It's been two years But still the thoughts run through my mind Never the whole thing But bits and pieces Here and there.
I've repressed the memory of you. The feel of you against me. The way you talked to me. The sound of your voice. The things we talked about.
I push away from the thoughts Of what happened that night. I can see clearly what happened in the end. But everything from the beginning is gone. I've pushed you out From the darkest recesses of my mind.
I don't want to remember How you treated me. What you tried to force me to do. You coaxing didn't work So you tried being obvious. That didn't work either. Finally you tried by force. By the mercy of my guardian angel I was stronger than you and pushed you away.
Not only have I repressed The memory of you And all that happened that night, I no longer remember your name. I can't even recall the way you look. I thank my angel every night For watching over me And slowly drawing you Completely from my mind