I've seen hobos and hippies at bus stops Goths, drunks and stoners Pretty skinny girls with Starbucks in their pretty hands and leggings Quiet girls with notebooks Guys who are loud and always smiling Guys who keep to themselves People wearing a moustache and a skirt Mothers with 6 children and a pet bird perched on their stroller I always wonder of them I have seen you With your nice eyes And silence The quiet way you don't speak How you always wear long sleeves And I wonder about you ...Does anybody ever wonder about me? I doubt it. You have to be interesting, to be wondered about. Or in a movie. Or a book. Or a fairytale. You need to live in daydreams. I think I need to move.
just wondering because I wonder about a lot of people but I don't think anyone has ever actually wondered about me... hmm... :/