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Nov 2014
My dear friend,
My young wounded solider.
Love comes and goes,
Sorrow fills you up then flows.
But don't let those negative emotions affect you.
They hurt you and reject you .
My young wounded warrior,
You deserve love and light to surround you.
Much pain you have passed in your young earth age.
You didn't deserve it but it happens.
What happened to you happens to others,
But we can fix that just fix you.
Warrior it's time to let go,
They all want you to hurt and squirm under the pain.
Don't give them they satisfaction of your pain.
The best way is to glow light, love, and happiness.
So warrior now you must embark on a path of love and light.
And along your path only Angels will guide you.
Warrior you're not alone, you are love and light.
Written by
Rhona  21/F/Los Angeles
(21/F/Los Angeles)   
   betterdays, unknown and Erenn
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