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Nov 2014
drinking in the beauty of fall afternoon
chimes carry your souls song lightly
as you travel the autumn road to
the northern most house
that lay in the silence of the chill air
a windy sunshine had beat
upon its door all day
now night has crept forward to lay siege
darkness crouched at the window
with all its implied intents
inside its rooms
shrouded in silence
you sit in the near darkness
rubbing a free hand on the surface
of the mosaic floor
it forms an image of a woodland in spring
it forms an image of the promise of rebirth
the thoughts of a windy sunshine linger on your heart
here in the stillness of the northern most house
waiting for first light
not knowing what it will reveal
waiting to find out what you will be
the promise of tomorrow
or the tears of yesterday
its quiet in the shadows of the northern most house
where a windy sunshine will
beat upon the door all day
mark john junor
Written by
mark john junor  59/M
     Sjr1000, ---, ---, mark john junor and r
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