God is real because of what October the 31st have shown me.
I've been nuts that's what makes me a human being, cause when your not crazy they tell you stupid things.
I mean stupid things like the cartoon Mickey or yu-gi-oh you know it's there "card games"...
Psychics play the same game but I recognize that the weekend called it mind games.
If your not crazy they place things in your mental so you can become like a beat .. "Instrumental". M.J. Said it a slave to the rythem babe.
I will not dance to the pattern that they want me to play we were made to sing and give praise not dance and not speak only if you were a puppet to what they say.
Calm down zeal I believe your share to much without even knowing there doing, I don't care I pray for you so you can be who God called you to be a Human BEING