my sweater keeps me warm when i am cold in study hall and when the art room is 43 degrees
my sweater keeps me warm when it is raining outside and within my body because i am soaked to the bone
my sweater keeps me warm even though it's the only thing i'm wearing in the winter and my breath forms clouds in the night sky
my sweater keeps me warm because it has flowers in the fall and reminds me who i am that i am who i want to be that there is only one of me
my sweater keeps in the heat and hides invisible bruises in the summer but only when i want it to i can to show myself if i want to i can take off my sweater when i want to, you see my sweater keeps me warm when their fingers are like ice just because you can feel doesn't mean that something's there
my sweater stops cold hands from groping my chest as if they're trying to find a treasure
my sweater is the oil when we have no heat igniting a new warmth to cradle others but only if i want it to
my sweater is mine, no one else's and I get to decide what to do with it
i don't need protection i'm okay with my warm bit of symbolism that fuels my independence and kindles my soul no one can save me in this matter only i can help myself
my sweater keeps me warm when i have a lack of faith and no God to believe in because i am my own savior.