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Oct 2014
**** depressed due doubts dance dutifuly

demented dawn deludes detriments

dinning during daunting dissidents

deemed disinterested daft dumb dreamer

don't **** demigods digesting disambiguations

digging down destroying discourses

dally daily doomed deranged

dragged damaged dusted  

damp dark determined

dexedrine dagger

darts denting

dudes don't


dexedrine kills, do drugs not pharmaceuticals.

also make your own if at all possible if not know well your source, chemical analysis is cheep and often discreet if you look for it, people have been using gc-ms for **** sense the Berkly's 420 civil disobedience meetings around the west circle fountain, come to think of it you can get a gas chromatographic mass spectrometer that does most of the work for you at the cost of a new car, if you had considered getting into the business yourself. otherwise 40-80 and a sample obviously gets used, wonder what you would find out about a pharmaceutical.

"this lithium carbonate is 70% cardamom! that cant be right!"

ah brain its a good thing I'm here to keep you in check, cardamom, of all things....
John B
Written by
John B  28/M/Within The Omniverse
(28/M/Within The Omniverse)   
     John B and Erenn
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