Should be using this pilfered and minimal wifi and, man, it seems that time does fly... while I'm procrasti-time-wasting reading bad (well, most of it) poetry. You see I'm used to feeling like I've missed the boat and shown my hand and slit my own **** throat... "It's his own fault." How terrifying and amazing (faux)freedom is... blood and water and choices. Life is frosted and sort of sleeping but not shivering enduring. It's too bad I identify with the grasshopper more than the ant. I can't be bothered with preparation because Right Now. Right Now is full of hows and whys and whens and so many that depend upon shoulds and coulds and ifs and I-need-to-make-a-lists. It seems that I prefer the anxiety of what could be to what is. Control freak. Sitting here, with my cold nose and sore bones and more than my usual non-layer of clothes with two very interesting up-past-their-bedtime individuals there is no regret. It is, and it isn't, over yet. Supposing pity isn't the word choice, how else would you say, "I feel for you," without that voice? And even saying it is a choice I'd rather not make. That's the thing about leaving the cage and toeing the line and finding the road... there is no map. You can either enjoy the journey or feel like, "It's a trap."