender fingertips and a darting tongue.
As years progressed and Time brought the growing tide of self-will upon me unexpected and outrageously violent this Trinity became a mantra that surely the Saints must have suffered for as they in their wisdom created for those poor souls such as I who knew that one day a reckoning would indeed arrive.
Recited by rote: I believe in the Unholy Trinity and the immutable facts imbued therin that there can be no Love without Pain and to believe otherwise is folly that said Love will only ever be a laughable farce unless it be bought with power and fame and money and that the Life one lives should be one way and the path laid down by one's forebears is indeed the way it should be.
And then somebody welcomed me into painted arms with no terms lacking expectations of anything other than simple love affection and respect meeting halfway and behaving like a human being no need for nice cars and glossy trinkets and finding my withered hope a beautiful thing worth rejuvenating.
She found my heart a field lain fallow for years unplowed and untended left to wither and return to the desert wastes from whence it was born.