I'd be lying if I said I didn't still have feelings for you but maybe not on the level that I did
TBH there's a lot between us that we kept hidden and I expressed what I could through what was written you took it the wrong way and with your heart it seemed like I played you did the same to my feelings that same day
I'd be lying if I said I didn't still want an us
TBH I got the shaft from love and fate maybe that's what kept it from happening between us I wasn't in love or lust but that bind we had between it seems is what drove me to my feelings.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attached
TBH it ate me up but I hid it well we weren't a couple so I tried to be cool when you said another dude near you explored your body warm and supple but it broke my heart in half because I wanted that title but no matter how I tried you couldn't see what I contained inside for you
boy it feels good confessing my feelings and sins it's nowhere near healthy keeping this bottled up within