If life was truth, we would all be dead If love was truth, there would be no such word I only ever saw pain in the world till I saw you I forgot about life I forgot about love I forgot about everything All I could think of was you Your eyes shining through the dark Your smile penetrating the pain All I felt was this beat in my heart for you I'd be a fool to think you would love me I'd be a fool if I tried talking to you But you're the one that came to me Hugged me Smiled your smile to me And I felt her heart beating quickly Our hearts bonded as if we were soul mates Our eyes connected and I got lost in an ocean of love I opened my eyes There you were Walking down the aisle With that stunning smile Those enchanting eyes I knew we would be together forever Because you loved me for being a boyfriend that can always make you smile through your darkest times You are my love for all eternity