A place more than just a church A journey into faith with salvation being the search Preparing souls for Heaven’s skies The biblical scriptures that surely keeps us wise Songs that lift spirits God who is worthy of praise merits New Jerusalem seeing faith down the road Follow us and observe in behold A walk with thee Jesus who died for me New Jerusalem providing assurance in multitude as we We have a mission at hand It is continued salvation in demand Increase our faith beyond the clouds This is a biblical decree and it is allowed Honor and you shall find comfort Believe and it will the outspoken of joy A moment to cry, but an abundant of praise Your light to shine in people it will amaze The place New Jerusalem Baptist Church No need to search and roam Salvation is New Jerusalem Baptist Church has always known Faith being full accord But the open doors to unbelievers to explore New Jerusalem Baptist Church Saving souls multitudes at a time The motto, “Keep the continued faith and look up to Thine”.