You... To me... Are the essence, of the earth mother... As you watch over your pond, with an easy, laidback, grace.. and help us see it grow and chart it's every, every season. Turtles, weeds and all...
I adore the fact, that you, write love with an earthy lust And you lust with an earthy abandon....
You have an intelligence, That always expands my mind All the way over there on the other upside...
You and I share old friends Writers of art, livers of life. those who mark.... and make the small moments large
Yet, I know you not... but fervently wish We could sit and pass time Over tea or coffee..
You are one of many.... Who write voraciously With life and passion in your pen But so too, You are one of the few Who I go to read ....again and again.
So I thank you... My very ownΒ Β female Walden... For the lessons of the earth, life, loving and humbly implore you write again and again.. Til the world stops turning... Then....just write it's begining again...