From last to pulling first, underdog all the way David is beating his Goliath, winning with his gains Took a down to make an up, slim grin, courage and experience Finally it's now payday
Found the energy drink of emotion That liquid juice of intense life Drives the will forward, giving confidence He's moving up the ranks
Seen the errors of the past, this will is strong The crowd is cheering, wings outdrawn, this takes no effort at all Can do this for weeks, can't feel pain anymore He's going for first, silver won't cut it
Whether it's a wish that's chased, A life trying to be made The distance is relative, infinite space, in the face Bull-rushed, heart of a child and beat of a bass drum Nothing is stopping him now.
Started knowing not where to finish, relentless You gotta give credit to those who go the limit Insanity or determination, Looks like he is finally winning his race